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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. Catman

    Thinking of going to mortuary school...

    Wow. It took long enough, but--10 years after having made this thread--I'm currently enrolled in the Funeral Services program. Cute. I remember my girlfriend at the time wasn't completely fond of the idea, thus the impetus for this topic. Good times. I think this might be my final post on...
  2. Catman


    We've reached the end of an utterly exhausting decade that's left everyone drained with nothing to look forward to and no one to look up to.
  3. Catman

    Next Album Rumours Thread II - Songs of Ass Scent

    Bono's cadence is kinda infectious. It's a sweet song--better than what I was expecting [emoji847]
  4. Catman

    Next Album Rumours Thread II - Songs of Ass Scent

    I'm gonna disagree either way, but I hope you're referring to the first version of that song...
  5. Catman

    Next Album Rumours Thread II - Songs of Ass Scent

    Huh. Maybe my interpretation of Little Things is just drastically different than everyone else's, because I find the tune wonderfully depressing throughout. I mean, sure, the song lifts off halfway in, but not really to a comforting place (imo)
  6. Catman

    Next Album Rumours Thread II - Songs of Ass Scent

    If you had to choose one or the other, would it be a new album or a compilation of unreleased material (i.e. unheard--not just, like, their live performance of North Star or whatever)? Kinda leaning towards the latter (and I say this as an unapologetic fan of their last 2 records). EDIT: shit...
  7. Catman

    Best U2 song for your alarm...

    Your cheeky reply made me chortle. Thank you [emoji173] Huh. Didn't even think to use this one, but yeah... I can see this working. Lately though, my biological clock has got me up before the alarm goes off, so it's all kinda moot now. But I'll set it anyway on the off chance my circadian...
  8. Catman

    Next Album Rumours Thread II - Songs of Ass Scent

    I think my concern for U2's next record stems from how they chose to present to the public their last one. Best Thing, I can understand: it's the first single, and they went with a fairly solid pop/rock song. But GOOYOW @ the Grammy's? American Soul on SNL? *This* is what U2 believed would...
  9. Catman

    Another Bono collaboration ?

    Not sure when this surfaced, but it's my first time hearing it heh... :hmm:
  10. Catman

    The last U2 song you listened to... ?

    'Baby' WGRYWH Always enjoyed the album version, but I kinda prefer this earlier, quasi-"jangle pop"(?) take :up:
  11. Catman

    Next Album Rumours Thread II - Songs of Ass Scent

    I'd really like them to get back together w/ Brian Burton. Just hash things out, produce whatever the audio equivalent is of makeup sex, and release that shit w/o hesitation... plz.
  12. Catman

    What is the LAST song you heard? Part 2

    Silence (Delerium ft. Sarah McLachlan) Haven't listened to this in yeeaaars... fantastic song, yo
  13. Catman

    The last U2 song you listened to... ?

    Song For Someone was the song my wife and I danced to at our wedding (*her* choice, btw--don't judge us... I was honestly gunning for Never Had a Single Original Thought by Nerina Pallot). But regardless of my obvious bias, I never thought it was a bad tune--kinda overly bashed on this forum...
  14. Catman

    Ongoing Mass Shooting Thread #3... that's right, a third thread. Because 'Murica. Finally someone is thinking of the children
  15. Catman

    US Politics XV: Time to Mull Mueller Mania

    Ok. If we're just gonna post videos, then here's one, too:
  16. Catman

    What is the LAST song you heard? Part 2

    Smoke - Natalie Imbruglia (I don't know why lol)
  17. Catman

    The last U2 song you listened to... ?

    I have fond memories of listening to the Achtung Baby "remaster" (and reading the heated arguing over whether the album was actually remastered lol (I miss that Nick fella)). That release also gave us quite possibly my favorite U2 b-side, Heaven and Hell--such a remarkably underrated song! That...
  18. Catman

    The last U2 song you listened to... ?

    Really just don't know where else to put this, so I'm making a thread. I've recently been listening to the band's MDH material, and I kinda forgot how absolutely alluring some of those songs are (Ground Beneath Her Feet is sorta the impetus for this thread, but Never Let Me Go and Stateless are...
  19. Catman

    Songs of Experience - 1 Year Later

    People preferring Boots over Best Thing... I dunno. The latter is at least a coherent thought/ idea while the former is a mishmash of fuck knows what. I guess I prefer the bridge in Boots, but that's about it lol I remember reading vague descriptions of the song"s lyrical direction before it...
  20. Catman's latest subscription "gift"

    Sometimes I think U2 and Danger Mouse really could've gone the distance. There is some absolutely fantastic material both on and off the album, and it's a shame they decided to go their separate ways... Maybe it's just the simple fact that the band was/ is in a different mindset these days...
  21. Catman

    What is the LAST song you heard? Part 2

    Not an Addict - K's Choice
  22. Catman

    Earliest known live recording of U2 has been uncovered - a Dandelion Market show!

    wth? People treating this guy like Moses bringing down the ten commandments, when he sounds a lot more like Martin Shkreli w/ the Wu-Tang record... :down:
  23. Catman

    Official Thoughts/Prayers Needed Thread

    Whoa... I'm late to the Good News Gathering--apologies, Rachel!--but I'm so very happy for you that the scare was only just that. Geez, your mind must've been running wild w/ anxiety leading up to the appointment :no: Really glad you can move on from that whole ordeal :hug:
  24. Catman

    What is the LAST song you heard? Part 2

    How it Goes - Matthew Good
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