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  1. youvedonewhat

    Diaries. Part 7.

    :wave: Hi MrsP. Good to hear from you. I hope you're doing ok. Been a long time since I was here regularly. I think you're right; they've all gone off to FaceBook Land. :D Shame it's so quiet in here now. It was always so busy. Fond memories and many laughs. Take good care of yourself...
  2. youvedonewhat

    Diaries. Part 7.

    :wave: Hi Flowerchild. Nice to hear from you. Believe it or not, I'm in the process of re-writing this fic. I'm practically done now. When it's complete I have to decide whether to chase an agent, post to Amazon Kindle or simply put it up somewhere online. I'd quite like to have it...
  3. youvedonewhat

    PGP:we're hanging with penguins while waiting for U2 to show up!

    Yo MsP.... been a long time. You ok? :wave:
  4. youvedonewhat

    Diaries. Part 7.

    Gosh...It's been a long time. Wow, been a while since I've been in here. So very quiet. :D Where has everybody gone?
  5. youvedonewhat

    Diaries. Part 7.

    :D Hee, I've just found another 186 pages of this fic....I forgot I'd re-written so much... :drool:
  6. youvedonewhat

    Diaries. Part 7.

    © All works by YDW. Last bit from last bit… >>>He was speaking. “I thought we might sit over there, on that low wall away from prying eyes and big ears”. And he pointed to a stone wall that had been there for so long, nobody actually remembered who’d built it. My eyes followed his finger. I...
  7. youvedonewhat

    Diaries Part 6.

    :wave: Ok, second attempt. :angry: Lets see what happens this time.... © All works by YDW. Last bit from last bit>>> I hate all my school books too. There’s too many of them and they weigh a ton; a ton I now had to carry all the way home. I scowled and cursed them; questioned the need...
  8. youvedonewhat


    :angry:Well, it looks like I'm gonna have to go back and see where I can separate it...crap....:huh:
  9. youvedonewhat


    :angry: Well shite. And I never knew that there was a limit on text. Meh. I have a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng chapter for you but I can't post it...never noticed that before...bugger....:angry::angry::angry:
  10. youvedonewhat

    Diaries Part 5.

    :wave: Just to let you know I'm still working on the next bit. It's proving to be really hard to get it right. :angry: and I can't post it if I'm not happy with it but it should be along shortly....:wink:
  11. youvedonewhat

    Diaries Part 5.

    :wave: I'm working on part 6 right now. Have been for a while but it's quite an emotional chapter so it's been hard getting it right. I've probably re-written it four times in the past few weeks. Shouldn't be long now though as I think I've finally got it right..:huh:
  12. youvedonewhat

    What Did You Just Do? #8

    Wrote some fiction..:D:wave:
  13. youvedonewhat

    Diaries Part 5.

    :wave: Hi peeps. A week gone already. Wow...well in that case the next bit... © Works by YDW. Last bit from last bit>>> <<<At his command I closed my eyes momentarily and pulled in a deep breath. I knew what was coming. I always do. Without looking at him I heard him breathing slow...
  14. youvedonewhat

    Diaries. Part 4.

    :wave: Short one today. Not much time. :D © Works by YDW. As usual, please don't copy or paste this anywhere without my consent. :D Susan. Part 4. Saturday 7th. Continued. Where, exactly, does a person begin when that person is so geared up with excitement that she has to pinch...
  15. youvedonewhat

    Diaries. Part 3.

  16. youvedonewhat

    Diaries. Part 3.

    ....*runs in*.... ...I have part 4....*runs away*:D
  17. youvedonewhat

    Leather Day - More Bono!

    :wave: It's been a while hasn't it. I'm fine thanks. Still giving eye to Bono, :D
  18. youvedonewhat

    Poll for Authors

    :wave: More like just passin' by...:lol:
  19. youvedonewhat

    Leather Day - More Bono!

    :wave: I hope you liked it. :D
  20. youvedonewhat

    Leather Day - More Bono!

    :wave: Hi Daz. Just popped in to say hello. Mind you I think most peeps have left since I was here last. :sad: Been ages. Hope you're doin' ok. :hug:
  21. youvedonewhat

    Poll for Authors

    When did you start writing? At school...for my friends. When do you typically write? In the morning? At night? During lunch? Any time. All the time. Although lately the inspiration has run away. Current (or most current) project? Haunting, (not in the ghostly sense but thought provoking), sad...
  22. youvedonewhat

    Leather Day - More Bono!

    Whilst I think on it, (and whilst I'm here), I'd like to say hi to MsPurrl & GG. :wave: Hope you're both doing ok. Sending best wishes. :hug: Ok, sorry to intrude on this post...back on topic.... :reject:
  23. youvedonewhat

    Leather Day - More Bono!

    :wave: Hi dragonfly. Been quite a while hasn't it. Thanks go to Bonocomet for telling me about this post. Aww, it's so nice that you remembered me. :heart:Hope you're doing ok. Time flies. I'm sure I don't know where it goes. And as usual Bono looks fab. *cries*. Never mind. We can all...
  24. youvedonewhat

    Diaries. Part 3.

    OK, I'm gonna try again...bleh..:angry: Maybe this time I'll be successful. :doh: © Works by YDW. 22 06 14. Please don’t copy or re-post without my permission. Thanks Ok, Last bit from last bit>>> I took a deep breath. Of course, I can’t let him see you. Instead I called back to him. “He...
  25. youvedonewhat


    :angry: It's in word already, luckily. I'm just very picky. Even when I'm ready to post something I like to read it through and tweek it whilst I'm doing so and that's why it took so long. I should have posted it and kept on editing instead, meh...:doh:. Never mind. Gonna post it
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