Anyone any good with Outlook?

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Blue Crack Distributor
Oct 22, 2005
OK, I'm at my wit's end at this point.

All I need to do is take our end of shift report and make it into a standardized form for people to submit at the end of each shift (rather than the random e-mails with no standards we get now).

I've tried the following:

1.) I just built a table in Outlook that had blanks for the information to be filled in. It looked good and everything was fine until I realized that if someone were to try and tab through the document, Outlook keeps adding new cells. So I decided to try something else.

2.) Made a form in Infopath. This is all well and good, but it's a bigger change than I think we want to make right now.

3.) Tried to create a macro to stop new tabs from forming (works in Word), but it did nothing.

4.) Made a form in Word. That turned out great. I could tab through it, no problem. Then I copied the form into Outlook...same tabbing problem, creating new cells in the table.

5.) Decided to create a custom form in Outlook. It works, but it's not super flexible (I.E., boxes don't resize as needed)

6.) I also tried making the form in Word WITHOUT table and then pasting it into Outlook, but when I did that, all it did when I pressed tab inside of the text box was keep adding indentations into that text box :banghead:.

Can anyone give me some advice/help?
They can't have a copy on their own computers and just send you the filled in form each day?
It might be possible. I had considered it.

We shall see! Thanks, Jive :)
It is going to shock none of you reading this to see me say, "I'm an idiot".

I got it to work incredibly easy this morning on my first attempt.

I would have never realized the problem though, unless you'd pointed me to Excel, though, Jive so thank you very much.

Pretty much what I was doing before was a bunch of separate tables for the form. Now it's all one giant table and it works like a dream.
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