Melbourne 1 - Setlist Party!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


ONE love, blood, life
Nov 22, 2004
Canberra, Australia
Hey all,

Come in, sit, relax.

T-minus 2 hours until kick off...

Soundchecked (all by the crew):

Moment of Surrender
Mysterious Ways
Beautiful Day
Miss Sarajevo
Here's to hoping any performance of Desire is full electric.

Not one of those U2 songs that really works acoustic..........

At least not unless its the middle of the set on the Elevation Tour.
Just got a txt from reptile, he's front and centre in the inner circle!

I told him if Bono gets near, he has to give him a big sloppy kiss from me.... :drool:
setlist party time!

when's this sucker going to start, in about 2 or 2.5 hours?

I have no idea if I'll stay awake or not!
General courtesy isn't it? Some people want to see it as it happens?

Never seen a set list party where soundchecks were not discussed. Sometimes, they are discussed at length.

Its not like what is soundchecked will definitely make it to the show anyway, as we well know.

Its not like I posted the entire set list that I got from Dallas to the thread without a spoiler tag.

That would be a breach of general courtesy.

Soundcheck discussion? Not in the least bit.
Never seen a set list party where soundchecks were not discussed. Sometimes, they are discussed at length.

Its not like what is soundchecked will definitely make it to the show anyway, as we well know.

Its not like I posted the entire set list that I got from Dallas to the thread without a spoiler tag.

That would be a breach of general courtesy.

Soundcheck discussion? Not in the least bit.
Lads, lads, bit early to be having a tiff????

Wait at least till the third song, eh? :wink:
Rain tonight. :hmm:

Evening everyone. I saw the weather report on the news and it showed rain for Melbourne guess we will get some rain snippets tonight. Still recovering from last week and am in U2 withdrawals - wish I was going to the Oz concerts like some of the others but guess I will just have to stick to the setlist parties.
there'll be about 400 people tweeting, surely. Ax said he be tweeting when the show starts, his battery is low though
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