The new Gmail interface blows, irreversible option?

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War Child
Oct 15, 2009
Palm Beach, FL
Does anybody else despise it too?


It's so brain-twisting to handle the new colors used, the gray background on all of the emails section, and what I hate the most is that the left scroll down menu under "Compose" is not a scroll down menu anymore. You have to go all the way down to "More" click the small arrow, and if you don't have the mouse pointer on it, it then rolls up again making it very frustrating to do anything within it.

And what happened to the Google Voice keypad? Even with the plug-in, it is impossible to make phone calls because there's no keypad unless you go to the main Google Voice page and click "Try it Out!".

I really miss the old Gmail without all the crap that they put into this interface that makes it terrible in every aspect. An interface identical to this one.


Does anybody know any way of getting back to the old one?
You've got an exciting schedule! Trips to Africa! Fishing!.... Shopping Trips! A meeting with Michael! Too bad that cunt Lizzie had to go and cancel tennis on Friday
It takes me like 10 seconds to find the send button... EVERY TIME.

Good to hear it's not because I'm getting old. :wink:
my gmail is just fine

but, then I did not click on the

switch to new look icon on the bottom of the page
and I never will
I haven't switched over either, but I've been curious what the new look is like. Glad I haven't clicked it yet. That looks awful. I'm definitely going to stay with the old look for as long as I can. I hate the new Google Reader look, but I haven't bothered to see if there's a way of reverting back to the old way.

In case you couldn't tell, I hate change. :wink:
Maybe it's because I rarely use my Gmail account, but I've always hated the layout.
click the little settings button on the upper right, and you can adjust the look to your liking.

"compact" looks very similar to the old version.
Thanks, I was finally able to change to the old version temporarily, it's under the gear icon at the upper right as well.

my gmail is just fine

but, then I did not click on the

switch to new look icon on the bottom of the page
and I never will
Too bad because the change will become permanent in an imminent fashion.

I haven't switched over either, but I've been curious what the new look is like. Glad I haven't clicked it yet. That looks awful. I'm definitely going to stay with the old look for as long as I can. I hate the new Google Reader look, but I haven't bothered to see if there's a way of reverting back to the old way.

In case you couldn't tell, I hate change. :wink:
Stay with the old one until they permanently change it. Google have obviously heard all the bitching about this new look and will somehow change it to make it look better and more accessible because my eyes are hurting right now.

Jason Cornwell wants his stapler back Dfit00 :wink:
Dfit00 said:
Thanks, I was finally able to change to the old version temporarily, it's under the gear icon at the upper right as well.

Too bad because the change will become permanent in an imminent fashion.

Stay with the old one until they permanently change it. Google have obviously heard all the bitching about this new look and will somehow change it to make it look better and more accessible because my eyes are hurting right now.

Honestly... give the new version a try in the compact setting. I didn't like the new look either until I went to compact.
I'll use compact for a few days then, much better than comfortable and cozy, but still worse than the old look.
Saddened to see you don't like the new GMail interface.

I think they did a solid job with it (holy shit, a grid used in Google web design, I must be dreaming!)

I say you should give the new interface a shot for a few weeks. Google is full of nerds and engineers who have no doubt tested the living daylights out of this redesign, so you may get used to and have the new button locations become second-nature very quickly.
I loathe the new gmail. I switched back to the old design. They are going to have to change it for me like twitter did. I want my contacts to be in different colors when multiple people are responding to an email. :angry:
I don't have a problem with the new interface with the exception of the fact that, when I tried it, every single message that I opened appeared to be blank. Only a slight issue!!

(I'm sure it will be fixed, and I was too lazy to try it on another browser or OS [I was using Firefox at the time, I think under OS X], but I'm happy with the old interface for now.)
I finally got hit with the new gmail today.

don't like, but being an old bastard, I know to adapt or die

pretty soon, the new will be the old.
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