Desert Island X: Group 4 Listening Thread

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afliktor's mix....dubstep can go die in a fire. i'll pass this along to my housemate, he loves that nintento bullshit ( i can fucking hear mario drowning in the bonobo track, this makes even mogwai unlistenable in this context). no points to this giant turd of a list, and it rubs me the wrong way that i'm expected to suffer through a minute of something like this when AB/collapse/afliktor/whatever the fuck name they'll make up for next competition shows no evidence that they're interested in actually participating past dropping deuces like this into the mix (read: not a single post in the discussion threads for the previous groups indicating that they listened to anyone else's lists and were interested in playing along).


Late to the game here but was reviewing all the lists before ranking and I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in here:

Why the fuck is IWB the only one who called this person out? It's bad enough to participate and then disappear without commenting on anyone's else's entries. But what I want to know is WHY IS THERE A TRACK CREDITED TO "AFLIKTOR"? And also ONE OF THE OTHER TRACKS IS AN AFLIKTOR REMIX?? WHAT. THE.

Is this a DI first? Someone including a song they recorded, as well as a personal remix?

Sorry, but this is like the most narcissistic thing I've seen on here in a while.
It's not a first. I made a list from scratch specifically for DI that parodied some of the genres that get overused in these competitions. It also had a labored, long-winded expository short story attached.

But yeah, I agree that it's pretty narcissistic to slip your own music in without even offering an explanation as to why, while simultaneously not giving other lists the time of day. It's technically not against the rules because they were loosened for DI10, but it's pretty lame.
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Since I'm talking about that playlist, I really should comment on the other two I didn't get around to writing up let (I posted my comments on Peef's earlier).

Cobbler: a very personal list, as always, and it's hard not to be won over by your contagious enthusiasm. You put a lot of work into this and it shows. Some of the music (particularly in the first half) isn't really my bag, but it definitely wasn't boring. Strong finish with John Hopkins (an artist I wasn't familiar with) and an great Eno track that probably doesn't get mentioned enough.

iYup: At first, this felt was similar to the "homogenous" lists contributed by IWB's "Roots & Boots", and Gump's "No Depression". I appreciated you using some less obvious track from big artists, like Hendrix's Red House, Dylan's Meet Me In The Morning, the Zeppelin and Stones tracks, etc. But in the second half you really started to wading into more interesting waters, and I thought that was a great move; I really loved hearing some old standards and jazz. I could nitpick and say it would have been nice to hear something else from Glenn Miller other than his biggest hit, but the strangeness of hearing that music on a DI list made up for it. Nice work.
Thanks for the feedback, Laz. I'm actually surprised at the amount of recognition for the Glenn Miller track - I thought people would have heard it somewhere before but not have known the details of the artist etc.

Re: Dylan - As I've dug through his catalogue, I've been astounded by how excellent a bluesman he is. He treats the standards faithfully but uniquely and can write a straight-up blues number as well as anybody.
Late to the game here but was reviewing all the lists before ranking and I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in here:

Why the fuck is IWB the only one who called this person out? It's bad enough to participate and then disappear without commenting on anyone's else's entries. But what I want to know is WHY IS THERE A TRACK CREDITED TO "AFLIKTOR"? And also ONE OF THE OTHER TRACKS IS AN AFLIKTOR REMIX?? WHAT. THE.

Oh shit, were those tracks actually made by him/her? I just assumed the poster had taken the username from a band he/she really liked.
It's not a first. I made a list from scratch specifically for DI that parodied some of the genres that get overused in these competitions. It also had a labored, long-winded expository short story attached.

I thought there was a rule that the music had to have been officially released somewhere?
I actually didn't think they were original either, but then I looked her name up and found her music on SoundCloud.
Thanks for the feedback, Laz. I'm actually surprised at the amount of recognition for the Glenn Miller track - I thought people would have heard it somewhere before but not have known the details of the artist etc.

Played it in the 5th grade school band (I played the trumpet). It was fun, one of the only pieces we ever played that I liked playing. I regret the fuck out of quitting when I got to 7th grade.
It's got to be one of the best known songs from the genre out there, I'd say.
peef! first of all, fuck you. your list has started quite strongly, at a snappy pace, and Phantogram into FlyLo was so good, I'm meant to be the big FlyLo man around here and here you go just slippin a tune in, so fuck you.

i'm up to Stylo i swear you have used this in about 7000 previous DIs.
not sure what to make of that mute mathematics song was a bit weird. segwayed nicely into the antlers which segued even better into this god is an astronaut song. this is real nice so far.
peef! first of all, fuck you. your list has started quite strongly, at a snappy pace, and Phantogram into FlyLo was so good, I'm meant to be the big FlyLo man around here and here you go just slippin a tune in, so fuck you.

i'm up to Stylo i swear you have used this in about 7000 previous DIs.
I actually have a spreadsheet of all the songs I've used so I can refute this concretely. I've never used that song, as I didn't repeat anything with this list. And I made a concerted effort not to use the two artists I had used in all my previous lists (David Bowie and Arcade Fire).
Weird. I feel like a lot of people have used it, though.

This playlist of yours continues to kill. I just had the best ever listening experience to Jubilee Street, have always loved the song but for some reason just now that was the most I've ever dug it. So fucking good. Wasn't too big on Psychopath into Jigsaw but this shit is real good.
More thoughts. Forgive me for my tardiness. I've listened to these but not posted thoughts.

iYup, to use a Cobbler penchant, your list was "not my thing, sorry". It was never bad but it's not really a genre I get a lot of enjoyment out of. A large part of this is due to the similarity of many blues songs. What I did enjoy about this list was that it had quite good range, which kept it from being stagnant, but there is still a subset of blues that, to me, all sounds extremely similar. I'm going to try and explain it, but I'm pretty naive when it comes to the blues so forgive if it sounds stupid.

A good example was Long Distance Call. It's usually a slow blues guitar line, a lyric repeated several times (in this case "you say you love me darlin / please call me on the phone sometime") followed by another line, different, and it's followed by a downward chord progression. The following song Red House follows a very similar pattern, as does Vampire Blues. It's there in plenty of other songs in your list too. (I first noticed it in Pink Floyd's Seamus.) Now if you enjoy that sort of thing, then great, but I find it really tiresome.

But overall I did like it. The start in particular was absolutely thrilling.

I'm still deciding whether or not to listen to Afliktor's list. I feel like I'd really like parts of it but she/he hasn't been seen since and includes two of their songs/remixes in the list.
A large part of this is due to the similarity of many blues songs. What I did enjoy about this list was that it had quite good range, which kept it from being stagnant, but there is still a subset of blues that, to me, all sounds extremely similar. I'm going to try and explain it, but I'm pretty naive when it comes to the blues so forgive if it sounds stupid.

A good example was Long Distance Call. It's usually a slow blues guitar line, a lyric repeated several times (in this case "you say you love me darlin / please call me on the phone sometime") followed by another line, different, and it's followed by a downward chord progression. The following song Red House follows a very similar pattern, as does Vampire Blues. It's there in plenty of other songs in your list too. (I first noticed it in Pink Floyd's Seamus.) Now if you enjoy that sort of thing, then great, but I find it really tiresome.

anyone else feel me here? would be interested to have a discussion.
Thanks for the feedback, Cobbler. I recognized that the similar structure - chord progressions of many of these songs would be a problem to some extent. I tried to get around that by representing what I felt to be different attitudes/moods within the genre, from the depraved, gritty stuff like Nick Cave to the forlorn delta stuff like Son House, the ho-down stuff like Mingus to the soul howler stuff like Tom Waits. I was hoping there would be the structure holding the list together but the interpretations giving it some variety. That was my hope, at least.
I was probably a little harsh in my assessment. The Stooges and Nick Cave at the start was awesome (I actually hadn't heard Stagger Lee, it ruled) and there was an instrumental stretch that started with I think St Louis Blues which was a nice change of pace. Also it was good to put a name to In the Mood, a song I had heard a lot but never knew. And the end was good too, Pay Me My Money Down is a lot of fun and I always like Tom Waits.
No problem if you didn't dig it. No problem at all. My main objective here was to do something different, and I seem to have accomplished that, so I'm fine with the result.
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