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  1. nirniva

    Sleigh Bells - Reign of Terror

    I could have sworn we had a Sleigh Bells thread, but a forum search showed nothing. Anyway, their new album is streaming over at the New York Times, and it's good stuff: Discuss.
  2. nirniva

    Neon Indian - Era Extraña

    Searched around and wasn't able to find a preexisting Neon Indian thread, so...yeah. Anyway, the new album is streaming on NPR until the official release date: First Listen: Neon Indian, 'Era Extraña' : NPR Good stuff, especially if you're already a fan of Washed Out or Toro Y Moi.
  3. nirniva

    New Album Discussion: Worthwhile, Informative, And Not Even Slightly Grating

    Continue. (Thanks to Digitize for the thread title inspiration.)
  4. nirniva

    Zooropa Discussion (AKA We're Gonna Tweet Out Loud)

    It's back, it's awesome, and it's trending. Discuss.
  5. nirniva

    To Answer The Last Thread's Question, No (AKA New Album Speculation)

    New thread time! Mods: If someone else makes one earlier, please lock/merge.
  6. nirniva

    Zoo-TV Miniseries?

    I had no idea this existed until a few hours ago, but...back in the '90s, MTV apparently ran a miniseries based on Zoo TV. And it sounds like it was freaking amazing. MTV Opens Cage for Wild Zoo-TV Infuriatingly, I can't find any video of this at all. Anyone remember seeing this show? EDIT...
  7. nirniva

    Official Unofficial Campaign For The Return Of The Slow Loris

    Dear Slow Loris: If you've been keeping up with U2 for the past few months (as I'm sure you have), you will have noticed that the band has been playing half a dozen songs in regular rotation. Since this is an almost unparalleled move in the band's history, it suggests that new recordings are...
  8. nirniva

    Boy Falls From The Sky!

    If Mercy deserves an official thread, so does this. Long story short, U2 played this song for the first time tonight in Coimbra. Bask in its glory:
  9. nirniva

    Bonocrab Appreciation Thread

    Because it deserves one: Here's the official unofficial appreciation thread for everyone's favorite official unofficial U2 360 Tour mascot, Bonocrab! (...We were getting a bit silly in the Tour Discussion forum. Don't ask. :shifty:)
  10. nirniva

    It's Official: I Just Stumbled Upon This Subforum And Have No Idea What's Going On

    Seriously, this place is weird. :crack: (In a good way. I think. :wink:)
  11. nirniva

    Return Appearances?

    Sorry if this is redundant, but...what are some songs you would like to see make return appearances on U2 360? Could be songs that haven't been played in years, could be songs played on the Vertigo tour. Quite simply: what songs would you like to hear again, regardless of likelihood? My list...
  12. nirniva


    Well, according to some posters in the other Linear thread, the movie has leaked! Since that thread has sort of become a request thread, I thought a discussion thread might be useful. Mods: Lock/merge/move if needed. :wave:
  13. nirniva

    Whaddya Get When You Cross U2, Coldplay, And The Killers?

    THIS. Coldplay Joined By The Killers And Bono For The Best Encore Ever (VIDEO) As a fan of all three bands, all I have to say is...:rockon: MODS: I can't find a thread for this, but lock/merge/move if needed.
  14. nirniva

    Leak Week Appreciation Thread

    This is a thread for discussion of the 11 (count 'em, 11!) crazy threads leading up to today's leak. MODS: Lock/merge if needed.
  15. nirniva

    Night Of The Living Leak Puns (Leak Pun Appreciation Thread)

    It's time for another crazy leak thread! EDIT: Or not. As the new title suggests, this is now the long-needed leak pun thread. Go crazy! :D
  16. nirniva

    Okay, Seriously, WHEN THE HELL WILL IT LEAK? (Part 5)

    You know the drill. Leaks. Discuss.
  17. nirniva

    Guitar Hero and U2: Two Great Tastes That Go Great Together?

    This is both somewhat old and a rumor, but bear with me here. According to gaming blog Destructoid, a U2 version of Guitar Hero may be in the works. Guitar Hero U2 Edition in the works? | Destructoid offers reviews, previews, trailers, cheats, and more. If this were to happen, it would...
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