Coming in September..

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jan 25, 2003
hatching some plot, scheming some scheme
So, I was reading an article on Sarah P's new book because I noticed "U2's Bono" was in the same paragraph.
It didn't have much information except that it's part of a series of inspirational books coming out in Sept.
I went to the publisher's website and found the following:

Zondervan - Breaking Through By Grace: The Bono Story - Kim Washburn

Breaking Through By Grace: The Bono Story
Coming September 2010

Series: ZonderKidz Biography

By: Kim Washburn

Format: Ebook, ePub

List Price: $5.99 (USD)
I noticed the ages of suggested reading. 9-12, so it would be a children's book.

Interesting though, and thanks for the link. I praise authors who write for children. A book is much better for them, than watching TV all day.
I think it is for adults.

Here is the back cover:
When love walks in the room ... Awards, fame, wealth ... Bono has it all. But the biggest rock star in the world has something more important, something that has guided every step of his success: faith in God. From growing up in Ireland during deadly times to performing on the largest stages in the world, Bono's beliefs have kept him grounded and focused on what truly matters. Whether using his voice to captivate an audience or to fight for justice and healing in Africa, Bono is a champion of the lost and a hero to those who long for harmony.

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