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  1. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Selling Edge Guitar String Bracelet

    I bought an Edge guitar string bracelet in an auction for charity. Unfortunately, I have to sell it now as I need the extra money for a car repair. It's authentic used Edge guitar strings that Dallas donated for the auction. They were used to play "In a Little While" on the 360 tour. If anyone...
  2. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Happy Birthday Bonogirl777

    Happy Birthday Liz!!! :hyper: :applaud: :happydance: :cabbagepatch: Hope you have a magnificent day :hug: Ps. Edge want's to bring you some b-day presents: Remember this??? :lol:
  3. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Happy Birthday Thora

    Happy Birthday Sharon!!! :love::applaud::rockon::weekend::yippie::cabbagepatch: It's been awesome getting to know you these past few years. You're an rockin' girlie and I'm so glad we're friends :hug: It was great to meet you in Montreal, even if it was just for a few minutes :wink: Next...
  4. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Happy Birthday Ryancoke71

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!!!! :weekend: May your day be filled with all things happy, wonderful, and joyous.You've been the friend I never thought I'd be so lucky to have and you deserve a magnificent birthday :hug: (technically it's not for another 3 hours, but I had to make your thread) You can't...
  5. KristenCaNaDiAn

    My Guilty Pleasure Song Is.......

    We all know as U2 fans there is a certain attachment to other "acceptable" bands. U2 fans are almost expected to be a fan of these other bands, such as Muse, Arcade Fire, The Black Keys, etc. But we all have music that we listen to that isn't necessarily considered "cool" within the U2...
  6. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Happy Birthday Ms. The Edge

    Happy Birthday MTE!!! :hug: :weekend: Hope you have a magnificent day! Here's what Edge has planned for your birthday celebrations: First he'll bring you a nice morning beverage to start off the day: Then he'll take you out for a nice walk in the summer weather: After the walk, you'll end...
  7. KristenCaNaDiAn

    U2 Christmas Pics

    Hey Guys, Just thought we could have a thread dedicated to all the U2 Christmas pics since the holidays are here :D Anything Christmas related goes, pics, photoshop creations, avis, etc. Have fun! :sexywink:
  8. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Happy Birthday Secretly_Alone

    Happy Birthday Val!!!! :hyper::applaud::rockon::cabbagepatch::happydance::weekend: Wish I could be there to celebrate with you..... ......but I figured you'd wanna spend your b-day with someone else :sexywink: He wants to do anything you wanna do for your birthday. But it looks like he...
  9. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Happy Birthday EdgeFest

    Happy Birthday EdgeFest :hug: Hope you have a fabulous birthday!! :hyper::cabbagepatch::happydance::weekend: Here's a little present for ya :sexywink: The Edge- catwalk model - YouTube
  10. KristenCaNaDiAn

    MOOBDay: All Bundled Up

    Hey Girls, We haven't had one of these in a while so I thought I'd start one. Since fall is here, the weather is getting colder (well at least where I live :wink:). How about posting pics of Larry wearing anything but summer clothes ie. he's gotta have covered arms (as much as we hate that...
  11. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Happy Birthday GraceRyan

    Happy Birthday Amy!! Hope you have a fabulous day :hug: U2 - Bono & The Edge - Happy Birthday 2U - YouTube
  12. KristenCaNaDiAn

    MOOBDay: After Tour Cheer Up Thread

    For anyone who has the post tour blues and needs cheering up. Post anything you want :D
  13. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Happy Birthday Galeongirl

    Happy Birthday!! :cabbagepatch::happydance::weekend::cheer::yippie: I hope you have a super fabulous day :hug: A big cake should be on your doorstep any minute now with this jumping out of it: Enjoy :sexywink:
  14. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Picture Request

    Please post the pics from this photoshoot. I've been looking for them Thanks :hug:
  15. KristenCaNaDiAn

    MOOBDay: Here Comes the Babe

    Another Monday morning, another Moobday thread :sexywink: How about we post pics of Larry that make us go "Wow, what a babe!" Happy Posting :shifty:
  16. KristenCaNaDiAn

    PGP: We're on The Edge.........of glory!

    For MTE :sexywink:
  17. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Picture Request

    I lost a bunch of pics that I had saved to my computer. There was one I really liked of Larry and now I can't find it. It's a still from the Unforgettable Fire video. Someone screen captured that part where he looks at the camera. Sorry if I'm not explaining it well :lol: If anyone has it...
  18. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Tour Program pics

    Does anyone have any pics of the pictures inside the tour program from this North American leg?? Any would be appreciated, thanks! I have the tour program from the 2009 NA leg.
  19. KristenCaNaDiAn

    PGP- Morals: We haz them??

    As requested in the last thread :sexywink:
  20. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Picture Request

    Hey Guys, I'm trying to find pictures from a certain photoshoot. It's from the Elevation era and it's a professional photoshoot. Bono isn't wearing his glasses and he has on a navy blue shirt and Larry is wearing a white tank top underneath a zip-up shirt. I'm not describing it well but it's...
  21. KristenCaNaDiAn

    MOOBDay: Baby It's Cold Outside

    MOOBDAY!! Since Larry was clearly freezing at the Winnipeg show (I know, I was there :wink:), lets post pics of him all bundled up :cute: Have fun!
  22. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Happy Birthday Zuropa_Fit

    Happy Birthday Zooey!!!! :hug: :hyper: :weekend::yippie::happydance: You're a wonderful friend and I can't wait to see you in July! :hug: Have a rockin day! :rockon::rimshot: Here's your birthday presents: First you'll go for a birthday ride: Then you'll go for a birthday lunch...
  23. KristenCaNaDiAn

    Items Allowed in the Stadiums

    Sorry if this is in the wrong spot. Mods, please move it if you have to. Anyways, just wondering what kinds of things are allowed into the stadium, specifically the pit. I'm asking because I bought a pair of devil horns that flash. Are these allowed?? I wasn't sure if security allows...
  24. KristenCaNaDiAn

    July 8th and 9th- Hippodrome- Montreal!! (Part 7)

    As requested by a certain someone for a Pleban to start the new thread :sexywink:
  25. KristenCaNaDiAn

    MOOBDay: Show off those guns!

    In honour of spring finally arriving, we should celebrate by posting pics of Larry wearing t-shirts. Have fun! :sexywink:
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