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  1. Philisedge

    Freestyling Friday-What would your present be?

    I'm not quite sure if there is already such thread and I know that it's Thursday and not Friday,but I'm really curious.As we all know, The Edge's birthday is close.Assuming that you knew him,what would you buy him for his birthday,what would you write him at the card and if you could organize...
  2. Philisedge

    I want a doggie!!!Please help me!

    Hey,everyone!I need some help here.I always wanted to have a pet,most specifically a dog,but my parents never allowed me to.I explain to them that I will take full responsibility of it,but still they don't listen.They both forget that they had pets as they were groing up.For example,my father...
  3. Philisedge

    Conan?Where Are You?????

    :wave:Hey everyone.I need some help.Since last summer I've been a fan of Conan.The thing is that I don't know lots of things about him.I have to say that I'm a littlebit confused with him too.Can anybody explain to me why he was thrown out of the "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" and "The Tonight...
  4. Philisedge

    How can I make a homemade girls' McPhisto Costume?

    Hi! I am not quite sure if this is the right place to make such a thread,but I need some ideas. I want to make myself a homemade McPhisto costume for the "up and coming carnival":hyper:! Does anybody have any suggestions? I tried to find a similar costume like Bonos' in my city,but...
  5. Philisedge

    Programs for voice changing anyone???

    Ok,I need some help over here. I need to find some programs that can make your voice sound funny!!! I am starting a new project on youtube and I need to find a program like that.Can you please tell me one??? Thanks a lot!!!
  6. Philisedge

    Arewe ever going to make a new Freestylin' Friday???

    Ok,I know that it isn't Friday,but I need to see some Edge pics RIGHT NOW!!!Anyone has pics from this summer???Of ourse any other pics are available:wink:!!!
  7. Philisedge

    Grammy awards taking place away from civilization???

    Ok,last night I had the strangest dream in my life!!!:huh: I was at my summerhouse,Lefokastro(it is a very small village,google it to see how small it is) and I was enjoying the morning breeze,when sudenly I heard an outbursting crowd!!! I went at the rowd to see what was going on.People from...
  8. Philisedge

    Window In The Skies meening anyone????

    I don't know if there is allready a thread with this name,but does anybody know the meaning of the lyrics from "Window In The Skies"????
  9. Philisedge

    IO,Summer is over,school begins,after school activities begin!I WANT SUMMER BACK NOW!

    :sad::mad::scream::faint::depressed::grumpy::crazy::yell::banghead::panic: Those are my feelings everytime summer is over,and I guess yours also!I hate school,studing and work!!!I hate waking up everyday at 5:30 am in order to go to that aufull building,studing,studing,Studing:crack:!!!And...
  10. Philisedge

    You favourite movie of all time!!!!

    Whats your favourite movie of all time?Mine is "A walk to remember" and "Iron Man"(I am the onliest girl in my class who likes "Iron Man":love:)!
  11. Philisedge


    Ok,I reaaaally need some help over here!!!!I am 13 years old and I am 50 kilos!!!I need to loose about 3 or 4 kilos this week,but I don't even know if this is posible.Can you please give me some advice???I would apreciete it!!!:hug:Thanks!!!
  12. Philisedge

    Summer Edge Issue

    :edge:Hello!Any summer pictures from our handsome guitarist???:cute:I haven't seen photos of him for a while and I miss him!!!!:sad:Of course any other pictures of the Edge are welcome!:love:
  13. Philisedge

    Any Fans From Greece???

    Hi.I'm a newbie and I'm trying to find friends in interference.It would be nice if greek peolpe came into this thread.Of course everyone can enter!!!:wave::hyper::hug::heart:
  14. Philisedge

    Hello to everyone!!!!!

    :wave:Hi.I'm Philisedge and I'm a newbie!!!!I need some help over here so that I'll get to meet new people(and learn how to post photos:giggle:)!I am from Greece,I am 13 years old and my real name is Philippa.
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