I Miss My Emma!!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Jul 9, 2007
In New York...San Remo sitting!
Has anyone seen hide or hair of Emma Bergstrom? I miss her dearly! Besides, drooling over Bedge shots and Bono was our favorite pasttime!

Emma, we're dying here without you! You know we're friends "Until The End of the World"!!


Speak to me, Emma!:sad:
She posted recently I think... seems to me in the last week or so. (I think her computer had crashed)
Has anyone seen hide or hair of Emma Bergstrom? I miss her dearly! Besides, drooling over Bedge shots and Bono was our favorite pasttime!

Emma, we're dying here without you! You know we're friends "Until The End of the World"!!


Speak to me, Emma!:sad:

MARY! I'm here! Bonocomet was right, my computer crashed and then I went on a weeks holiday! But I'm back now for good :evil:
Haven't heard from you these past days, so where are you? :madwife:

Miss you Mary! :hug:
MARY! I'm here! Bonocomet was right, my computer crashed and then I went on a weeks holiday! But I'm back now for good :evil:
Haven't heard from you these past days, so where are you? :madwife:

Miss you Mary! :hug:

I miss you too! (Or is that U2??) Look in your mail soon! I'll snail you something. One of these days, Emma...we'll collide one of these days!

Which side do you like better? This one?


Or that one?


Thinking of a pencil for you...Unless you had a particular pic you were fond of, Emma? :hug:

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