Hawaii - December 9 - Part XVIII (Continued)

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Lila - oops! forgot about your daughter. even if you wanna just pop by for a bit you are more than welcome :)

Carmel - you best be there!!! :sexywink:

Thora - thank you SO MUCH for that! good to know :wink:

Trev - thanks for the info about GA! I'm getting there early...like asscrack of dawn early. But honestly it is probably the same time I began my excursion to DC in October last year...so, it's all the same for me!

I just saw the Milan DVD and now I'm pumped!!! I'm so excited! I leave in 8 days! :rockon:
u2bydsea said:
I booked this trip last minute to catch the U-Jam show on the 9th. When I booked flights and bought a ticket to the show I didn't realize it would be extrememly difficult to find a reasonable place to stay on Oahu. I was too excited to think about it. Everything that is still available is upwards of $100 per night. I will be there by myself until the 13th (arriving on the 9th). Does anyone have any advice or perhaps even extra room to share ? Or even if someone is in the same situation I am would they like to share something.

Any advice would be great - thanks.
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Sorry I can't offer you a room, but you might want to check this website - there are lots of people in your same situtation. Good luck!!

Trev, thanks very much for the GA info!

I'm planning to get there very early in the morning. I've already paid for a hotel room for the night of the 8th, so I'm not wasting it by sleeping in a parking lot.

I'm sure there will be a few campers, but they'll probably be all alone for much of the night. In St. Louis last year there were some guys who got to the stadium at around 4:00pm the day prior, and I think they were alone for like 7 hours. I don't want that to be me, especially in Hawaii. :lol:
skjuls said:

Northwest wasn't that great when I flew with them in April.

Only one movie on a long ass flight to Hawaii! Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

Gee thanks that's soooo not what I wanted to hear! :madwife: :wink:

Took this flight as a default because the one I wanted on Delta had raised by $600 and then after I buy this ticket it goes back down again! Just my luck :tsk:

Btw I know this is probably a dumb question but I will ask anyway,lol. When you arrive at the airport where you pick up your connection where do you go to obtain your next boarding pass? I always fly direct so Im not accustomed to all of this.

Oh and Trev thanks for the GA news! As long a Im on the rail Im good! :)

Carmel I hope to see you :sexywink:
They'll give you all of your boarding passes at the same time before your first flight.
Hey Shannon, you should get your boarding passes of all the flights you are taking that day. As to finding out where your plane is, usually one of the people at the gates can tell you, if not, just go to one of those screens and find the matching flight #. Once you get to that gate, be sure to ask just to double check. Sometimes the gates can change at the last minute.
Hey! :wave:

Saturday morning sounds reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal good. Let's hope most people cant stick to it! I'd much rather sleep in my own bed!

And wait, who's flying out of Houston on the 7th? You Kelly? Are you on flight 73?

So excited! :hyper:
redhotswami said:
Hey Shannon, you should get your boarding passes of all the flights you are taking that day. As to finding out where your plane is, usually one of the people at the gates can tell you, if not, just go to one of those screens and find the matching flight #. Once you get to that gate, be sure to ask just to double check. Sometimes the gates can change at the last minute.

Oh ok thanks Mia and Mads :). See what happens when you get so spoiled by flying direct all of the time? lol. Thanks for the tip too about the gate. Last thing I want to do is miss my connection! Hopefully I encounter friendly people :wink:
skjuls said:

That was KLM!! hehehe!!

Northwest didn't have any TVs on the back of the seats in April from Minn to Honolulu.

KLM doesn't fly to DTW...so half of her flight was on NWA!

NW is currently flying DC-10s non-stop from MSP to HNL. These are the last commercially scheduled DC-10s flying right now. You will be some of the last people to fly these planes before they retire...kinda cool knowing how long they've been around.

NW has already pulled these planes off of there International routes, and will retire it off of the MSP-HNL route in Jan.

THEN, NW will have planes with individual screens on all the seatbacks on the MSP-HNL route. :D

Those who are flying the 767s to HNL are also flying on a "retiring" aircraft. :(
Quick question... Has any other venue on the entire tour allowed lining up the day before the show? Seems like an unnecessary security expense for the venue.
u2wedge said:
Quick question... Has any other venue on the entire tour allowed lining up the day before the show? Seems like an unnecessary security expense for the venue.

Chicago, definitely. The UC director himself would come out and speak to everyone, tell us as long as we behaved we had his permission to be there and use the porta-johns. I even saw him turning away local police. We got there early afternoon Sept. 19 for the Sept 20 show and there was never any problems.
Thora - thanks for info on shuttle to and from airport. That was helpful. Roberts bus company is getting us too and from the stadium. They've been good to work with.

Hey Miroslava. It's good to see you online again! Hope to actually meet you this time around. :wave:
dude, I know that.

Geez. I was saying that most of her goodies was probably due to KLM.

I have practically flown on most airlines.

European ones are better than ours. In fact, Maleev is better than some of ours, Czech is better.

I was on the MSP to HNL flight in April. Bored out of my mind.

Anyway, I usually love to fly. I have been on some scary flights too. A Russian airline from Bulgaria to Cairo. Scary!

zoney! said:

KLM doesn't fly to DTW...so half of her flight was on NWA!

NW is currently flying DC-10s non-stop from MSP to HNL. These are the last commercially scheduled DC-10s flying right now. You will be some of the last people to fly these planes before they retire...kinda cool knowing how long they've been around.

NW has already pulled these planes off of there International routes, and will retire it off of the MSP-HNL route in Jan.

THEN, NW will have planes with individual screens on all the seatbacks on the MSP-HNL route. :D

Those who are flying the 767s to HNL are also flying on a "retiring" aircraft. :(
skjuls said:
dude, I know that.

Geez. I was saying that most of her goodies was probably due to KLM.

I have practically flown on most airlines.

European ones are better than ours. In fact, Maleev is better than some of ours, Czech is better.

The KLM flight Dar es Salaam to Amsterdam did not have personal TVs, just a few on the side that they never got to work, but they were the nicer flight attendants. The flight from Amsterdam to DTW did have personal TVs and did give us meals, but I don't remember if that was still KLM. I thought not, b/c KLM does the Amsterdam-Arusha-Dar es Salaam triangle we were riding for and then we changed planes to Northwest.

Since I never fly, I have no clue what's considered good or bad service. Either way, I figure it's better than a 30 hour one-way road trip I do twice a year. As long as I know not to expect food, I'll just bring my own. Movies I can take or leave.
Miroslava said:
Hey! :wave:

Saturday morning sounds reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal good. Let's hope most people cant stick to it! I'd much rather sleep in my own bed!

And wait, who's flying out of Houston on the 7th? You Kelly? Are you on flight 73?

So excited! :hyper:

Good to see you online again :wave:
Excited here too :hyper:

Is there any way a thread for Hawaii can be started, like we had going back before the tour was postponed. A list where you post who is going and locate (GA, seat,...). I only ask because it would be nice to know who's going, all in one thread/post :wink: Especially since this thread is almost at post-limit
Liesje said:

The KLM flight Dar es Salaam to Amsterdam did not have personal TVs, just a few on the side that they never got to work, but they were the nicer flight attendants. The flight from Amsterdam to DTW did have personal TVs and did give us meals, but I don't remember if that was still KLM. I thought not, b/c KLM does the Amsterdam-Arusha-Dar es Salaam triangle we were riding for and then we changed planes to Northwest.

Since I never fly, I have no clue what's considered good or bad service. Either way, I figure it's better than a 30 hour one-way road trip I do twice a year. As long as I know not to expect food, I'll just bring my own. Movies I can take or leave.

Very true. I miss the good old days when they fed you a lot. Although I haven't been overseas since 911 so I'm not sure how those have changed.

Thai Air is super nice. I thought I was in Heaven. I like entertainment since my entertainment devices might go kaput due to batteries and plus I'm flying along so I need to keep myself entertained. I can never sleep on a flight. Very rarely do I catch much good sleep anyhow.

However, I believe overseas flights to other countries sometimes have better service. As I said before AA from toyko to Texas which so good.

No matter. I get on my flight at 8:30 am on Dec 6th.

My 30th B day! :sad:
Liesje said:

Chicago, definitely. The UC director himself would come out and speak to everyone, tell us as long as we behaved we had his permission to be there and use the porta-johns. I even saw him turning away local police. We got there early afternoon Sept. 19 for the Sept 20 show and there was never any problems.

I figured there were probably a few that did, but I was wondering if it was an exception rather than the rule.

Well, I guess we'll see how things shake out. The only way I'd consider sleeping out over night is if my hotel bed is harder than a concrete sidewalk! lol. Anything's possible I suppose.
u2wedge said:

I figured there were probably a few that did, but I was wondering if it was an exception rather than the rule.

Well, I guess we'll see how things shake out. The only way I'd consider sleeping out over night is if my hotel bed is harder than a concrete sidewalk! lol. Anything's possible I suppose.

Again it depends on the venue and how they want to handle the line. Boston gave out wristbands at 8 am the day of the concert.

DC wasn't too bad.

Monterrey : thousand of people lined up the night before. It was a fun party albeit very cold so I don't mind waiting in line for hours in Hawaii.
I think where Hawaii doesn't get too many huge concerts, they will definitely make concerted effort to make this whole experience smooth for fans and the band.
u2wedge said:

I figured there were probably a few that did, but I was wondering if it was an exception rather than the rule.

Yeah, most venues officially did not allow it, but when push came to shove, didn't really get in the way. I should have said I also spent the night out in Pittsburgh, with April and Miroslava. We got there at 10pm and asked the guard on duty if we could line up by the GA gate and he said he didn't care. I believe people spent the night in St. Louis, but I didn't get there until 6am. Auburn Hills was REALLY strict and they are surrounded by highway, so there were lines formed off property that moved on as late as 2pm. We won't get into how (NOT) well that went down...
Liesje said:

Yeah, most venues officially did not allow it, but when push came to shove, didn't really get in the way. I should have said I also spent the night out in Pittsburgh, with April and Miroslava. We got there at 10pm and asked the guard on duty if we could line up by the GA gate and he said he didn't care. I believe people spent the night in St. Louis, but I didn't get there until 6am. Auburn Hills was REALLY strict and they are surrounded by highway, so there were lines formed off property that moved on as late as 2pm. We won't get into how (NOT) well that went down...

Weren't there videos of that highway crossing? :yikes:
Lila64 said:
Jules - I take it you are camping out :shifty:

Well all my roommates are camping out so I better camp out too!


It'll be a party!!

Plus I want rail. I'm short so I need rail. Plus I've been spoiled.

For 98% of my u2 shows for Vertigo I have had Rail, there were only 2 shows that I didn't have rail so .................

Plus, I know you want rail!! You have good reasons too!
Lila64 said:
yes Jules, but I don't need front row rail. I just need a good rail with a view :wink:

I don't have to have front rail either.
Most will go for the B stages first.

heads up people at front rail, you will need sunglasses. I swear when I was dead center in Monterrey I was blinded for 4 songs. Bright lights in my eyes!! LOL!
The rail at this event will probably hold more people than filled the ellipse in an arena. There is the inside of the ramps and the outside of the ramps along with the front of the main stage. Of course, you may not get the exact spot where you want on the rail. Rail also guarantees the being the last thing the sway of the crowd hits before the barriers.

Maybe people will walk in a 630pm and see everyone huddled around each headphone.:wink:
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