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  1. keatontr

    Leaving Interference.......

    (Not just interference, I'm actually leaving all online communities) My life is a huge mess right now. Desperation, Dislocation, Separation, Condemnation, Isolation, Desolation and all. The last three years have been a steep downhill ride for me. 2007 was the highest high of my life and then I...
  2. keatontr

    Google ???

    I was going to google my name when i realised that it isn't not google anymore. Now It's google beta. Ok. But when i try to move back to encrypted) or, it takes me to Why ??? Allright, perhaps it is a good thing...
  3. keatontr

    I Need a little advice.

    I'm sorry if I'm bugging you, but i'm not sure what i should do with this moth. I found my dog playing with it on the front yard. I've never seen a moth like this before. So i told my sister and after checking the encyclopedia for an hour she is quite sure that it is a extremely rare variety...
  4. keatontr

    Bono Lives on the Edge

    :hyper:Bono Lives on the Edge !!!
  5. keatontr

    Amusing Errors

    Last night I was using Ms Internet Explorer and this error message came up... " Giving up : ( Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance " Well I found it truly hilarious. I mean 'Giving up' ???:lol: I really love to mess with my system. I have Win XP(sp3), Win 7, Ubuntu Linux, FreeMint and RISC OS...
  6. keatontr


    सभी हिंदी भाषी लोगों का स्वागत हैं:wave: हम एक हैं, लेकिन हम एक समान नहीं है
  7. keatontr

    io: Greatest name ever

    :applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud: :applaud:
  8. keatontr

    The most Boring day EVER

    April 11, 1954. That was the most boring day of the last century according to a computer program called "True Knowledge" Computer Calculates the Most Boring Day Ever - TIME NewsFeed Funny thing. My dad was born that day.:crack:
  9. keatontr

    One (Anton Crobjin Version)

    (I'm not sure where to post this) I'm looking for Anton Crobjin's Video of "One", and having a hard time finding it. Please Help.:hyper:
  10. keatontr

    Firefox 4.0 Beta 7 Crashes Regularly

    I have been using Firefox 4.0 beta for the past couple of months. I update it regularly. Last week, Beta 7 version came out and I installed it. Now it crashes after every 3 or 4 hours. Help !
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