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  1. P

    Fine art prints from I+E

    Thanks Jaime! yeah, plenty from New York. U2 New York 1 — Justin Kent U2 New York 2 — Justin Kent U2 New York 6 — Justin Kent U2 ATU2 20th — Justin Kent U2 New York 7 — Justin Kent
  2. P

    Fine art prints from I+E

    Crossposting this from All I Want is U2, hope that's alright. Hi guys, I've just launced a site to sell prints of some of my photos from Innocence & Experience. Some folks have been asking me about buying prints since the tour ended so I decided to set up a site. The...
  3. P

    Fine art prints from I+E

    Hi guys, I've just launced a site to sell prints of some of my photos from Innocence & Experience. Some folks have been asking me about buying prints since the tour ended so I decided to set up a site. The prints are all going to be on some of the highest quality photo...
  4. P

    #U2ieTour Photos - TOUR TIME 2015

    Hey Hey! Good to meet you too! what was your name? I got my book to someone who should be able to get it to the right folks, yes. Now I just get to wait and see if anything comes of it ;)
  5. P

    #U2ieTour Photos - TOUR TIME 2015

    Hey no problem! I'm all about sharing info. I'm a firm believer in the idea that gear is incidental (to some extent) to the quality of photos you get. Just because someone goes out and spends $5000 on a DSLR setup with quality lenses doesn't immediately mean they will get great results. It still...
  6. P

    #U2ieTour Photos - TOUR TIME 2015

    Here's a link to my instagram if you'd like to follow for the Chicago shows:
  7. P

    #U2ieTour Photos - TOUR TIME 2015

    I'll be at 1, 2, 3 & 4. I'll have my camera with me but for a few of them I'm lining up with friends who can't make it until mid-day so I might not be in quite as good of spots as I was for Vancouver & LA. I'll get some shots though either way :) thank you for the kind words! Yeah, I might be...
  8. P

    #U2ieTour Photos - TOUR TIME 2015

    Thank you! I started shooting in the days of film DSLR's. DSLR's have always been outlawed from larger venues so far as I know. It's just that compacts are finally getting to a point where they're very competitive w/ "professional" DSLRs. All of the photos I've taken so far on this tour have...
  9. P

    #U2ieTour Photos - TOUR TIME 2015

    Yeah, it wouldn't have been an issue but the person photoshopped one of the people pull onstage to appear to be nude so they could use it as a thumbnail for a clickbait youtube video. Probably just trying to get ad revenue by stealing other people's audio, video, and photos.
  10. P

    #U2ieTour Photos - TOUR TIME 2015

    Thanks! I've actually been here a looong time, just don't post a ton. :wave: One request for anyone posting things they find on flickr and instagram. Even though I'm sure not all of the people taking the shots would consider themselves professionals I think it's worth trying to credit people...
  11. P

    #U2ieTour Photos - TOUR TIME 2015

    Hey guys, just found this thread, love all of the sharing going on. I'm heading back on tour for some Chicago shows so hopefully I'll have a few more shots to share in the coming weeks. Let me know if you have any questions about taking photos at shows and I'll do my best to answer. Also...
  12. P

    May 15th, 2015 Vancouver, BC, Rogers Arena

    Still working on processing the rest of my photos now that I'm home... here's a video that just finished uploading in the meantime:
  13. P

    Let's abuse the Gigapixel panoramas!

    honey, close your mouth before a bird flies in.
  14. P

    Let's abuse the Gigapixel panoramas!

    really easy... "tag a friend" enter a fake name, enter a fake address, hit tag my friend, select email, copy-paste the URL. i-see-you-eagle-dude hey-man-i-cant-see-through-you nom-nom-nom
  15. P

    June 4th, 2011 - Qwest Field, Seattle, WA

    check your spam filter, I have gmail and mine kept getting caught... took me a while to figure out why it wasn't tagging. tagged myself, Justin, next to Romi and Jen.
  16. P

    June 4th, 2011 - Seattle PART 2 - Because it NEVER rains on Romi's birthday

    hmmm, don't remember that... possible I was just completely distracted though ;) does the guy in the photo have a beard? pretty sure I was the only bearded dude on the railing. :D
  17. P

    June 4th, 2011 - Seattle PART 2 - Because it NEVER rains on Romi's birthday

    guy in the Guinness shirt w/ mardi gras beads? looked like he'd just walked out of a bad St. Patty's party? I was on the railing in a black Joshua tree shirt, I'm sure we must've been right next to each other just about ;)
  18. P

    June 4th, 2011 - Qwest Field, Seattle, WA

    Here are some photos and video I just posted in the meet-up thread. Great great show, sad I can't make it to more. U2 360 Seattle - a set on Flickr YouTube - ‪U2 GA Run - Seattle‬‏
  19. P

    June 4th, 2011 - Seattle PART 2 - Because it NEVER rains on Romi's birthday

    just finished uploading my photos because I'm a lightroom ninja. need.more.sleep also I've got a fun video of the run in from the front of GA. U2 360 Seattle - a set on Flickr YouTube - ‪U2 GA Run - Seattle‬‏ Amazing show, lucky to get such amazing weather and amazing everything for the only...
  20. P

    June 4th, 2011 - Seattle PART 2 - Because it NEVER rains on Romi's birthday

    looks like my plans are constantly changing.... I'm going to drive up tonight from PDX, leaving in an hour or two. Just can't stand the thought of missing Roman's birthday ;) I've got an extra GA that Roman may or may not have someone in mind to take it, need to get in touch with him. I don't...
  21. P

    June 4th, 2011 - Seattle PART 2 - Because it NEVER rains on Romi's birthday

    Romi, if you can get an extra camera-man in then I'll happily take the day off work Friday and bring the 5D Mkii, tripod, and a wide array of lenses up with me ;)
  22. P

    June 4th, 2011 - Seattle PART 2 - Because it NEVER rains on Romi's birthday

    speaking of Twitter... is there a hashtag we should use, or is there a standard hashtag format that's already being used for the tour? it'd be nice if we could all just use the same hashtag for this show rather than trying to find all of the people we need to follow. something like #u2seattle ?
  23. P

    June 4th, 2011 - Seattle PART 2 - Because it NEVER rains on Romi's birthday

    So initially my girlfriend was coming up with me from Portland but now she isn't able to make it. I still haven't booked a hotel room since I was waiting for confirmation from her. I'm wondering what the policy has been on this tour for camping out if I end up not finding a hotel. What time are...
  24. P

    June 4th, 2011 - Seattle PART 2 - Because it NEVER rains on Romi's birthday

    mmmm, Kinder Bueno please :D Smarties are always awesome too!
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