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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. T

    Hi guys! + a warning

    Hey guys, I am a U2 fan for probably like 6-9 years and have been registered on multiple U2 forums. I have now come to this one! Now, a warning: As you may know, the atU2 forum is going on a temporary/possibly permanent hiatus. So you will probably get a massive immigration of @u2 users...
  2. T

    U2 E+I Fantasy Football

    As the next tour is I+E PArt 2: E+I I just had an idea centered around U2's next tour. Well, it's less an idea, and more a game. Here's how it works: You reply a list of songs. When the tour starts, keep track of your songs and how often they are performed in percentages, updating every concert...
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