Happy Labor Day!

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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 4, 2003
the West Coast
hope everyone's enjoying the day off and is able to take a moment to be thankful for the wonderful things that unions built: sick leave, child labor laws, safer working conditions, and the weekend.

enjoy the day!
I went away to the beach for a few days, too crowded but I still enjoyed it. That's why I like going away later in Sept when kids are back in school.

Gorgeous weather here all weekend.
I got up at 5AM to work out, then worked for a few hours and then had a party at my house involving watching The Guild, playing Magic and then watching some dumb funny movie.
I think the weekend owes more to Henry Ford than to unions, but I hope everyone had a good one none the less
hope everyone's enjoying the day off and is able to take a moment to be thankful for the wonderful things that unions built: sick leave, child labor laws, safer working conditions, and the weekend.

enjoy the day!
even if occasionally some parts of a union go bad. :(

god, i remember TV adverts about wearing clothes with "the union Label " on them.. i was pretty young so i don't think i "got" it at that point.
i think this was def way before Reagen.

Thanks. My boss has me and my kids ripping asbestos out of our old lead smelting facility today. He says I have to make up the days I missed for my emergency appendectomy.

ugh! Are you wearing protective gear?!

Unfortunately Pres Reagen helped to set about the destruction of Unions.
And often when (most) Republicans back then controlled 2 of 3 branches of our government: Leglislative (House of Reps & Senate)/Executive often EITHER they'd cut inspectors for all manner of work safety, wages etc /Or Underfund what inspectors were there since Reagen.
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