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  1. biff

    New picture of bono surfaces on twitter

    Wait - what? I thought this forum was for people who hated U2's music.
  2. biff

    New picture of bono surfaces on twitter

    I'm wearing one myself, as well as a sleeve, also on the left side. Sadly, it's probably the only time I've had anything in common with Bono.
  3. biff

    Celebrity Name Game #15

    Yul Brynner
  4. biff

    Bono injured in cycling accident

    But do you eat gas station meatloaf?
  5. biff

    Bono injured in cycling accident

    No one sane would admit to that - so you must be her.
  6. biff

    Bono injured in cycling accident

    Definitely trolling - can't be that stupid and humourless and then refer to cocks (which are inherently hilarous).
  7. biff

    Songs of Innocence - Album Discussion Pt.2

    A miracle has occurred! :applaud: My partner, who for years has wavered between indifference and outright animosity towards the band, said last night, and I quote: "It's a great album." At that moment, I sensed hell freezing over (but in a good way).
  8. biff

    PLEBA Misc News, Stories and Articles #9

    Yes, he looks less like Prince Charles. (Hi Beli, long time no see!:wave:)
  9. biff

    ALBUM 13 - DOUBLE LP or NOT ?

    No you haven't.
  10. biff

    I desperately need to know where the U2 are recording in London

    You mean #stalkingtheU2, no?
  11. biff

    Invisible - Reactions Thread (Do not post song requests - Discussion only!)

    I'm sure there must be others with this problem: iTunes will only allow me to download an abridged version of the song, and the full version that was on YouTube had been removed. Would some kind soul please send me the complete song? Thanks in advance!
  12. biff

    New Album - inc 'Invisible' - discussion of Hangar Clips, Super Bowl and Amy Poehler

    Is it possible he's actually pissed off, perhaps having been told there will be no exclusives for him this time around, so he leads his listeners to believe this totally shite song is by U2? That would be a fun thought.
  13. biff

    Ongoing Rob Ford crack cocaine scandal

    And even more.... Rob Ford: Crack video motive for Smith murder, police told | Toronto Star
  14. biff

    PLEBA Misc News, Stories and Articles #9

    Not sure if this has been posted yet - it's the latest Achtoon Baby, and it's hilarious. Achtoon Baby Fall 2013 - U2 Cartoons from @U2
  15. biff

    Ordinary Love

    would be VERY much appreciated: Thanks!
  16. biff

    Ongoing Rob Ford crack cocaine scandal

    Guy on right: "That's where coodies come from."
  17. biff

    Ongoing Rob Ford crack cocaine scandal
  18. biff

    MORE 2013 Misc New U2 Pics

    It's a TV...
  19. biff

    Religious Nuts, Political Fanatics

    This has to be one of the biggest bumps in Interference history!
  20. biff

    "Ajibar" - Words and Music by Bono, Ethiopia 1985

    He's got them eating out of his hands with The Vegetable Song! Could be a hit.
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