San Diego....lunch on the 29th anyone?

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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Blue Crack Addict
Nov 11, 2002
walking around 10,000 lakes
My gang and I are not going to do the Vertigo Eve thing since we'll be at Joshua Tree Park all day :drool:

I do want to do something on Tuesday before I leave to go back home ( :sad: ) for lunch somewhere. I'm sure we'll all be on a high from the night before so I think it would be fun to get together. It's the only time I can think of meeting up since it seems like everyone has plans for the weekend, or won't be there yet.

I haven't thought of a place to go to yet so if anyone knows of a cool spot I'm definitely open to suggestions.

If you're interested in meeting up please post in this thread so I can sort of get an idea if anyone is interested in meeting the day after the show. :)
That's a really good Idea! It'd be great to get some post show interviews for the documentary (if I have any tape left, might have to buy extras). Count my friend and I in.
i plan on going to The Field for lunch, probly around 1pm. kelly i would love to meet up iwth you.

oktobergirl at yahoo dot com
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