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Blue Crack Addict
Feb 26, 2007
Anybody watching the new Game of Thrones show? Please discuss!

And as OP, I'll say you don't have to use spoiler tags. They're annoying, and anybody who actively opens this thread and reads it when they don't want to be spoiled is an idiot.
The Dragonstone scene was really fun. Enjoying it a good deal so far.
Watched the first 2 episodes. The daughter is awesome! On HBO Max, they recap the episode right after it's over which is pretty cool.
They did the post-episode recaps with Game of Thrones too and it led to the infamous "Dany kind of forgot about the Iron Fleet" moment. Yikes.
Yeah when the clouds were billowing and you knew it was a motherfucking dragon? Awesome.

They say we might get like 17 dragons at some point in the show.

I don’t watch GoT/HotD for the dragons, but that’s exciting.
What a terrific episode. Great character development for both Daemon and Rhaenyra, also setting up some incredible conflict for the rest of the season.

Also, Master of Complaints is definitely going to enter my vocabulary now.
Agreed. I've become quite frustrated with the writing on this show since the first few episodes. Last night's in particular was one of the weakest so far. Last GoT season bad, with a final scene that makes absolutely no sense.
They keep building these intriguing political dramas and then abruptly abandoning them before they can get going.
Part of the problem seems to be they’re adapting a story (apparently more of a fictional historical account) that spans over two decades before it gets to the civil war. Compare that to each season of Game of Thrones which seemed to span roughly one year.

The writers (including Martin himself) chose to do these massive time jumps between each episode rather than condense the story. This means they’ve managed to sketch out the key players and their history with one another, but at the cost of an engaging dramatic narrative across the season.

We now know all of the main motivations and justifications for the incoming civil war, so hopefully the remaining seasons depicting it will flow more naturally than this choppy prologue. I really don’t think there’s a better way to have adapted this story faithfully, but it then leads to the argument that some stories are best left in their original medium.
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The time jumps are part of it, but I also think the characters and their motivations are in general very poorly developed. It's quite telling that the most endearing character in the show so far - Daemon - is a psychopath. It's all very black and white. Even with the Lannisters back in GoT, there was more complexity in the characters and some balance between the genuinely evil ones like Joffrey and those you cared about like Tyrion (or even Jaime, though I suppose he is similar to Daemon). When you look at the "greens", they are all pretty crude (also unsurprising that Aemond, another seeming psychopath, is the most interesting character on that side). Most of the characters are inferior simulacra from the interesting archetypes from the original series (Alicent/Cersei, Larys/Littlefinger, Otto/Tywin, etc).

And then there's the stuff that makes very little sense other than to advance the story: why was Rhaenys still in Kings Landing? Why did she not end the coup right there at the Dragonpit? Is Layris foot fetish enough to justify killing his father and brother? Why did Rhaenyra leave Kings Landing when her father was clearly dying? And for that matter, why did Rhaenyra basically exile herself for a decade, thus making way for the Hightowers to take hold of Kings Landing? Very little of it makes sense to me.
No argument regarding Otto and Larys, however I think they’ve built up Alicent quite well. She was pushed into her position and subsequently Rhaenyra (not unreasonably) let their friendship sour. She has Otto and Cristan turn her against the princess, but Rhaenyra also gives her enough justification by lying to her face and blatantly producing bastards. She’s terrified her family will be killed in a succession dispute and then one of those bastards takes her true born sons eye out. And then the misunderstanding of Viserys’ last words. I appreciated how after all that she showed compassion for Rhaenyra at the Green Council and was actively pushing for no bloodshed, and that rather than a coup she was following her late husbands wishes.

Rhaenys was waiting to take her brother in laws body back home after he was killed yesterday. Despite the forced spectacle of her exit, which I took as her saying “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me”, she was hardly going to kinslay AND kingslay an entire branch of her family.

It’s very convenient that Rhaenyra and Daemon left in the night after a punch up at a wedding family reunion rather than staying with her obviously dying father. But her being away is the only way this story works.

Overall it’s decent and shows promise now that the time skips should stop. But it’s not a patch on GoT (season 1 and the book) because of inferior characters, settings and plot.

Anyone checking out The Rings of Power? Sorry to say I dropped it after being beyond bored for the first three episodes. Similar to Westworld’s Man in Black I see the internet deduced who Sauron was a month before the finale.
No argument regarding Otto and Larys, however I think they’ve built up Alicent quite well. She was pushed into her position and subsequently Rhaenyra (not unreasonably) let their friendship sour. She has Otto and Cristan turn her against the princess, but Rhaenyra also gives her enough justification by lying to her face and blatantly producing bastards. She’s terrified her family will be killed in a succession dispute and then one of those bastards takes her true born sons eye out. And then the misunderstanding of Viserys’ last words. I appreciated how after all that she showed compassion for Rhaenyra at the Green Council and was actively pushing for no bloodshed, and that rather than a coup she was following her late husbands wishes.

Hard disagree on Alicent. I really like Olivia Cooke's performance, but I think her character is far from fully realized. The time jumps probably didn't help, but the turn on Rhaenyra had no emotional resonance and served for plot advancement more than anything else. She basically hooked up with her best friend's father and yet is mad at her friend for sleeping around?

It feels as though the writers are torn between trying to make the greens the Lannisters of HotD, while trying to make us empathize with Alicent. But the attempts at the latter came too late due to lack of character development early on. The reconciliation with Rhaenyra in episode 8, followed by Alicent misunderstanding Viserys' last wish, and then her conflicted approach in ep 9 screamed "LOOK AT ME, I'M SUCH A COMPLEX AND NUANCED CHARACTER". But that was never believable as she has systematically sought to assert her power pretty bluntly every step of the way until that point. Even her fear of losing her children doesn't come across very well - especially when she basically disowns Aegon. And for a character that is portrayed as cunning and smart, are we to believe that she just didn't notice her father's manipulation or that the behind the stages maneuvering to crown Aegon took place without her knowledge?

Rhaenys was waiting to take her brother in laws body back home after he was killed yesterday. Despite the forced spectacle of her exit, which I took as her saying “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me”, she was hardly going to kinslay AND kingslay an entire branch of her family.

But her dying husband is supposedly on the way home or home already (did they ever confirm his death?), and she's waiting for the body of the guy who tried to take power away from her grandchildren in Driftmark (which she presumably wouldn't even be able to carry on her dragon?). It doesn't make sense to me!

Also, are we to believe that Alicent is afraid that Rhaenyra will kill her daughters and yet Rhaenys is not afraid of what the greens will do to her granddaughters now? For someone who has been portrayed as the person who should have been ruler, she basically put a target on her family and allowed the civil war to start.

It’s very convenient that Rhaenyra and Daemon left in the night after a punch up at a wedding family reunion rather than staying with her obviously dying father. But her being away is the only way this story works.

The last sentence is my problem with the writing. A lot of stuff happens because it serves the plot, not because it is earned in the story. Random characters appear because they are needed. Characters make strange decisions because it advances the plot. But there is no build up, emotional stakes, or earned moments, by and large.

Anyone checking out The Rings of Power? Sorry to say I dropped it after being beyond bored for the first three episodes. Similar to Westworld’s Man in Black I see the internet deduced who Sauron was a month before the finale.

I watched the whole season, and while there were good moments, I wasn't overly impressed.

Andor, on the other hand, is FANTASTIC.
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