global pandemic

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Now back in reality land - Asking for a little assistance. My wife falls into the category of non-traditional loss of employment due to Covid-19, under the new Cares act, pandemic unemployment assistance. I google and google, and find articles that lay out the details, but nowhere do they say where and how to actually apply for it. Since this is a federal program, funded through them, i would assume that it is separate from state unemployment.
Anyway, if anyone runs across any official .gov site where you can apply, can you please hit me up?

thank you!
Wow this is some ground breaking shit! Every governor and mayor in the country all decided to get together in a secret meeting and decide to extort the government for something they have always wanted... face masks and respirators. bwaahahahahahaaaa... Oh yes. This has been a plan a loooong time in the making. And it is finally coming to fruition.

All they had to do was hold super secret meetings with China over a year ago, and get them to create a virus that would crash the global economy and kill tens of thousands of people. Then once it reached the US, They would jump into action.

Sure the state and cities would lose millions, some billions of dollars and send unemployment to record levels and shutter businesses and schools for a long period of time, maybe shattering their state and local budgets for years to come, but that's ok. They will finally receive those sweet sweet respirators and facemasks!!!!

And the best part is that they won't even really use them, because you know, it's only like 5 more people a day that the hospitals are having to take care of. They just want to hold this medical equipment in large storage facilities and go sit and look at it while they have a glass of scotch and cigar, satisfied that the plan all fell into place.

I’m shocked, as usual u miss the point completely. The point is that the amount of deaths and hospitalizations in New York is no different than in other years, and in California, and in Illinois, but these poorly run states will now use the Corona pandemic to get millions of dollars from the Federal Government ( I.e. the taxpayers, i. e. Us) to cover their mismanagement of their state .

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”, right?

Now Womanfish, back to Fantasy Island.....
I’m shocked, as usual u miss the point completely. The point is that the amount of deaths and hospitalizations in New York is no different than in other years, and in California, and in Illinois, but these poorly run states will now use the Corona pandemic to get millions of dollars from the Federal Government ( I.e. the taxpayers, i. e. Us) to cover their mismanagement of their state .

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”, right?

Now Womanfish, back to Fantasy Island.....

So you can’t do math, you can’t do economics, and now it seems you don’t understand how to make simple measurements.

Curious. Physics and engineering realm here. Do you understand the concept of spatial resolution? How about temporal resolution? Do you understand how these types of measurements are not comparable, despite sharing the same variables?

To put that into more direct words: you do realize that this is a time dependent problem, right?

How you can’t wrap your tiny little skull around that is fucking worrisome.
I’m shocked, as usual u miss the point completely. The point is that the amount of deaths and hospitalizations in New York is no different than in other years, and in California, and in Illinois, but these poorly run states will now use the Corona pandemic to get millions of dollars from the Federal Government ( I.e. the taxpayers, i. e. Us) to cover their mismanagement of their state .

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”, right?

Now Womanfish, back to Fantasy Island.....

These poorly run states? LOL. oooook. You do realize that Lousiana, GA, TX and FL are going to massive pits of despair shortly right? The only thing that is keeping the mountain and plains states of the west at a lower level is because of population density.

Let's take my ol' state of FL for example. No doubt Trump has been on the phone with his little pocket pal DeSantis this past couple weeks telling him to keep testing at a minimum so it doesn't look like there are many cases. You know, he needs Doral to open up as soon as possible.
They've done about 40,000 tests total. NY does 18,000 a day. THAT is why NY looks like it is this crazy hotspot (along with having the most densly populated metro area in the country). If FL tested at the same rate, they would have as many or more positives there.

LN7 is right. You just aren't capable of wrapping your head around the variables of what's going on here. To you, it's those poorly run blue states. and that's all you can allow yourself to see. I look forward to you coming back when FL, with 25% of their population over 60, is reeling from this. And hearing what you have to say.
There are those people, when you say, "Tomorrow, this place will be hit by a hurricane.", they'll look out the window and say, "You are lying, the sky is blue."

People who argue economics a lot shouldn't be strangers to phenomena of time lags. You combine exponential growth with an incubation time of seven to ten days, and you should automatically refrain from statements based on observations of yesterday or today. Just like you can't say any measure put in place yesterday is or isn't working by looking at today's number of newly discoverd cases, you can't take figures from the beginning of an epidemic and say, "Well, it's not that bad."

Considering further the huge negative economic effects of the measures taken by the cities and states including New York and New Jersey, I find it amazing that this was done in order to rake in "millions of dollars from the Federal Government ". I guess they also managed to convince Italy to completely overwhelm its entire health infrastructure to lend their argument more credibility. In true Socialist fashion, the rest of Europe of course supported the Italian charade, Spain and the east of France especially. We are looking forward to receiving a cheque of a few hundred thousand dollars from Gov. Cuomo.

Not to forget China, who started by locking up 11 million people in a city, so some US States can lose billions in revenues in return for millions in Federal aid. Ingenious.
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According to Cuomo, over the last two weeks, the rate of hospitalizations in NY has slowed from doubling every 2 days to doubling every 6 days. Big improvement for sure.
There are those people, when you say, "Tomorrow, this place will be hit by a hurricane.", they'll look out the window and say, "You are lying, the sky is blue."

People who argue economics a lot shouldn't be strangers to phenomena of time lags. You combine exponential growth with an incubation time of seven to ten days, and you should automatically refrain from statements based on observations of yesterday or today. Just like you can't say any measure put in place yesterday is or isn't working by looking at today's number of newly discoverd cases, you can't take figures from the beginning of an epidemic and say, "Well, it's not that bad."

Considering further the huge negative economic effects of the measures taken by the cities and states including New York and New Jersey, I find it amazing that this was done in order to rake in "millions of dollars from the Federal Government ". I guess they also managed to convince Italy to completely overwhelm its entire health infrastructure to lend their argument more credibility. In true Socialist fashion, the rest of Europe of course supported the Italian charade, Spain and the east of France especially. We are looking forward to receiving a cheque of a few hundred thousand dollars from Gov. Cuomo.

Not to forget China, who started by locking up 11 million people in a city, so some US States can lose billions in revenues in return for millions in Federal aid. Ingenious.

Back to fantasy land with you!
According to Cuomo, over the last two weeks, the rate of hospitalizations in NY has slowed from doubling every 2 days to doubling every 6 days. Big improvement for sure.

This is what will save us. Ourselves.

Gzus is such a Christian. Really. The god you believe in must be so proud of your anger and selfishness.
I’m shocked, as usual u miss the point completely. The point is that the amount of deaths and hospitalizations in New York is no different than in other years, and in California, and in Illinois, but these poorly run states will now use the Corona pandemic to get millions of dollars from the Federal Government ( I.e. the taxpayers, i. e. Us) to cover their mismanagement of their state .

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”, right?

Now Womanfish, back to Fantasy Island.....

This coming from the same guy who had the nerve to mock others here for lack of logical thought. Okay, then.

Wow this is some ground breaking shit! Every governor and mayor in the country all decided to get together in a secret meeting and decide to extort the government for something they have always wanted... face masks and respirators. bwaahahahahahaaaa... Oh yes. This has been a plan a loooong time in the making. And it is finally coming to fruition.

All they had to do was hold super secret meetings with China over a year ago, and get them to create a virus that would crash the global economy and kill tens of thousands of people. Then once it reached the US, They would jump into action.

Sure the state and cities would lose millions, some billions of dollars and send unemployment to record levels and shutter businesses and schools for a long period of time, maybe shattering their state and local budgets for years to come, but that's ok. They will finally receive those sweet sweet respirators and facemasks!!!!

And the best part is that they won't even really use them, because you know, it's only like 5 more people a day that the hospitals are having to take care of. They just want to hold this medical equipment in large storage facilities and go sit and look at it while they have a glass of scotch and cigar, satisfied that the plan all fell into place.

I love you :love:.
This coming from the same guy who had the nerve to mock others here for lack of logical thought. Okay, then.

Explain to me how this is not logical.....not saying anything about the importance of containing and protecting each other, just that the amount of deaths and hospitalizations in New York aren’t much different than other years, but the only number being reported is coronavirus, and that the emergency in lack of hospitals is also not new, but pretending it is will get a nice Federal bailout
Wow this is some ground breaking shit! Every governor and mayor in the country all decided to get together in a secret meeting and decide to extort the government for something they have always wanted... face masks and respirators. bwaahahahahahaaaa... Oh yes. This has been a plan a loooong time in the making. And it is finally coming to fruition.

All they had to do was hold super secret meetings with China over a year ago, and get them to create a virus that would crash the global economy and kill tens of thousands of people. Then once it reached the US, They would jump into action.

Sure the state and cities would lose millions, some billions of dollars and send unemployment to record levels and shutter businesses and schools for a long period of time, maybe shattering their state and local budgets for years to come, but that's ok. They will finally receive those sweet sweet respirators and facemasks!!!!

And the best part is that they won't even really use them, because you know, it's only like 5 more people a day that the hospitals are having to take care of. They just want to hold this medical equipment in large storage facilities and go sit and look at it while they have a glass of scotch and cigar, satisfied that the plan all fell into place.

BTW, you were right about “tens of thousands dying”, I was wrong . I apologize, thought we would have more of a handle around it sooner
Just so we can all keep tabs on how great Trump is doing through this.

Just today,

Said doctors and nurses that are risking their lives every day just to try and save others, are stealing masks and shields and selling them.

Called a black reporter "you people" an accused her of threatening him

Said that " the professionals" wanted to quarentine NY, NJ, and CT, but he talked them out of it.

And said that they would consider 100,000 deaths, a "win"

I can't express the depth's of my rage about this fucking POS sociopath. He is like a pile of shit that a dog eats, and then pukes up and then another dog comes and pisses on it. That's Trump.
I’m shocked, as usual u miss the point completely. The point is that the amount of deaths and hospitalizations in New York is no different than in other years, and in California, and in Illinois, but these poorly run states will now use the Corona pandemic to get millions of dollars from the Federal Government ( I.e. the taxpayers, i. e. Us) to cover their mismanagement of their state .

“Never let a good crisis go to waste”, right?

Now Womanfish, back to Fantasy Island.....

How can you even say that?

It can't be the same amount of yearly deaths on average because in addition to the usual (with some fluctuation) of flu, and pneumonia cases per year we here in NYC already have x numbers of people in the hospital with covid19, and soon in the next several weeks the number of cases is going to shoot up fairly drastically.

WHAT don't you get about that.
Before replies also mentioning that NYC often sends so much money to the Federal Gov that that money goes to the poorer States - many being in The South. See

You (and Candace Owens) have got to be kidding. You think what's happening is no big deal?
Don't know where you live, but it's going to come your way soon enough if it hasn't already.
Anybody who is trying to politicize this really ought to take a hard look at what's happening and realize how awful a person that makes them.

Wow this is some ground breaking shit! Every governor and mayor in the country all decided to get together in a secret meeting and decide to extort the government for something they have always wanted... face masks and respirators. bwaahahahahahaaaa... Oh yes. This has been a plan a loooong time in the making. And it is finally coming to fruition.

All they had to do was hold super secret meetings with China over a year ago, and get them to create a virus that would crash the global economy and kill tens of thousands of people. Then once it reached the US, They would jump into action.

Sure the state and cities would lose millions, some billions of dollars and send unemployment to record levels and shutter businesses and schools for a long period of time, maybe shattering their state and local budgets for years to come, but that's ok. They will finally receive those sweet sweet respirators and facemasks!!!!

And the best part is that they won't even really use them, because you know, it's only like 5 more people a day that the hospitals are having to take care of. They just want to hold this medical equipment in large storage facilities and go sit and look at it while they have a glass of scotch and cigar, satisfied that the plan all fell into place.
:ohmy: :eek: :panic: They found out!!!111

There are those people, when you say, "Tomorrow, this place will be hit by a hurricane.", they'll look out the window and say, "You are lying, the sky is blue."
Very good analogy!

According to Cuomo, over the last two weeks, the rate of hospitalizations in NY has slowed from doubling every 2 days to doubling every 6 days. Big improvement for sure.
Wow. :up:
I've barely listened to the news today so I hadn't heard. That is some good news for flattening the curve here in NYC.

Just so we can all keep tabs on how great Trump is doing through this.

Just today,

Said doctors and nurses that are risking their lives every day just to try and save others, are stealing masks and shields and selling them.

Called a black reporter "you people" an accused her of threatening him

Said that " the professionals" wanted to quarentine NY, NJ, and CT, but he talked them out of it.

And said that they would consider 100,000 deaths, a "win"

I can't express the depth's of my rage about this fucking POS sociopath. He is like a pile of shit that a dog eats, and then pukes up and then another dog comes and pisses on it. That's Trump.

A " 'win' " ? :gah:

Along with all the stuff you've listed. :|
This coming from the same guy who had the nerve to mock others here for lack of logical thought. Okay, then.

Explain to me how this is not logical.....not saying anything about the importance of containing and protecting each other, just that the amount of deaths and hospitalizations in New York aren’t much different than other years, but the only number being reported is coronavirus, and that the emergency in lack of hospitals is also not new, but pretending it is will get a nice Federal bailout

Ok for dumb people:
64 (yesterday)
128 (today)
256 (tomorrow)

Do you notice how the numbers go up?
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Explain to me how this is not logical.....not saying anything about the importance of containing and protecting each other, just that the amount of deaths and hospitalizations in New York aren’t much different than other years, but the only number being reported is coronavirus, and that the emergency in lack of hospitals is also not new, but pretending it is will get a nice Federal bailout

Your insinuation that they are "pretending", or trying to fudge things to "get a nice federal bailout", or other bullshit like that, is what's not logical. Do I seriously need to explain why that is to you? Are you honestly that incapable of understanding what the problem is with your language here? It is dangerous, insulting, disrespectful, ignorant, ridiculous...the list of descriptions can go on and on.

So I will tell you once again: Unless you actually have the balls to say this stuff directly to the people being immediately impacted by this crisis, then I strongly suggest you quit. Spewing. This. Crap. NOW.

Just so we can all keep tabs on how great Trump is doing through this.

Just today,

Said doctors and nurses that are risking their lives every day just to try and save others, are stealing masks and shields and selling them.

Called a black reporter "you people" an accused her of threatening him

Said that " the professionals" wanted to quarentine NY, NJ, and CT, but he talked them out of it.

And said that they would consider 100,000 deaths, a "win"

I can't express the depth's of my rage about this fucking POS sociopath. He is like a pile of shit that a dog eats, and then pukes up and then another dog comes and pisses on it. That's Trump.

I saw a clip on "Last Week Tonight" earlier (yes, they have thankfully found a way to return and do new shows) where Trump was doing his usual "Some people might be doing stuff to try and ruin my reelection chances" bullshit or whatever., and I wanted to just bitchslap him so hard. These latest quotes just further prove he needs a cold hard dose of karma.

I am dead serious when I say we cannot wait until November at this point. What in the hell is it going to take to get him the fuck out of here already?
Explain to me how this is not logical.....not saying anything about the importance of containing and protecting each other, just that the amount of deaths and hospitalizations in New York aren’t much different than other years, but the only number being reported is coronavirus, and that the emergency in lack of hospitals is also not new, but pretending it is will get a nice Federal bailout
Here's what you seem to fail to grasp...its not the same number of folks in NYC dying. These Covid-19 deaths are happening in addition to all the other "normal" deaths in the affected areas, and the numbers of the Covid-19 deaths are growing at an exponential rate (see LN7's very simplified example above).
Even Trump yesterday said the peak of deaths is 2 weeks out still, imagine the amount who have died already and that rate is going to increase daily for at least the next 2 weeks.
If you can't understand at least a little how serious this situation is, then you are a lost cause or more likely you're just here to cause a stir.
The Right’s talking point will always shift. Now they’ll use the early projections that they claimed to be a hoax as a reason Trump is amazing.

“This virus was projected to kill millions!! Because of Donald Trump’s leadership he saved so many lives. He did what he could to limit the death to the hundreds of thousands. This virus was so much more deadly than the Dems wanted you to believe. Calling it just the flu and risking lives by keeping small businesses and churches open!!!”
Just so we can all keep tabs on how great Trump is doing through this.

Just today,

Said doctors and nurses that are risking their lives every day just to try and save others, are stealing masks and shields and selling them.

Called a black reporter "you people" an accused her of threatening him

Said that " the professionals" wanted to quarentine NY, NJ, and CT, but he talked them out of it.

And said that they would consider 100,000 deaths, a "win"

I can't express the depth's of my rage about this fucking POS sociopath. He is like a pile of shit that a dog eats, and then pukes up and then another dog comes and pisses on it. That's Trump.

How about tweeting about the ratings for his task force briefings being so high and beating The Bachelor and whatever other shows he mentioned. While people are sick and dying. While people are living every day in fear of losing elderly and immune compromised loved ones. While people at wondering how they're going to survive financially and how they're going to keep eating and keep a roof over their head.

He is tweeting about his ratings. Just what you want from a leader, a President , during these dire times.

He is a narcissistic useless waste of space. But be careful what you say about him Womanfish. You're probably not targeted though. Yes I'll say it in all caps I DONT KNOW HOW ANY HUMAN CAN DEFEND SUCH SHAMEFUL BEHAVIOR AND ITS NOT AS IF IT'S A ONE OFF.
Trump is allegedly giving the FL governor everything he is requesting. The FL governor who is one of the biggest Trump supporters among governors. The FL governor who allowed crowded beaches to stay open during Spring break, but now wants to blame New Yorkers and people from other states for traveling to FL and causing virus outbreaks.

Trump says DeSantis is being "aggressive" in asking for what his state needs. I'm sure all the governors are doing the same. I believe that is code for praising Trump over the phone, kissing his ass, and stroking his ego. While people are sick and dying.

Oh and the governor of Michigan has a name and a title, she's not "that woman from Michigan". Perhaps women especially have to grovel, that tends to be an expectation of misogynists.
Oh and the governor of Michigan has a name and a title, she's not "that woman from Michigan". Perhaps women especially have to grovel, that tends to be an expectation of misogynists.

I hope that all "those women" from Michigan show up to vote his ass out in November.
It’s clear to me, but idc if he stirs me up. I literally won’t call anyone else a dumbass, regardless of their political views. Just because he’s trying to cause a stir doesn’t mean he’s secretly smarter than what garbage he sores out. He’s not, those are still his views.
According to Cuomo, over the last two weeks, the rate of hospitalizations in NY has slowed from doubling every 2 days to doubling every 6 days. Big improvement for sure.

Hearing sirens all the time through my window has been so depressing these past few days. The hospital where my son was born a year ago has set up tents now for a field hospital across the street in Central Park. But the idiot-in-chief says everything is fine.

Given the usual 2 week delay between action on social distancing and results, we should start seeing some improvement now. The new cases are leveling off but so are new tests.
Here's what you seem to fail to grasp...its not the same number of folks in NYC dying. These Covid-19 deaths are happening in addition to all the other "normal" deaths in the affected areas, and the numbers of the Covid-19 deaths are growing at an exponential rate (see LN7's very simplified example above).
Even Trump yesterday said the peak of deaths is 2 weeks out still, imagine the amount who have died already and that rate is going to increase daily for at least the next 2 weeks.
If you can't understand at least a little how serious this situation is, then you are a lost cause or more likely you're just here to cause a stir.
In agreement. I like you added the red to your post on "in addition" (former graphic designer, continuing artist). I just bolded it

The Right’s talking point will always shift. Now they’ll use the early projections that they claimed to be a hoax as a reason Trump is amazing.

“This virus was projected to kill millions!! Because of Donald Trump’s leadership he saved so many lives. He did what he could to limit the death to the hundreds of thousands. This virus was so much more deadly than the Dems wanted you to believe. Calling it just the flu and risking lives by keeping small businesses and churches open!!!”

Yeah, they'll always come up with something. :| :crack:
How about tweeting about the ratings for his task force briefings being so high and beating The Bachelor and whatever other shows he mentioned. While people are sick and dying. While people are living every day in fear of losing elderly and immune compromised loved ones. While people at wondering how they're going to survive financially and how they're going to keep eating and keep a roof over their head.

He is tweeting about his ratings. Just what you want from a leader, a President , during these dire times.

He is a narcissistic useless waste of space. But be careful what you say about him Womanfish. You're probably not targeted though. Yes I'll say it in all caps I DONT KNOW HOW ANY HUMAN CAN DEFEND SUCH SHAMEFUL BEHAVIOR AND ITS NOT AS IF IT'S A ONE OFF.
Sociopathic narcissist. (degrees of narcissisim?)
Maybe they think they won't get sick, and that it also tied into (maybe) into their racism /or misogyny so they semi-unconciously won't criticize him. Beyond shameful!

Trump is allegedly giving the FL governor everything he is requesting. The FL governor who is one of the biggest Trump supporters among governors. The FL governor who allowed crowded beaches to stay open during Spring break, but now wants to blame New Yorkers and people from other states for traveling to FL and causing virus outbreaks.

Trump says DeSantis is being "aggressive" in asking for what his state needs. I'm sure all the governors are doing the same. I believe that is code for praising Trump over the phone, kissing his ass, and stroking his ego. While people are sick and dying.

Oh and the governor of Michigan has a name and a title, she's not "that woman from Michigan". Perhaps women especially have to grovel, that tends to be an expectation of misogynists.
Uggfh, all around. :|

I hope that all "those women" from Michigan show up to vote his ass out in November.
YES! :lol: :fingers crossed:

Hearing sirens all the time through my window has been so depressing these past few days. Thehospital where my son was born a year ago has set up tents now for a field hospital across the street in Central Park. But the idiot-in-chief says everything is fine.

Given the usual 2 week delay between action on social distancing and results, we should start seeing some improvement now. The new cases are leveling off but so are new tests.

Oh, sorry to hear that, gump. :(
I'm in The Bronx. Seems the neighborhood south of me has the highest # of cases in my burrough. I haven't really heard an increase in ambulance sirens as of yet. Stay safe!
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