Embarrassing childhood stories.

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The Fly
Feb 6, 2005
I remember when I was 5-years-old, like many people of that age, I had a love of candy, chocolate and various sugared sweets. So one day I walked into my parent’s room and saw this jar filled with (what I thought) was delicious looking candy. I then decided to consume HALF of the bottles contents. I found out that day that it wasn’t candy that I ate at all. It was my dad’s SLEEPING PILLS! :scream:

My horrified parents rushed me into the emergency room of the local hospital where the doctors injected some strange liquid on me that caused my body to vomit out all of the things that I ate that day, including the sleeping pills.

So does anyone have any embarrassing stories from their innocent childhood? CONFESS!
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Well I have one of my son.

When he was three and 1/2, my husband was packing for a one day business trip. He left his suitcase on the bed I guess my son decided to help Daddy pack...so he put a crow bar in Daddy's carry on. My husband was stopped and questioned by the airport police security for carrying a "blunt weapon " on a plane. Luckily my husband's plane was an hour late and he made it just in time.
They confiscated the crow bar. We did not know our little guy had done this. My husband kept on thinking boy my carry on feels kinda heavy.
Halifax said:
I remember when I was 5-years-old, like many people of that age, I had a love of candy, chocolate and various sugared sweets. So one day I walked into my parent’s room and saw this jar filled with (what I thought) was delicious looking candy. I then decided to consume HALF of the bottles contents. I found out that day that it wasn’t candy that I ate at all. It was my dad’s SLEEPING PILLS! :scream:

My horrified parents rushed me into the emergency room of the local hospital where the doctors injected some strange liquid on me that caused my body to vomit out all of the things that I ate that day, including the sleeping pills.

So does anyone have any embarrassing stories from their innocent childhood? CONFESS!
That would be so scary....Do remember that well? I'd need therapy
Well....more than I already need :whistle:

Apparently when I was a kid, I would announce that I had to pee.
I'd just say "gotta pee" before I left the room.

Sadly, I still do that a lot because I hate ppl asking "where are you going?" when I leave my seat (I have friends with abandonment issues apparently) So I just eliminate that by saying "I'm gonna go piss"

It's not so bad until I forget that I'm at work and say it.

My favorite story actually involved my sister...and it embarrassed my dad more than her. :wink:

My dad and my sister were at a crowded gas station...I don't know how old she was, but she was fairly young. She had been watching this Garfield special a lot lately, and there's a part where Garfield was pretending to be Igor and was responding to Jon with a "Yes, master!" My sister was hanging out the truck window, and Dad told her to get back in the truck. She yelled, "Yes, master!" People turned to look at the horrible man who makes his daughter call him "master". :lol: And it got worse. Well, you know how dads will playfully wrestle with their kids? Our dad did that with us. So after my sister got back in the truck, she hollered out, "Daddy, when we get home, will you beat me up again?" :lmao:
I have a ton of these...I was easily the stupidest kid I know :lol:

When my mom would take me shopping at the mall or the grocery store I would randomly pick some stranger, start talking to them, and follow them right out of the store to their cars. My mom would be trying to run after me and I never really got the hint that it wasn't ok to talk to and follow strangers :laugh:

Another thing, we had one of those plastic slides in our backyard and every morning for like a week straight one summer my mom tells me I would take off all my clothes and stand on the top of it looking out at all the neighbours. Looks like I was an exhibitionist! :lmao:
I tripped and fell down the stairs, not once, but twice, when I was six years old. Guess I didn't learn to watch my step the first time. :der:

We used to have the most gorgeous Irish Setter, but she was too wild so finally my parents decided to give her away. I was understandably upset, until the woman of the couple who had come over to take her did some quick thinking and pulled out some McDonald's coupons out of her purse. She told me that I could have them if we let Princess go home with them. Through my tears, I sniffled a bit before reaching out for them and saying, "OK!" Gee, so loyal was I, lol.

There are pictures of my streaking days in old photo albums that should be burned. I think one summer I went without clothing altogher. :tsk: :shh:
Speaking of going w.o. clothing....my horrifying story was in summer camp. I hated going to camp for a variety of reasons, and this was one of the first nightmarish things that happened:

I must have been around 9 or 10...old enough to know better. I was an extremely innocent child and since I have a laid back family that during the summer was known to walk around naked when skinny dipping, or just getting changed to go swimming, I had no idea that there was anything embarassing about it.

Well, I was in my cabin at camp, changing out of my swimming clothes. I realised that I had left my towel outside on the line. There was no one around so I thought I'd run out quickly to get it and run back in again. Unfortunately there was a group of kids coming that I didn't see, and I think they were boys.

I hear "OMG there's a naked girl over there! Get her!!" I nearly died and I ran around to the back of the cabin and hid. I have no idea why they didn't follow or find me, but eventually the coast was clear and I went back in. I learned a major lesson that day.

Ugh, it still makes me sick to my stomach remembering it.
Jess! :ohmy: :lmao:

I was kind of a dumb little kid so I have many, many stories.

When I was 2 or 3, my grandpa was holding me while we stood in line for a ride at Disneyland and I pulled one his ears back and yelled "hey Pa, you've got a bunch of shit in your ear!"

At 9 or 10, I was sitting next to my grandma in the car, playing with a packet of ketchup. She kept telling me to put it down and I ignored her. I eventually squeezed it the wrong way and it burst open and splattered her face with ketchup.

The most embarrasing time was at Girl Scout camp near the ocean when I was 8. I was a weak swimmer and tried to swim out to a floating island the other girls were on but I couldn't make it and had to swim back. For some reason I thought the shore was miles away and I was getting tired. I started to cry and thought I was going to drown while I desperately tried to doggy paddle to the shore. I didn't realize that I was actually in 3 feet of water until my foot hit the bottom and all I had to do was stand up and walk out of the water. :eek: :reject:
When I was in kindergarten I was a real brat. I talked back to my teacher alot because she was a scary looking witch. :lol: Anyways, one day my teacher decided to hold a parent teacher conference and have the moms come and watch the teacher teach the kids for the day. So being the darling daughter that I was, I decided to do a handstand on the chair in the middle of the class and yelled to my mother "hey look at me"....Everyone was stunned.

Why you ask?

Well because I had a dress on. :D

Of course, I got into trouble after that... :lol:
Um, let see. My most embarassing childhood story or at least the most amusing of them all took place on a road trip. Well, on the local tv station they had been running a lot of anti drinking and driving ads so I was taking these all very seriously. So we were driving along and my mom had just stopped at a gas station to get a Pepsi. We had just got back on the highway and she opens the Pepsi and starts drinking it. All the sudden I start screaming bloody murder. I scream Mommmy you're going to get us killed because you're drinking and driving.

Yeah, I wasn't the smartest child, but I did finally calm down after my mom explained alcohol and everything. I finally became convinced that my mom would not be arrested for drinking her pepsi or kill us by getting into a car accident...
Sparkysgrrrl said:
Bonochick you're sister is awesome

Yeah, that one's hilarious :lmao:! I also love BAW's story about the stuff in her grandpa's ears, and U2Girl's story regarding her dress. Hehehe.

LarryMullen's_POPAngel, hey, I slipped and fell down the stairs in my old house back in Iowa...and I was a teenager then, so...:hug:.

Let's see...

Well, my parents tell a story of our family having gone to see some friends of theirs when I was really little, and I went to go play in the kiddie pool with their daughter, and wandered out towards the pool naked.

And they also tell a story about how they came to pick me up from preschool one day, and my class had been playing musical chairs, and when the music stopped, everyone else went to grab a seat and I just kept running around the chairs.

I also remember being in...first grade, I think it was, and my teacher had said something or other, and I was joking like I was upset and yelled really loudly, "Dang!" or something like that and pounded my fist on the desk. My teacher just gave me a surprised look.

And then there was the time I went on a tire swing on the elementary school playground right after lunch. Later that day, I started feeling a bit queasy, but it wasn't too bad, so I didn't think much of it.

Well, that evening, I went to the store with my mom, and we were in the checkout line...and I took that opportunity to throw up. That's the same store where I accidentally went into the men's room once when I was really little.

I just thought of a couple...:eek:

I was a bit older...probably about 9, making my sister 12. Mom was going through the drive-thru at Taco Bell. After Mom ordered and started driving forward, my sister told my mom that a kid at school got in trouble for calling a girl a cunt. I asked, "What's a cunt?" Mom said she'd tell me later. As the Taco Bell employee leaned out the drive-thru window to take my mom's money, I yelled, "I wanna know what a cunt is!!!!!"

:eek: :reject: :lol:

I also had a phase when I was younger where I liked repeating TV commercials...which resulted in me riding my bike around the driveway one day, screaming, "Why douche?" over and over again. My sister finally told me to shut up and told me what douche was. :reject:
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When my brother and I were little, we used to wrestle with my Dad. One night while we were wrestling, my brother tripped and fell, hitting his forehead on the fireplace and cutting it open. When we went to hospital to get him stitches, the doctor asked him what happened, and he said, "My Daddy threw me into the fire place."
I thought of another one. I was in the fourth grade, and I heard some kids at school calling a girl a slut. I had no idea what the word meant, but I knew it was bad. We were at the park one day with my grandparents. I was telling them about how I didn't like this girl in my class and they asked me why. In a crowd of people I yell out, "BECAUSE SHE'S A SLUT!"

They still won't let me live that down.
Well mine isnt as gud as the rest of them but i'll tell it neway.

Wen i was 9 months old my parents thoughit wud b a gud idea 2 put me in 4 a cute baby competition and well, sadly, i won and i havent lived it down since, my mum insists on telling evry1 about it wen she's drunk and always ends her story wif '' i dont know wat happened though, since then''.
I have so many embarrasing stories. One of the most mortifying was when I was about 6 years old and was wearing a short skirt. We were all sitting on chairs in a circle for our reading lesson and all the other kids were snickering at me. I finally realized it was because my skirt had somehow gotten hiked up and my underwear was quite visible. :ohmy:
Let's see - this probably embarrassed my parents more than me, but right before I turned 3 yrs old my mom was pregnant with my little brother. Of course, like most little girls I was curious about every development of the pregnancy. Apparently, we were in a restaurant one evening about a month before my brother was born when I suddenly screamed out "OW!!", and pushed back from the table so hard that I tipped my chair over backwards & fell out onto the floor. Mom & Dad scurried to pick me back up & settle me back down, and my mom asked me what in the world I was doing - to which she says I told her, "It wasn't me Mommy. It was my baby kicking!"
Needless to say, we didn't hang around for dessert that evening. :D
Bonochick said:
I just thought of a couple...:eek:

I was a bit older...probably about 9, making my sister 12. Mom was going through the drive-thru at Taco Bell. After Mom ordered and started driving forward, my sister told my mom that a kid at school got in trouble for calling a girl a cunt. I asked, "What's a cunt?" Mom said she'd tell me later. As the Taco Bell employee leaned out the drive-thru window to take my mom's money, I yelled, "I wanna know what a cunt is!!!!!"

:eek: :reject: :lol:

:lol:! I also love both of stammer's :D. Niiiiiicccce.

Also, Bonochick, I used to quote TV commercials all the time, too! Never said anything like what you said, but I'd wander around all the time saying things like, "Milk, it does a body good".

Course, I also talked to the sun, too :huh:.

Angela=:coocoo: little kid...

When I was in second grade, this girl and I went into the ladies room and dumped a big ole trash can full of nasty stuff right out the window onto the people that were walking by. Guess who was the only one that got suspended? :reject:
More embarrassing for my mom but it was from the mouth of a babe, me....I must've been 5 or 6, we went to a Mexican restaurant that my parents just loved; my older brother and sister may have been there, I don't recall...I know Doozer was somewhere in the bottom of my Dad's glass of Tequila...anyway...everyone ordered and got their food; as a kid, I wasn't into that cultural cuisine just yet, so I ordered a burger...took forever, just like this story...anyway, what seems like a 1/2 hour, here comes my plate...

The waitress winked at me and said, "Next time you should call us ahead of time and we'll have your food ready!"

Cute little Ricky blurts out, "We can't do that 'cause my mom didn't pay the phone bill and the line is disconnected!!!" :lmao: still makes me laugh to remember the look on mom's face...:heart:
In second grade I was obsessed with my teacher. I wanted to be just like her. Well, she had glasses and I did not. So I failed the eye test that they give you in school so I could get them but didn't tell anyone that I did on purpose. The school contacted my parents and rushed to set up an appointment with the expensive eye doc. When they took me I flat out lied every time they asked if I could see the letter. They took my mom outside and explained that if I were really that bad I would be walking into walls! When we got home I took a pair of Mr. Potato Head glasses and started wearing them to school swearing I could see with them. That wasn't one of my more shining moments in life:reject: :coocoo:

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