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  1. 2861U2

    Survivor 46

    Not a fan of the "new era" for a host of reasons, but this season was maybe the best of the last six. Kenzie was a deserving winner, though Charlie was too. And Liz- good grief. She's on the Mount Rushmore of the most annoying players ever. I'm sure she'll be back for a future season because the...
  2. 2861U2

    US Politics XXXVIII: "Patriots" vs Reality

    Copying the following from the political tangent that occurred over in EYKIW and pasting it here. Just because this is so astoundingly absurd. You're fucking kidding, right? You think these are just momentary memory lapses from age? Minor misremembering? He said he crossed the Maryland...
  3. 2861U2

    U2 live

    I'll probably be on the wrong side of the vote on this one, but for me definitely Out Of Control.
  4. 2861U2

    Setlist Discussion Part II - Spoilers Allowed, Enter At Your Own Risk

    I agree about Numb. I went into these shows thinking there was a greater than zero percent chance that they played it. I bet they could have done something cool with the visuals there. Missed opportunity, perhaps.
  5. 2861U2

    3 Irishmen and a Dutchman Walk Into A Sphere - General Discussion Thread Part III

    I’m glad you’re enjoying it and close to finishing. I worked at GCU for about 8 months when I lived in AZ and didn’t care for it at all.
  6. 2861U2

    Mlb 2023

    Not a fan of the Counsell hire. Have never been real impressed by him. If nothing else, though, this hopefully suggests that Hoyer is willing to make big moves this offseason. I think they've got a real shot at signing Ohtani.
  7. 2861U2

    Mlb 2023

    I love it. I love that there are no big names. Either the Diamondbacks become the most unlikely champs in a very long time, or the Rangers win their first. This will be the most interesting series since 2016. But no, the elites tell me that I'm supposed to want the Astros and Dodgers again...
  8. 2861U2

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    I don't listen to the radio much anymore- only to and from work during my 5-minute commute- but I heard Atomic City for the first time today.
  9. 2861U2

    Setlist Discussion Part II - Spoilers Allowed, Enter At Your Own Risk

    I mean, this is the band that did 40, Gloria, Yahweh, etc. I don't think this song- if it is in fact U2 and if it does have obvious religious lyrics- will change that perception if it's not there already. The people that think they're a "Christian band" already think that. The people that know...
  10. 2861U2

    Setlist Discussion Part II - Spoilers Allowed, Enter At Your Own Risk

    A few people have mentioned the closing song and wondered what it is (I haven't been to my show so I haven't actually heard it yet), but U2Songs posted a little something about it...
  11. 2861U2

    Setlist Discussion Part II - Spoilers Allowed, Enter At Your Own Risk

    25 shows in total, so maybe they switch it up after every 5 shows? 5 nights RH, 5 nights SOI, 5 nights Zooropa, etc. I'd be surprised if the encore changes in any significant way.
  12. 2861U2

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Extended CBS interview. Regarding new music, at the 12:20 mark, Edge says that have a few albums in the vault that are "very close" to finished. Yet later on, he says that they are still in the songwriting phase of the guitar album. SOA described as very "folksy" and "joyful."
  13. 2861U2

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    I love it. For the first several days, I was only able to listen to it on my phone. It wasn't until about 48 hours ago that I was able to listen to it on proper speakers, and like most of you said, I was very impressed with the sound and production. I think the lyrics are great, it's catchy...
  14. 2861U2

    3 Irishmen and a Dutchman Walk Into A Sphere - General Discussion Thread Part III

    Maybe a stupid question- what are those five symbols on that shirt? I can’t seem to make them out.
  15. 2861U2

    The Final Countdown - U2 at Sphere - General Discussion Thread Part 3

    That’s my goal. I’ll look at the setlists, photos, and maybe limited short clips, but I’ll try to avoid the rest. December 6 is a long time away, though…
  16. 2861U2

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    I’m hearing “guitar-shaped pool” I don’t have a problem with 95% of the lyrics. The only one I dislike is the “if your dreams don’t scare you” line. Too lame and cringe for me. Otherwise, cool song. Excited to hear more.
  17. 2861U2

    Wednesday, December 6, 2023 - MSG Sphere - Las Vegas, NV

    I'll be there! Shout-out to my wife. She insisted I get tickets and make the trip. I initially said no, just because I didn't want to spend the money. But she demanded I go, even though our second child will have just been born a few weeks earlier. So I'll fly in Wednesday morning and fly home...
  18. 2861U2

    New Album Discussion 1 - Songs of..... - Unreasonable guitar album

    Songs of Surrender is essentially meaningless to me. Only one song- Wild Horses- is as good or better than the original. The other 39 range from so-so to not memorable at all to absolutely God-awful. I'm sure someday I'll buy a used copy on eBay for a couple bucks, just so I have a physical copy...
  19. 2861U2

    US Politics XXXVII: hiiiii Kevin, I’m your biggest fan!

    Get a new line, buddy. I don't give one shit about Fox News. I haven't watched them in over a decade. They don't inform anything I believe.
  20. 2861U2

    US Politics XXXVII: hiiiii Kevin, I’m your biggest fan!

    Show me the post please. I've searched the recent Politics threads here and cannot find it. I'd love to see it. I do, in fact. Two of my wife's cousins. Not well, of course (does anyone know their spouse's cousins well?), but I "know" them. They were at our wedding, etc. Why do you ask? Did...
  21. 2861U2

    US Politics XXXVII: hiiiii Kevin, I’m your biggest fan!

    First of all, what does this mean? Second, did I make a post here about the midterms? I don't believe I did. Can you show me?
  22. 2861U2

    US Politics XXXVII: hiiiii Kevin, I’m your biggest fan!

    Never said he was. But let's be honest, if he's a teacher in Oregon, it's likely. My point was the connection between speaking out against this assignment and an increasing number of examples of things like this, and Kamala Harris's husband saying that this kind of anger is what started the...
  23. 2861U2

    US Politics XXXVII: hiiiii Kevin, I’m your biggest fan!

    Cherry-picking, really? Between this story, and child drag shows (which are perverted and not normal, no matter how much you guys here mock the opposition to them), and teachers encouraging their students to experiment with their gender, and so-called "experts" saying that wanting your child to...
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