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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. TM

    U2 on your radio

    In our dutch thread we are always keeping track of which U2 song is playing on our radio. Maybe it's fun to see how the airplay is in the whole world? Just post if they're playing a U2 song! 3FM (Netherlands) just played All Because Of you
  2. TM

    Brian Eno's "Small Craft On A Milk Sea"

    Don't know where to put this, but we all know Brian Eno. This is his new album "Small craft on a milk sea". Any comments on the cover? :wink:
  3. TM

    Nederlands Draadje!

    Vorig draadje: Hyves draadje: (voor zover dat nog over hyves gaat...) Speciaal voor Bonoa blijven we het draadje noemen tot ze er aan gewend is :) Hoelang...
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