stranger in a strange land?

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Jul 20, 2000
whats this song about?
any ideas??


"you've been running away from what you don't understand..."
Well, the title is a biblical reference, from Exodus 2:22:

And she bare him a son, and he called his name Gershom: for he said, I have been a stranger in a strange land.

But I think Bono just used the phrase because it sounds so good. From the lyrics and from what I've read (see Niall Stokes' Into the Heart), I've gathered that "Stranger in a Strange Land" is about a trip to Northern Ireland and an encounter with a very human, rather nice soldier.

But that's just my interpretation. I could be wrong.

- Achtung Bubba
thanks, bubba :) thats really helpful & your answer makes sense. _into the heart_ is a great book which i have not bought yet but i looked @ it in the bookstore and it seems wonderful. i have been meaning to buy it...

the more i think about it, the more religion seems to be an important theme on the october album. a friend of mine pointed out today that if you listen to th song October and make "You", "God", the whole song takes on new meaning. And there there is Gloria, which of course, sounds like a beautiful declaration of faith...

thanks so much for replying!

"you've been running away from what you don't understand..."
Well, it is actually about Bono encountering a soldier in Northern Ireland! I have read that in a few books including Eamonn Dunphy's Unforgettable Fire and Into The Heart, as far as I can remember. The fact is that British Soldiers consider themselves to be imposters in Northern Ireland, that they really shouldn't be there... So they are the "strangers In a Strange Land" as it were...
I do love the lyrics of this song, but It sounds just a little bit clumsy and awkward.

I have just listened to the song again there and I can see what you are getting at with your interpretation Bebe! It makes as much sense as mine when you actually listen to it!
I just love this song so much so forgive me but I just have to elaborate

U2 were on their way to Berlin and they had to get through the corridor that divided East and West Germany; This song paints a picture of the border guard that they encountered at that corridor -- Bono said he got a feeling that this guard realized just how much they had in common, yet while he was leading a grim life, Bono and the boys were living the glamour of rock 'n' roll.. so this song does really well with showing a degree of sympathy for the guard. That's my favorite track off of "October".. alongside "Tomorrow"

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