Bono gave a shout out to Zootopia at the end of the Hawaii show

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Blue Crack Addict
May 11, 2001
Does that make you Interferencers feel less special, a little jealous? If I was at the show I probably would have been a little upset, where's the love for us?

What are your thoughts?
Can't you be both? :wink:
I'm an interferencer and a zootopian.

It was way cool he gave that shout out at all!
Zootopia has a banner that has travelled the whole tour (at least from Europe onwards if I remember), and has been signed by people all over the world (me included). Bono & Edge as well. I don't recall if they ever got Larry or Adam. It was definitely in Hawaii and being viewed/signed. It was probably hanging over a rail, but I couldn't see it from my position. Perhaps someone up front saw it.
What a bastard!! He should have mentioned every single current and past U2 fan (even casual ones) by name and place of residence. :mad:

I don't think I'll send him a Christmas gift now. That will fix his little red wagon! :grumpy:
Chizip said:
Does that make you Interferencers feel less special, a little jealous? If I was at the show I probably would have been a little upset, where's the love for us?

What are your thoughts?

:rolleyes: chiz, just like you to try to stir it up!

you totally need a spanking.
indra said:
What a bastard!! He should have mentioned every single current and past U2 fan (even casual ones) by name and place of residence. :mad:

I don't think I'll send him a Christmas gift now. That will fix his little red wagon! :grumpy:
I know :grumpy: Totally off the Christmas card list :tsk: No seasons greetings for you, buddy :madwife:
Back when "Wire" was the popular online U2 mailing list / website for hardcore fans, on the PopMart tour, Bono used to give shout-outs to wirelings from the stage.

I'm sure he means every online U2 fan when he says Zootopians, no worries y'all...

^As he should be. :yikes:

Someone once posted a soundclip of Bono saying Interference was a good site, but I think it was during Elevation.
Lila64 said:
Zootopia has a banner that has travelled the whole tour (at least from Europe onwards if I remember), and has been signed by people all over the world (me included). Bono & Edge as well. I don't recall if they ever got Larry or Adam. It was definitely in Hawaii and being viewed/signed. It was probably hanging over a rail, but I couldn't see it from my position. Perhaps someone up front saw it.

Wow, the "banner" thing gave me a Wire flashback. :yikes:

There were some good people in Wire (met alot of them during Popmart). But there were ALOT of :shifty: "interesting" people also. Unfortunately I ran into some them as well on Popmart!

I'm a member on Zootopia, I never post there though. I probably look at it once a month. I hate the format there. Interference is a better format (although I have never liked the blue background). Its been around longer and is overall better. Obviously there are aspects I dont care for (Right Sicy, ;) ) I think its the best U2 board on the net when you look at the board as a whole. Its like comparing apples to oranges to me.

Do the band know what Interference is? Maybe, I know their management does though for various reasons. :wink: I think you would have to explain it to the band though and they might say something like "Yeah, I have heard of that".
cstar said:
Can't you be both? :wink:
I'm an interferencer and a zootopian.

It was way cool he gave that shout out at all!

What's your alias over there? I'm hmtmkmkm over there. There's things I like about both forums, but I like the vibe over at Zootopia more.


Well you gotta thank people who pay for your bandwidth. ;)

I post at several U2 forums but Zootopia is the main one for me. Interference is cool too, but it doesn't have the same sort of comraderie, at least it seems that way.

I participate on U2 forums that have topics that are interesting to read or respond to, but I like how Zootopia is divied up for U2 related subjects. has the $ for bandwidth for that. There's a place for album topics, lyrics, music (U2 and others), tours, videos, each band member has their own sub-forum, bit more structured. Then there's the free-for-all general forum.

Took some getting used to the difference between PLEBA and EYKIW, because, well, I just went by what the title says. If you want to discuss Adam's basslines, you post it in EYKIW, but if you want to discuss his hair, PLEBA?

I've more friends over there, people I've actually met and hung out with, whereas here, doesn't have that same vibe.

I'm sure there's people who've forked over $12 for more features to this site, Zootopia just offers more for $20/28 more.

We're all U2 fans.

Some are just more fun to interact with then others.


If you want another angle on it, Bono's not gonna plug an unofficial U2 website.

Isn't there a rule here you can't advertise your own forum on interference, only in a link in your sig, which you have to pay to have the sig?

Bono thanks U2 fans all the time, he was just a bit more specific with the ones who participate on internet forums.

What about U2 fans who love U2 but don't post on internet message boards?
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Lila64 said:
Zootopia has a banner that has travelled the whole tour (at least from Europe onwards if I remember), and has been signed by people all over the world (me included). Bono & Edge as well. I don't recall if they ever got Larry or Adam. It was definitely in Hawaii and being viewed/signed. It was probably hanging over a rail, but I couldn't see it from my position. Perhaps someone up front saw it.

The Zootopia banner was front row..
Bono probably doesn't know that there is more that one version of everything on the internets.

The Edge should take some time to teach him how to use a computer...i'm sure we'd appreciate his dream setlists on this site
coolian2 said:
The Edge should take some time to teach him how to use a computer...i'm sure we'd appreciate his dream setlists on this site

Bono's dream setlist:
1. That song I can remember
2. That other song I can remember
3. A song Edge can sing for me
4. A song I don't need to know because I can just tell a long waffling speech instead of singing the lyrics
5. A song I don't quite know but can moderately effectively pretend I do
6. A rarity I don't know that the diehard fans will love no matter what I sing
7. A huge hit the entire stadium will love no matter what I sing
8-22. Repeat #7.

Edge's dream setlist:
1-24. Songs Bono will never remember in a million years :sad:
thrillme said:

What about U2 fans who love U2 but don't post on internet message boards?

Everyone knows they aren't real fans and don't deserve any thanks.
What's Zootopia like? If there's no arguing and complaining and Lemonparty then they can bugger off.


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