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  1. PopmuzikMofo

    Hip-Hop Talk II

    Heyo, Bo knows this, (What?) and Bo knows that (What?) But Bo don't know jack, cause Bo can't rap Well what do you know, the Di-Dawg, is first up to bat No batteries included, and no strings attached :(
  2. PopmuzikMofo

    Random Music Talk CXV: Kill Em All

    Heyo, Bo knows this, (What?) and Bo knows that (What?) But Bo don't know jack, cause Bo can't rap Well what do you know, the Di-Dawg, is first up to bat No batteries included, and no strings attached :(
  3. PopmuzikMofo

    2016 US Presidential Election Thread Part V

    Oh, it has and it is glorious. :D #MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain
  4. PopmuzikMofo

    David Bowie: The next thread and the next thread...

    This is purely my opinion, but I thought the tribute at the Brit awards was 10 times better than the Gaga one.
  5. PopmuzikMofo

    David Bowie: The next thread and the next thread...

    Nice rick roll or shall I say Bowie roll! :lol:
  6. PopmuzikMofo

    U2 get brit award nomination!

    Tame Impala won
  7. PopmuzikMofo

    David Bowie: The next thread and the next thread...

    I think I have seen that Bono is supposed to be a part of the tribute too, I may be wrong, though.
  8. PopmuzikMofo

    U2 Memes

  9. PopmuzikMofo

    Lord Clayton's Castle.

  10. PopmuzikMofo

    Hello, from St.Louis MO!

    Thank you for the welcome! Where in Stl are you located?
  11. PopmuzikMofo

    Lord Clayton's Castle.

  12. PopmuzikMofo

    Cologne #2 Setlist Party

    Yay, G'lies!!!!!! :applaud: :hyper: :heart:
  13. PopmuzikMofo

    Cologne #2 Setlist Party

    PHTP!!! :applaud:
  14. PopmuzikMofo

    Barcelona #3 Setlist Party

    Sorry for the confusion, I should have said what is your tumblr username. My bad :lol:
  15. PopmuzikMofo

    Barcelona #3 Setlist Party

    Now I'm confused too :lol:
  16. PopmuzikMofo

    Barcelona #3 Setlist Party

    Sam!! :D:applaud::hyper:
  17. PopmuzikMofo

    Barcelona #3 Setlist Party

    What's your url on tumblr?
  18. PopmuzikMofo

    Barcelona #2 setlist party

    Edge is gonna beat Dallas after the show.
  19. PopmuzikMofo

    Berlin #3 Setlist Party
  20. PopmuzikMofo

    Berlin #1 Setlist Party

    Meerkat was on during MW/Elevation
  21. PopmuzikMofo

    Berlin #1 Setlist Party

    ZOO FUCKING STATION!!!!! :hyper::drool::applaud:
  22. PopmuzikMofo

    Berlin #1 Setlist Party

    No way are they going to drop Invisible
  23. PopmuzikMofo

    Stockholm #4 Setlist Party

    When I see someone retweet the link I will post it. :)
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