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  1. dougal55

    Live Moments In U2's History That Still Bring A Lump In Your Throat

    Well it’s been a while since I popped in to this forum let alone write a reply but this topic brought me so many warm memories and we all agree at leat that it showed the emotional and raw power of their music. As for me as a long time fan since 1985 I always find myself feeling emotional...
  2. dougal55

    Mexico City and Puebla earthquake - will it affect U2 playing there soon?

    I just pray and hope for all Mexicans during the so awful times after yet another earthquake (2nd in 10 days) but while I worry about them right now, I also worry about how much damage there might be to the very stadium Foro Sol which U2 is due to play in a couple of weeks time. I hope U2 will...
  3. dougal55

    Bono Calls for Humility in the Age of Trump

    Im a British guy who has been following the US election and the aftermath closely... and I have to say the following: Following the Trump's inauguration and his first few days, I found the article very good reading and yes it should be highlighted more into the wider world. While Bono's comment...
  4. dougal55

    What snippets/covers would you like to see on this tour?

    hmm... your replies here give all different ideas but what I can see now is that U2 may snippet Heroes by Bowie.. yeah, thats a good song and appropriate for the times we are in now... As for the others, Two Tribes and Valerie?! hmmmmm, I don't believe so but it would surely be fun to hear...
  5. dougal55

    What snippets/covers would you like to see on this tour?

    I was privileged to have seen U2 live twice (my very first 2 rock concerts of my life!) in London on 13th June and in Edinburgh on 1st August for the Joshua Tree European leg in 1987. While the main talk is about what U2 songs will be played this coming summer, I'm wondering about what...
  6. dougal55

    2017 Joshua Tree Tour: Ticket Prices

    What chance is there for extra dates in London or Dublin? Bit cheesed off with not getting tickets even with Wires group subscription but I know in past tours U2 usually use 3 stages on rotation for each tour so looking at dates for this year, it's fairly likely there will be extra dates so I...
  7. dougal55

    Whats your expectations of the paris shows..??

    Im slightly disappointed about that as was really expecting EODM to appear (perhaps they are not ready yet to appear on stage?) but as People Have The Power already have been rehearsed so yeah Patti Smith is that surprise guest. That's cool with me but in my mind, I so wish it was someone else...
  8. dougal55

    Whats your expectations of the paris shows..??

    Lol. Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  9. dougal55

    Whats your expectations of the paris shows..??

    Really? That's what I expect to see too but didn't see any confirmation of that. Didn't see that at so I guess you got info from your contacts on this, right? Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  10. dougal55

    Whats your expectations of the paris shows..??

    The kind of expectations for the shows in Paris? Well I think U2 will want to play the usual tunes inc those from the last album but also play just a few surprises like Acrobat or some cover song or two that suits the occasion as the gigs are bound to be compared to the New York shows that...
  11. dougal55

    Whats your expectations of the paris shows..??

    Yeah. It will be v emotional for all concerned at the show - the bands, the crews and the fans even I'm sure those who work at Bercy. I'm sure the audience will loudly welcome EODM on stage as it will be a very symbolic act of defiance and hope it helps EODM a bit too. Sent from my iPhone...
  12. dougal55

    Shooting/Terrorism in Paris

    Now 130 gone to heaven. Another death confirmed today after the victim who was critically injured died in hospital. So sad. I still believe - Stronger than fear and pray for Paris. Jesus. Even a week on, we are still reeling from this senseless attack and I'm sure we will still feel it for...
  13. dougal55

    BREAKING: Shooting and Explosions in Paris

    I don't follow Madonna that much but if that's the case can she make an exception in this case? Talking of Paris, I came across these beautiful words by Antoine Leiris who lost his wife at Le Bataclan and I thought it quite moving and so brave of him to write so soon after the attacks. It was...
  14. dougal55

    BREAKING: Shooting and Explosions in Paris

    Yes that would make sense and probably the right time, a few weeks after the awful events and by then hopefully Paris will have calmed down by then (as you say if at all possible. It's up to the authorities to give the green light and the sooner that happens the better.). IMHO, I'm sure U2 will...
  15. dougal55

    Will U2 play Walk On in Paris in honour Aung San Suu Kyi's historic election result i

    To be honest, playing any song tonight and beyond by U2 or any musician for that matter is a one finger salute and say to ISIS "F**k you!" as we all know that they did a direct hit on music in Paris at La Bataclan. So sad, so tragic but ultimately so beautiful as we saw so many people round the...
  16. dougal55

    I looked for Gibsongirl (Stephanie?) on to vote for her

    Aha. So There WERE 2 Stephanies on the same night so that fully explains what happened that night. How much chance was there to have two fangirls with the same name on U2 stage? Very small I guess! Oh that can't be an easy decision to make not to enter but in your circumstances very...
  17. dougal55

    I looked for Gibsongirl (Stephanie?) on to vote for her

    I only heard about the great online competition at yesterday where U2 fans get to vote for those U2 fans who appeared on stage from Vancouver to London on this tour to appear again in Paris this weekend. I thought that was cool so went to check out all the videos as I wanted to vote for...
  18. dougal55

    Will U2 play Walk On in Paris in honour Aung San Suu Kyi's historic election result i

    Yep, got the date wrong! It's actually 10th not 9th! :D misread it somewhere or that my brain wasn't working at the time of looking at dates! ;) Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  19. dougal55

    Will U2 play Walk On in Paris in honour Aung San Suu Kyi's historic election result i

    Yes I understand that it's probably played far too many times but for this remarkable day that's happening in Myanmar I'd suppose it might be appropriate to play it in tribute that's all but I guess at the end of the day with regards to so many snippets during this tour, Walk On might just be...
  20. dougal55

    Will U2 play Walk On in Paris in honour Aung San Suu Kyi's historic election result i

    Not sure? Haven't they rehearsed it at all for this tour? Sent from my iPhone using U2 Interference
  21. dougal55

    Will U2 play Walk On in Paris in honour Aung San Suu Kyi's historic election result i

    Just saw great news about Aung San Suu Kyi's election results today and I guess the junta regime that lasted over 50 years is finally over so I'm just guessing here but wouldn't it be great for U2 to pay tribute in Paris with that song dedicated to her, Walk On? Or would they do something else...
  22. dougal55

    U2 is at the atU2 party

    Jesus, that's another great close up video there! Just shows how much this meant to the emotional gal that filmed this and of course to so many others too! Unbelievably emotional that! ? wow so much joy! Still so so so thankful for the internet for otherwise we wouldn't have spread this much...
  23. dougal55

    U2 is at the atU2 party

    I haven't made a comment here for years as the number of posts you can see clearly shows that it is quite rare that something moves me enough to make a comment. BUT that surprise by Edge and Adam to turn up and play not one but two songs, I just felt that I gotta post a comment here (even...
  24. dougal55

    U2 Glastonbury Setlist Prediction

    this is a great thread and I suppose the guessing would continue until the minute U2 gets on stage... for what its worth, I am guessing U2 would play something like this and yes I am messing around: 1. Beautiful Day 2. I Will Follow 3. Out of Control 4. Gloria or Electric Co 5. I Still Havent...
  25. dougal55

    Turning Japanese

    Elevation song lyrics treatment This is Elevation English --> Croatian --> Japanese --> English The result? Elevation is called "Promoted"! "An orbit in the ass"! classic! "Promoted" High, higher than the sun You shoot me from a gun I you need to raise the bar Corner of your lips An orbit in...
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