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  1. kafrun

    Vancouver Setlist Party (OPENING NIGHT!)

    Obey the app
  2. kafrun

    Vancouver Setlist Party (OPENING NIGHT!)

    WHAT WHAT WHAT FINALLY??? (I came back to Interference for this moment..)
  3. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    :grumpy: Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  4. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    Ooh, he had the bright red version of that in Toronto. He's been digging around in Adam's closet. Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  5. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    LOL :larry: Africa....erm................ :flexes: :crowdlosesit: :bonoonthecan: Wow, he's really moved them. Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  6. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    Easy fix. "Tell Bono to talk about Africa, I'll be RIGHT back." Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  7. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    Are they trying to rush through or something? Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  8. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    Bad again?? :love: Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  9. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    :bono: Larry said he was going to put angry ferrets down my pants if I didn't stop walking through his spotlight! :sad: :edge: LARRY BE NICE :adam: Again with the angry ferrets, don't make me separate you two :grumpy: Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  10. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    Looks like they're yelling at Larry Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  11. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    There are new banners? That's vaguely interesting. Did they play ASOH yet?! Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  12. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  13. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    I'll take cannoli, too! :hungry: :soontobehangry: Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  14. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    But did you bring enough for the rest of us? Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  15. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    Soon........... Not my first set list party, but my first in ages. Dusted off the old account. :) Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  16. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    Lila! :wave: :dosmileyfacesworkontheapp: Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  17. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    Me too I know, what am I doing here?? :wave: Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  18. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    I would die. Like white girl literally. Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  19. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    ASOH tonight, I can feel it in my bones.. Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  20. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    Likewise, sir :) Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  21. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    Hola! Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  22. kafrun

    Boston #2 Setlist Party

    Setlist partee??! Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  23. kafrun

    to my girlies, if you're still here...

  24. kafrun

    ZOOTV Confessionals (Random Facts... thread)

    GG :wave: :sexywink: Pearl - But of course! I think the new album and tour will suck me back in as well. ;)
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