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  1. M

    I think GoYB is a better song...

    ...than both Elevation AND Vertigo! MUCH MUCH BETTER!!!
  2. M

    Discotheque, Do You Feel Loved, MOFO...?

    Hey guys, I'm rearranging the track listing of some U2 albums and am having a slight dilemma between whether to keep Do You Feel Loved and MOFO as 2 and 3 respectively, or to switch around the order? I personally feel either way would have been mighty fine. Just wanted some opinions. So far (for...
  3. M

    Holy Grail "flerb" for Mysterious Ways?

    Holy Grail "flerb" + OD or DS of some sort + DiscumBOBulator + tc nova delay = Mysterious Ways?!? If any one here has at least the ehx and EMMA, could you confirm for me whether I'll be able to get close? Thnx! I'm playing a Telecaster through a Marshall combo.
  4. M

    Rank your favorite U2 and Radiohead albums

    U2 Achtung Baby Zooropa The Joshua Tree War The Unforgettable Fire Boy No Line on the Horizon Pop All That You Can't Leave Behind / How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb Rattle and Hum October Radiohead Kid A In Rainbows The Bends / OK Computer Amnesiac Hail to the Thief The King of...
  5. M

    Achtung Baby box set "The Fly" sunglasses

    Where can I buy those shades without having to buy the entire box set? I've scorned the internet with no luck? Thanks!
  6. M

    Achtung Baby and The Rolling Stones influence

    When l first listened to Achtung Baby, I've noticed a prominent Rolling Stones influence on the record. The intro riff to "Until the End..." and "Ultra Violet" is a nod to "Rocks Off", and "Who's Gonna Ride..." is obviously U2's take on "Wild Horses" (from Sticky Fingers). I've also read...
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