US Politics XXX: The type of film Donald wants to watch Ivanka in

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It's unsettling that Trump has been so successful in convincing people that the vote was rigged, and that the people who believe it are the ones with guns. This shit could get very dark. There are a lot of "patriot groups"* waiting to be mobilized. I think that we're going to see a few OKC bombing/Ruby Ridge/Waco events over the coming years.

*terrorist cells
At this point the biggest villain is not even Trump but the GOP in its absolute totality.

It's unsettling that Trump has been so successful in convincing people that the vote was rigged, and that the people who believe it are the ones with guns. This shit could get very dark. There are a lot of "patriot groups"* waiting to be mobilized. I think that we're going to see a few OKC bombing/Ruby Ridge/Waco events over the coming years.

*terrorist cells
I am absolutely more concerned about another OKC than I am of any sort of international threat.
I'm also wondering, on a practical level, how they think that things will go once they steal the election but the rest of the world governments have extended congratulations to Biden and for all intents and purposes consider him to be the President (as of Jan). It's just so freaking bizarre.

And yes, we all know this is about the grift and ego for Trump, Senate control for McConnell and the others and ideology for freaks like Stephen Miller. But as many people have pointed out here, their insane followers, armed to the teeth will at some point lose their minds over this, more than they already have.
It's reassuring that while the President and party in power refuse to accept the results of the election, he is replacing the top defense department leadership.
Imagine if this was happening in another country. You’d hear calls for UN observers.
I still don’t see any legal standing for this election to be overturned. Is be more worried if the margin of victory was a lot smaller.

I think a lot of this is a distraction.
Biden today. Just mildly intimidated?

The president-elect said he felt Republicans on Capitol Hill, the vast majority of whom have yet to admit that he won the election, were still “mildly intimidated” by Trump and unwilling to cross him.

He had harsher words for the President himself.

“It’s an embarrassment, quite frankly. ... I think it will not help the President’s legacy,” Biden said of Trump’s attempts to contest the election’s results.
New York's AG has other plans

Seriously, let's hope they're able to keep the Trump family as busy with legal battles as possible. I don't want that family anywhere near the White House or any other political/media outlets or whatever ever again.

I still don’t see any legal standing for this election to be overturned. Is be more worried if the margin of victory was a lot smaller.

I think a lot of this is a distraction.

I saw a tweet with a quote from a GOP official basically saying as much, claiming they're just trying to humor Trump for a while.

Problem with that is, a) he's a 74 year old man, for fuck's sakes, not a toddler. Tell him to put his big boy pants on and get over it.

And b) people are actually being fired, so even if most of this is just to humor Trump, well, it still sounds pretty serious and isn't funny or cute to the rest of us. And it's only helping to further fan the flames of his deluded, potentially violent supporters who can't deal with the fact he lost, too. They need to quit coddling this asshole and tell him, "Fine, if you won't cooperate with the transition, we will. Don't like it? Tough."

Somebody needs to step in and get these people in line already, or make it clear that if they refuse to cooperate, they'll be thrown out. This is beyond ridiculous.

Irony thy name is Donnie Jr

“Nothing this grotesque can go on forever. The only solution is honesty. Let’s repeal our national dishonesty mandate and tell the truth about everything. Enforced lying is making everyone paranoid and crazy. The truth can’t be any worse.”

nails it!!!
I feel like this is a bad movie script

Everyone is like, nah this can’t happen here!
There’s no way they have any legal justification or footing. It’s just posturing

Until it isn’t.

At first i thought he’s firing all these people to get his minions in to destroy all evidence of wrong doing, and that may still be the case

But each day and more and more it feels like these guys believe they can go through with it.
If Trump came from a military background and commanded the respect of military officers, I would be really worried right now, because historically (to my knowledge) these types of democracy-death situations have come from people who had the military resources to enforce their will. But if it really comes down to January 20 or whatever with Trump refusing to leave office, what is Mitch McConnell going to stand in the door and block the secret secret service from escorting him out?
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