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  1. rivergoat

    Did I miss the "I really hate this album" thread?

    I'm trying, I really am. I am forcing myself to listen to this album once a day, every day, no skips! (Okay, I keep skipping the latter half of EBW because it annoys the hell out of me by that point). I still don't get it. I am not looking for an "instant classic" or even anything that has a...
  2. rivergoat

    Did I miss the "I really hate this album" thread?

    I have to agree that that sounded like a cheap shot. What I meant, though, was that I could well imagine the boys finishing it up, giving it a listen, and realizing it wasn't going to sell as well as a new U2 album should. By giving it away, they could avoid any comparisons on that score. I was...
  3. rivergoat

    Did I miss the "I really hate this album" thread?

    I browsed back a few pages, didn't see one. I am wondering if I somehow got a joke copy of SOI, because I don't hear one original or even interesting tune on SOI. What gives? This will be the first U2 album I will not have in my collection in over 30 years of being a fan. No wonder they gave it...
  4. rivergoat

    Moved some pictures...

    ... that I had posted in some very old threads. I was searching my name to find a very old post when I realized all my old picture links were broken. So here's the links to the photobucket albums, if anyone is interested: U2 magazine pics mid-1980's (NOTE: I no longer have the originals) U2...
  5. rivergoat

    Beautiful Day in Wrigley Field commercial

    Has anyone seen this? Full song - nothing but a huge ad for Wrigley Field. Guess they gotta make money somehow these days. BTW, I saw it on youtube.
  6. rivergoat

    U2's Bono to become the world's richest musician tomorrow -

    Of course he does! Where do you think the lyrics from Moment of Surrender came from?
  7. rivergoat

    BD in hockey ad?

    Few years ago, I saw a College Park, GA used car dealer ad that ended with BD (just "It's a Beautiful Day" during the fade-out). I saw it several times over a period of weeks. Can't remember the name of the place though - and I'm pretty sure it wasn't licensed, but it was most definately U2.
  8. rivergoat

    Song Titles-Version Sixty Seven

    Elvis Presley and America :P
  9. rivergoat

    It's Offical: I MUST be a redneck!

    Wish I knew what Karma gods I pissed off and how. But I never asked for pity. Feel bad for my friend who lost her first husband to suicide and was a reclusive shut-in who rarely left the house before meeting this new fellow. Yes, she's aware that he could be trying to exploit her to gain...
  10. rivergoat

    It's Offical: I MUST be a redneck!

    You know you're a redneck if your life sounds like a country song. Okay, here goes... (tl;dr - check the spoilers! The last one sums everything up!) One of my best friends has been married to a guy since last fall and has only spent 5 weeks with him, and only five of those days as a married...
  11. rivergoat

    Rate the Song: Corpse (These Chains are Way too Long)

    I love this song.... guess I'm the wierd one... 10!
  12. rivergoat

    Song Titles - Version Sixty Six

    Unforgettable Foyer
  13. rivergoat

    what u2 song do you (legitimately!!) wish you could hear live

    If I could only pick one song: Mofo If I could pick two songs: Mofo and Mofo
  14. rivergoat

    Why no live Acrobat?

    The version on the AB outtakes is very nearly identical to the released version. If I recall correctly, it's a full band version as well.
  15. rivergoat

    this is so funny

    Funny as hell, thanks!
  16. rivergoat

    Why no live Acrobat?

    I remember seeing U2 in an 'unplugged'-type setting, where they played songs and answered questions. This question came up. The reason given was that it is written in a different time (musically) than any other song they've done. Somewhere else I heard mentioned that they attempted to do this...
  17. rivergoat

    Song Titles - Version Sixty Six

    Luminous Times (Hold On To Love)
  18. rivergoat

    Say something negative about Achtung Baby

    Most over-hyped album, past or present.
  19. rivergoat

    Stranger In A Strange Land - Disliked?!

    Hmm.. just got done reading that book, and you know? That doesn't have anything to do with this discussion. "Stranger in a Strange Land" is one of my favorites off of "October." It doesn't belong in the same category as "Playboy Mansion" or other U2 songs I despise (such as "Pride".)
  20. rivergoat

    Glastonbury performance disappointing because of Bono's shoes?

    Gotta cheer for Elevation - yeah, I got annoyed with the heavy radio rotation, but I still love it. Why? Because it's a fun, nonsense song with alot of energy. There are alot of songs out there that have alot of energy, are fun to bang around to, and the lyrics are silly. But they don't win...
  21. rivergoat

    The Beautiful Blurry U2 Thread

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