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  1. F

    I Need Bono, Bono, oh to ease my mind!

    'Cuz those Bono pics do it all the time! Oh, my mama said, " You can't hurry love, you just have to wait."
  2. F

    Not good news to wake up to- tsunami??

    Just woke up to the news. Are any of our members in that area of the quake in Chile, or in Hawaii where the wave may hit? Everybody ok on that end of the world?
  3. F

    Depressed because a Friend Is Too!

    I need a Bono fix, I really, really do. My friend, Scott, in Leeds, England is down and he has closed the doors to communication. I have to wait this out and deal with my side of the world. However, the trouble with us gypsies is that our hearts are always roaming!! Cecy?? Bono Sisterhood? Can I...
  4. F

    To Anyone in the UK, Leeds area

    Hey, Freefall here, and I have a special friend in Leeds who is in need of some friends right now. His name is Scott Gibbs and he is 22 years old and from Brisbane, Australia. He came to Great Britain in pursuit of a dream but that dream quickly soured for him. He has spent the last several...
  5. F

    Isn't this the lyrics to...?

    Elvis Ate America? From the Passengers releases? Elvis: American David. A poem by Bono - Times Online Bono is apparently going to be reading it as poetry...or at least I think he is.
  6. F

    The Things You Learn on Twitter

    I was exploring Twitter last night, and I founf our Bonofox, who was following the purported Gavin Friday! Now Gavin Friday, who says he is from Dublin, is actually following U2JesusGirl?? But he is also following U2log, which list this from BBC online: BBC falls for Bono’s ‘poetry’ - Times...
  7. F

    Freefall's Back!!

    And with her own Inspirion laptop!:dancing:I hope that I haven't offended anyone in my abscence, and I have sincerely missed you all! (But, ye God! Do you realize how time-consuming Zootopia has gotten?) Well, now with my own laptop I can stay online for as long as I like and enjoy your company...
  8. F

    Leather Day: You Don't Get It Do You?

    Bono, do you know how beautiful you are? From GOYB on down - boots on, boots off! In your opinion, ladies, the most beautiful Bono pictures ever snapped in thirty years of musicianship! Get on Your Boots! And smile! It's Leather Day!
  9. F

    Leather Day: Bono the Flirt! one has started a leather day thread yet? C'mon, know he's just gotta' flirt you into it! Any of you ladies there?
  10. F

    Leather Day: DESIRE!!

    Listening to "Desire" on a rainy NYC day (without an umbrella!) and purposely splashing in the puddles while warbling to the song. So here I sit drip-drying in front of the library computer, and I need to dry off with hot Joshua Tree Bono. How's 'bout you girls? DESIRE!! (Red guitars on fire...
  11. F

    Unforgettable Fire on March the 20th: Saint Pat's anybody?

    Hey, Freefall, a.k.a. Mary the infamous here. What's up for Saint Patrick's Day, tribe? Anybody coming NYC way? Mick and the boys have B.B. King's on March the 20th at $20 a head. Check out the Ticketmaster website, and thou shalt see a vision of skyscrapers and shamrocks and a parade and...
  12. F

    A Few Pics for the Dallas-addicted?

    I have it BAD for Dallas Schoo, Edge's guitar tech! You all wouldn't happen to have pics of Dallas and Edge together, would you? Or even Dallas by his lonesome! I've met Dallas twice now and he is the epitome of sweetness! How could you forget someone who squeezes your hand and lets you hug...
  13. F

    SoCal OK?

    Watching the news tonight and those wildfires in the Los Angeles area are looking fairly out of control. are you doing, girl? I know that Bonocomet is safe where she's at, but I am worried about the Fox! :yikes: Say that you're all okay over there!
  14. F

    It's a Beautiful Day

    The heart is a bloom Shoots up through the stony ground There's no room No space to rent in this town You're out of luck And the reason that you had to care The traffic is stuck And you're not moving anywhere You thought you'd found a friend To take you out of this place Someone you...
  15. F

    The Bonofox1 Appreciation Thread

    She's one of the sweetest, most level-headed, yet zealous Bono fan in the land! Between the Fox and the Comet, our Photobuckets have gotten richer and more vibrant with the most beautiful and rare U2 pics on the planet. It was a pleasure to meet you in California. (Hope that I didn't add any...
  16. F

    Bono, Bono, BONO!!!

    It's not Leather Day, but...didn't we miss it somehow? Happy Belated Leather Day, girls! Make 'em hawt, sweet, sexy...earthy, sensual, and high-flying Bono! One of the greatest singers in the world!
  17. F

    Having trouble accessing the site

    I don't know if everyone else is having these difficulties today, but it started later on this morning. When I type in the "http" address, it says the site is down and they may be working on it. The website is under maintainence. I had to go to an old e-mail in my box and find a link to a...
  18. F

    Lost PLEBAn: Emma Bergstrom!

    Has anyone seen or heard of where Emma is? I haven't been on the boards enough to hear from her. Is she on vacation? Having computer problems? I...uh...even called Sweden after googling her in the Swedish white pages! (I have her address...don't worry!) So...SWEDEN AMERICA IS CALLING!! Emma...
  19. F

    A Little Surfin' Safari

    Hey, Bonofox! Bonocomet! How about we do Disney? And isn't Magic Mountain Amusement Park just outside of LA? Are there any other California PLEBAn's? Ummm, do we dare make this a par-tay?? Like the Pacific is always cool, dudettes! Should we invite any others? Make massive plans? I mean, I would...
  20. F

    I Miss My Emma!!

    Has anyone seen hide or hair of Emma Bergstrom? I miss her dearly! Besides, drooling over Bedge shots and Bono was our favorite pasttime! Emma, we're dying here without you! You know we're friends "Until The End of the World"!! Speak to me, Emma!:sad:
  21. F

    Just in case you've never seen it.

    Sightings of Bono YouTube - Sightings Of Bono I had never seen it before until today thanks to a friend on
  22. F

    The Eyes Have It!

    I am in the mood for the look. Bono just staring at us wtih those beautiful blue eyes...the more intense the Better! Humor me, girls? Better yet humor us, then slay us with those eyes!
  23. F

    Happy Birthday, Emma!!!!

    From your number one American fan!! Then there's this Irish guy... Think he's kinda' fond of U2!!! Love you, Emma!!!
  24. F

    Hey, PLEBAns...

    Wish I could get a PM from you all, and I know a few have been hittiing my box, but I have to get a paid membership! Until then, I want to say thank you for any and all of you who have been lobbing things my way...and...and yesterday was my birthday!! I turned 48 before Bono did! (16 days and...
  25. F

    The Most Gorgeous Bono Pics Ever II

    Considering the manner in which the last thread ended...ahem! Bono in all his glory please...err...unless you think we overdid it, girls?
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