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  1. O

    U2 Official Chicago lithograph - PHOTO NOT TAKEN IN CHICAGO

    I'm wondering if anyone got one of my lithos? If so drop me a private note or an email. I'm curious about them, I've not seen one!
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    some photos, from chicago

    Hiya everybody - A few folks have been asking and yes, I went to the shows in Chicago: Enjoy. otto
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    some photos from chicago

    Hiya kids - I know some of you were wondering and yes, I went to the shows in Chicago: Enjoy. otto
  4. O photo scanning update

    Hey gang - How's things? About, oh, six months ago I showed you guys some rescanned Popmart and Elevation photos: U2 photos - rescan preview Well, finally, now I am ready to start rescanning and reposting whole shows. (Who knew work and kids and life could eat so much time so fast!) Anyone...
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    Some old live photos, new again...

    Hey everyone - My photo rescan project is going slower than I hoped, but I'm about to have a bit more time to work on it and full show sets should be along soon. For now, here's a preview; thirteen rescanned and freshly prepared images, plus one that I never published before. Most are from...
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    some old live photos, new again...

    Hey gang - My photo rescan project is going slower than I hoped, but I'm about to have a bit more time to work on it and full show sets should be along soon. For now, here's a preview; thirteen rescanned and freshly prepared images, plus one that I never published before. Most are from...
  7. O update - ten years old!

    Hi all - is ten years old this week! (Whoa, where does the time go?) The domain itself is six years old today, but the first photos went up July 4th, 1997, of the Los Angeles Popmart show. There were more than 20,000 hits that first day, and traffic has never slowed down. The...
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    a update - 10th anniversary!

    Hi gang - is ten years old this week! (Whoa, where does the time go?) The domain itself is six years old today, but the first photos went up July 4th, 1997, of the Los Angeles Popmart show. There were more than 20,000 hits that first day, and traffic has never slowed down. The...
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    African Well Fund photo auction starts today

    Yeah that's pretty great that one item is doing so well; that's 3/4th of a well by itself! But there is tons of other affordable stuff; even one of my 12x36 montage prints is I think $36 right now. Remember all the money goes to the AWF, not the photographers, so with 108 choices something...
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    African Well Fund photo auction starts today

    I'm having a sort of personally rough year and I didn't contribute as much as I'd have liked to but some people - wow. Tons and tons of great stuff in there.
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    African Well Fund photo auction starts today

    I was coming to post in here that the auction is on, since I didn't see a news item, but someone beat me. Here's a link to my three one-time montages: There's a ton of great stuff; 108 auctions and some of them are multi-print auctions so there's lots to look at.
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    a photo-related question (

    Hi gang - Thanks for voting. It looks like I'll probably mostly work on PopMart first. Here's a little sneak preview - four new scans, two from each tour: I might leave them up today only so go quick. :) This is the 15th anniversary of my first U2...
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    a photo-related question (

    Hi gang ... Okay I've still not gotten started on this, things got busy for a few weeks, but ... soon. So now it looks like sorta 17 for PopMart and 12 for Elevation ... any last votes? U2Fanatic4ever - If you've got a digital camera I'd love to see how that photo looks framed! Okay, back to...
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    a photo-related question (

    Wow. Okay if we count Gluey for both sides :) we've got 17 for Pop and 5 for Elevation. I guess barring a huge surge of Elevation supporters we've got a probable winner on our hands... Sunday if I have time maybe I'll do ten selected photos from Popmart as a test to share. And yeah, maybe...
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    a photo-related question (

    u2trinity - send me an email about that, thanks.
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    a photo-related question (

    Wow. Elevation is getting destroyed here. No support for Elevation, anybody? Hmm?
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    a photo-related question (

    Hi gang - How's it going? I figured this was the right group to ask this question to. Say you've got a site full of original photos at Say you've got three tours worth of pictures. Say you've got many many Popmart photos, and many many Elevation photos. Say there's some...
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    Vertigo Hawaii pictures

    Huh. Never had a thread moved before, especially this one, which more than most is more about PLEBAns than me. Well whatever. Thanks everyone for the feedback! With a big break coming up, I'll try to put up something fun every now and then. Thank you for this. I've asked about working for...
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    Vertigo Hawaii pictures

    Hi - Photos from the Hawaii show on: I posted 65 shots, more than I did from one show the entire tour, figuring - eh, it's the end. Enjoy...
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    Photos from the Australia shows

    I love NYC and I love MSG shows, but a) they were really difficult tickets and b) I was in New Zealand. :) Next tour maybe...
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    Photos from the Australia shows

    Thanks everybody! Thanks everybody for all the kind words. It was quite unexpected that I was able to go, and I'm amazed I was able to pull it all together at the last minute. (Grandma wanted to see the grandkids, and Grandma is Australian - lucky me!) Kelly, I get that response sort of a...
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    150 new photos for you

    Thanks Thanks everybody for all the kind words. A little teaser for what's coming up - I plan to dig out all my film from Popmart and Elevation and rescan it, and make big pretty web images just like these new ones. The old scans just don't do them justice! But don't hold your breath. It's...
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    Photos from the Australia shows

    No, I did something wrong; trying to fix a typo I managed to mangle the whole database, and it took me nearly 10 minutes to fix it. It should be fixed now. Thanks, otto
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