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  1. L

    Barcelona I Setlist Party, Part II

    I knew I made a wise choice in booking this day off work.
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    Ten Things. Remember This?

    Oh was I ever in the mood for this thread today, I thought of it randomly how there were so many things I wanted to say to people but couldn't say, but needed the release. 1) I don't like what we have become, maybe its the fact we both don't live at school this year and our commuting but it...
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    New Order

    I have a handful of there bootlegs from recent gigs, and old 80s gigs and they seem pretty good to me. at times hooky tends to just improvise but they were good live, but bernard has alot of off nights vocally... oh and mr disco hands down my fav new order song, so under rated.
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    Perfect Albums of the decade so far

    The Cure- Bloodflowers Brand New- The Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me Depeche Mode- Playing the Angel A.F.I- Sing the Sorrow
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    (04-27-2007) Bono, New Order and Mode to Play at Curtis Biopic Premiere? - CM*

    that would be the best concert of all time. two of my favourite bands put on the same bill can't end poorly. (depeche +u2, or in this case bono)
  6. L

    Ten Things. Remember This?

    1) (Just have one...the same one as usual.) I don't know what your problem is but seriously, figure it out. We are together, and I love it. but you know what you did today would piss me off, it just shows how you value everything above me. Whatever though, I know in the morning this will all go...
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    Ten Things. Remember This?

    man..what a terrible day..i did this about 4 months ago, but i think i need to do this again :) 1) i really need you to move back here. i think about you all the time...and i know i shouldn't. i need to really talk to someone about this, but that wont' happen. 2) i wish we didn't fight so...
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    Your 2007 concert calendar.

    Feb 25- Spill Canvas May 7- The Killers May 17- Brand New May 18- Brand New June 22- The Fray
  9. L

    I don't quite know why I'm writing this.

    Thank you once again for the advice, its good to know I'm not alone. I think this all has to do with a fear of her leaving me, and a fear of her cheating on me...we have had a rocky relationship, but have been going strong this time around, when we used to have a big fight every week, its now...
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    I don't quite know why I'm writing this.

    I'm starting to think its a jelousy thing, because I don't have that many close friends, and she seems to have a great deal of them. Maybe I am envious of her, because she has people beyond our relationship. so how do i fix this? go out and hang out with friends, remember there is a world...
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    I don't quite know why I'm writing this.

    To put it simply i need help. I have a girlfriend who I have been with (On and off) for the past year and a half, and we have hit a roadblock, a roadblock i have created and that I can fix (hopefully) basically she is upset because everytime she wants to go hang out with her friends I get mad...
  12. L

    Your 5 Favorite Voices

    Bono Dave Gahan Eddie Vedder (On stuff like Nothingman, Off He Goes) Jesse Lacey (From Brand New) Dallas Green (Of City and Colour/Alexisonfire)
  13. L

    Better than U2 live...

    Depeche Mode...I don't know if anyone has said that but I think they are amazing live, not as good as U2...but in terms of if i had the chance to see one of the two bands, I would have a hard time deciding which one to go see live.. (never let me down...
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    Mix CD Compilation - Long Distance love

    Not so much "long distance songs" but I'm trying to make my girlfriend a mix cd, some of the songs I have on there are... Copeland-Sleep New Order- Wating for the Sirens Call Brand New- The No Seatbelt Song The Fray- Look After You check them out, hope you can use them!
  15. L

    Ten Things. Remember This?

    1) I wish I could set things right with you, but I understand why they never will be. I screwed you over for someone else, and it only makes sense that we will never talk again, but I am sorry that I hurt you. 2) I don't know why you are mad at me, but its been like that for much to long...
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    the most serene republic

    WOW im so shocked someone mentioned this band. ha. I actually know people in the band. anyway, I'm a fan of there music, glad to see others are as well.
  17. L

    Name The Album You Just Bought

    New Order- Technique A.F.I-December Underground The Fray- How to Save a Life Taking Back Sunday- Louder Now All the albums are good, but Technique and How to Save a Life are the best of the four.
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    The Fray

    Anyone else a fan of the Fray? I got dragged into seeing them in October, but ever since the concert they have become my new obsession.
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    Keane does Depeche Mode... Check it out!

    NO ONE but depeche mode should play that song. same with most depeche mode songs though.
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    there are alot of genres that fall under the "emo" catagory...emo is bands like taking back sunday, the used, and dashboard confessional, these bands don't scream all that much. as for the look it usually involves guys wearing girls pants, longer hair over your eyes, and a great deal of tight...
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    K-Fed Performace from The Teen Choice Awards!

    Is it just me or is Dane Cook wearing a U2 shirt? (The male introductor.)
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    Its supposed to be the sans verb "Alexis on fire" I am a huge fan, have been for some time. Infact my band is most likely covering "Accidents" for a local battle of the bands.
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    1001 songs you must hear!!...

    1963- New Order In your room-Depeche Mode Never let me down again- Depeche Mode Present Tense-Pearl Jam Perfect Kiss-New Order
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    Your top ten albums of all time

    1)Achtung Baby 2)Disintigration-The Cure 3)Violator-Depeche Mode 4)Joshua Tree-U2 5)Pornography-The Cure 6)Wish-The Cure 7)Turn on the Bright Lights-Interpol 8)Substance-New Order 9)Songs of Faith and Devotion-Depeche Mode 10)Pop-U2
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    U2 song in the movie "click"

    My girlfriend saw the movie "click" (the adam sandler movie) tonight and thought she heard a U2 song in it, I wasn't there so I wouldn't know..but does anyone know if there was a U2 song in it? Thanks, Andrew.
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