I need help

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War Child
Feb 21, 2016
Hey guys I need your help. I'm going to universal studios Hollywood I really want to go on the rides all but one which is the Walking Dead attraction I'm going after when it opens, but I don't want to enter because I get scared. I tried telling them that I'll go anywhere but that attraction but they say that I either go to every ride or not go at all. What should I do?
Excuse me for saying so, but your parents sound like jerks.

They are sorta but that's because they are strict they've always been like this but sometimes it drives me nuts. But they are nice. My mom is into those types of attractions.
have you tried explaining to your parents (perhaps just talking to one of them one-on-one, whichever one you're closer to) that you're scared to go on that particular ride? they might think you're just as excited, especially your mom. i know people can think their enthusiasm is infectious and that everyone is as into something as they are. your mom might have no clue you don't want to do it.
have you tried explaining to your parents (perhaps just talking to one of them one-on-one, whichever one you're closer to) that you're scared to go on that particular ride? they might think you're just as excited, especially your mom. i know people can think their enthusiasm is infectious and that everyone is as into something as they are. your mom might have no clue you don't want to do it.

Actually both of my parents know that I'm scared. I told them that I wanted to go to the Studios but not that ride. I wanted to go before it opens in July 4th but we're going AFTER it opens like a few weeks. They both know me really well.:reject:
Just go, most likely the line at Walking Dead will be ginormous as it is brand new, so your folks will suggest skipping it and problem solved.
Just go, most likely the line at Walking Dead will be ginormous as it is brand new, so your folks will suggest skipping it and problem solved.
You know I thought about that and I'm going on the 22nd of July So that could be a good idea!
Ok I've been scared of Halloween things since I was seven which explains why I don't want to go to the attraction. Zombies always made me shiver, even though they are not real. Sometimes I hate myself for being such a scaredy cat or things sometimes not being fair.:sad::huh::doh:
It's really incredibly simple.

If you don't want to go.

Don't go.

Nobody can physically force you to go if you don't want to. Complainign about it isn't going to make any change at all. Don't go if you don't want to go, people can tell you to go but they can't make you.
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