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  1. nirniva

    The album and general discussion

    Nope, it's the same. (Honestly, I was kind of hoping for a second version, kind of like what happened with "Split Needles." Not that I don't like "September," it's just interesting to hear two different takes on the same song.)
  2. nirniva

    The album and general discussion

    :up: That moment in the chorus when those Beach Boys-ish harmonies kick in might be the best part of the album.
  3. nirniva

    Radiohead: Random Hail To The Thief Talk MMCDLXXVIII

    :hi5: I was actually considering that for mine!
  4. nirniva

    Radiohead: Random Hail To The Thief Talk MMCDLXXVIII

    My Rushmore: Pyramid Song / Bloom / 15 Step / Idioteque. Or...something like that. This is ridiculously challenging.
  5. nirniva

    Radiohead: Random Hail To The Thief Talk MMCDLXXVIII

    Better yet, this is actually the first time they've played the album version: the performances back in 2001 were in a more straightforward rock style. Neat interpretation, IMHO, but the new version is just fantastic.
  6. nirniva

    Garbage - Not Your Kind of People - May 15

    As others have said, the new song is great...I can totally imagine hearing it on a car stereo or on MTV during a mid-nineties summer. If the rest of the album is this good, we could have a real treat on our hands. Well done! Should be an awesome gig, too.
  7. nirniva

    The album and general discussion

    Didn't Broken Bells leak really early, as well? Kind of weird that this album didn't, especially considering how many people are looking forward to it (myself included - I can't wait to listen later today.)
  8. nirniva

    When is the next remaster/reissue coming? Any guesses?

    Probably a low-key remaster/re-release of Rattle and Hum or Pop. But this is what I would really like.
  9. nirniva

    Radiohead: Random Hail To The Thief Talk MMCDLXXVIII

    Got two tickets for Chicago! This will be my first time seeing Radiohead pumped. :hyper::hyper::hyper:
  10. nirniva

    Radiohead: Random Hail To The Thief Talk MMCDLXXVIII

    Thanks! :hi5: Nice. According to, they also started the show with "Bloom" and "15 Step," which sounds like an amazing one-two punch of an opening.
  11. nirniva

    Radiohead: Random Hail To The Thief Talk MMCDLXXVIII

    Tried this for Chicago (Tinsley Park, whatever), but they sold out in approximately .0000000005 seconds. Damn scalpers. :angry: Definitely trying the general sale tomorrow morning, though.
  12. nirniva

    Radiohead: Band not in Crisis

    Definitely going to try to get tickets for this show. :hyper:
  13. nirniva

    The Beach boys reunion

    Oh, hey, they're playing Summerfest in Milwaukee! Might have to go. Seconded, especially in regards to SMiLE. Animal Collective covering "Surf's Up" would just be mind-blowing.
  14. nirniva

    Sleigh Bells - Reign of Terror

    February 21...the physical release was originally scheduled for today, but it got bumped back a week.
  15. nirniva

    Sleigh Bells - Reign of Terror

    I could have sworn we had a Sleigh Bells thread, but a forum search showed nothing. Anyway, their new album is streaming over at the New York Times, and it's good stuff: Discuss.
  16. nirniva

    The album and general discussion

    It's great...a bit of a new direction for the Shins, though still definitely building on Wincing The Night Away's production style. Oh, and it sounds really different from the version they played live a few years ago - there's a completely new chorus, for one thing. Oh, and there are some synths...
  17. nirniva

    The album and general discussion

    Last link was broken. This one is still working at the time of posting, though: The Shins - The Rifle’s Spiral Very excited for...
  18. nirniva

    The album and general discussion

    Another new track! This time, it's "The Rifle's Spiral."
  19. nirniva

    Lady GaGa General Discussion

    Lady Gaga Announces 'Born This Way Ball' Tour | Probably won't be going to a Gaga concert anytime soon, but I always appreciate it when artists do this for floor tickets instead of selling the closer ones off for ridiculous prices.
  20. nirniva

    The Beach boys reunion

    Because the fact that one of America's most influential bands will be performing live for the first time in decades wasn't quite exciting enough on its own: Beach Boys To Reunite At Grammys… With Foster The People & Maroon 5 - Stereogum
  21. nirniva

    The album and general discussion

    "September" sounds like a mix of Chutes Too Narrow's songwriting and Wincing's production. Good stuff. (On a side note, the Port of Morrow tracklist on Wikipedia has "September" listed as an album track: Port of Morrow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
  22. nirniva

    what u2 song do you (legitimately!!) wish you could hear live

    It used to be The Fly, until they added it to the 360 setlist later on. Now, it's probably either Bad, A Sort of Homecoming, Lemon, or anything from Pop.
  23. nirniva

    Chairlift - Something

    Chairlift and early-'00s Internet memes? I think I'm going to like this thread. Since we're in YouTube mode, this track is one of my favorites from the album:
  24. nirniva

    New subscriber gift known... sort of.

    All the AB songs, Bad, Zooropa, The Unforgettable Fire, One Tree Hill, and Out of Control? Definitely some nice choices here. Hopefully, they'll release a vinyl edition like they did for Artificial Horizon!
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