I don't know where to put this

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Cactus Annie

Oct 28, 2008
The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxar
...so I thought that seeing as I am referring to a dream I had on Friday night/Saturday Morning, maybe the safest bet would be this sub forum.

I've been on holiday for just over a week but it was a few nights ago where I had another of my strange dreams whereby Bono died because they had run out of envelopes to stuff all our papers in. I know that no one has ever died because they'd run out of envelopes but I may have told you before that I've had dreams that came true.

Last year on a Monday morning/Sunday night I dreamt that U2 had to cancel Glastonbury, and even though Glastonbury was never gonna happen last year anyway, the band announced that they 'cancelled' it on that Friday. A few months earlier I dreamt that I had a row with mum and The Police song Every Breath You Take was playing. It must've been a month or so afterwards when I rowed with mum in real life over something Sting had said.

When I was a child, mum dreamt about a close friend of ours who was riding at the back of an ambulance when all of the sudden the doors flung open and he was lying on a bed saying "please help me". When we came back from holiday mum received a letter from his sister saying how worried she was because she hadn't heard from him for a month. It latter turned out that he had died of a heart attack whilst swimming in a lake on Hamstead heath a month earlier, and because he had no ID on him because he had been swimming, his body had been kept behind at the morgue waiting for next of kin to report him missing. He had been pronounced dead the day after mum had her dream.

My mum's had a few dreams whereby she's dreamt of a friend passing and it's come true. My friend told me once how she keeps dreaming of a celebrity for no apparent reason and then soon after they died. She dreamt of DMX, Osama Bin Laden, Michael Jackson and that guy from Run DMC; and shortly after they all died. I looked this up on the internet and someone claimed that they once dreamt about this huge plane that crashed into a tower block 2 months before 9/11.

Good news, my skills aren't as well developed as my mum's or my friend's. A month ago I dreamt that Ronnie Corbett died but thankfully it now seems that he'd be gracing planet earth with his gentle sense of humour for a while longer as this didn't come true. But I did feel rather sad when I thought Ronnie and Bono had died. I hadn't seen Ronnie on telly for a while, but he did have a new series that started 5 days after I dreamt of his passing. My dream may have had something to do with that.

Because 5 days seem to be the gap between my dreams and seeing a celeb in the public eyes for me, I say that our first hurdle is Wednesday. If Bono is ok until the start of February, then we are in the clear!
And this is from a thread that I posted last year. Yet more examples of when I dream about someone and something happens to them a few weeks afterwards:

For some reason I've had a few dreams about Bret Michaels even though I'm not a fan of Poison. A month or two ago I dreamt that for some reason I was visiting him in prison. I don't know what he was supposed to be in there for but I remember him telling me that the project I had just started was right for me and that I should not look back. I think was the first strange dream I had.

Within a week I heard that he had suffered a brain hemorrhage and was in a coma.

Yesterday I experienced one of the best lucid dreams yet. Again it was featuring Bret Michaels and we were on a beach bar discusing guitarists. Other than the fact I was talking to Bret Michaels as if he was a close friend, there is a distinct lack of hot sandy beaches with palm trees where I live so I knew that I was dreaming. I remember him saying that Hendrix was a huge idol of his and that he would do anything just to meet him for one second. I then told him that I could make his dream come true for him by making him appear right in front of us because I was in control of this dream. So I concentrated hard and sure enough Jimi Hendrix appeared right in front of us and I made him dissapear again just before I woke up.

Later on I found out that he had suffered a minor stroke and that tests found a hole in his heart.

Earlier this week I had a dream about U2 playing at Glastonbury but I can't remember exactly what happened. I also had a dream about an old lady who was an amateur detective in Bath who was investigating a murder, only to be told by my mum that a friend of hers who lived in Bath was telling her about a newly retired lady who has taken up amateur sleuthing and was investigating a gruesome murder. This women received a visit from policemen in plain clothing warning to let the police do their job because she doesn't know what she is getting herself involved in. Apparently little Bath has a sinister underworld.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, there's an old wives' tale I've heard old people mention that says if you dream someone dies, that just means they're going to live even longer. :shrug:

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