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  1. P

    Wanted to buy: U2 Zoomerang Poster Australia

    Hi there. I hope this isn't against the rules but I'm absolutely looking for this one part of memorabilia that I've always wanted: A U2 ZooTV Zoomerang concert poster. You know the ones: they're massive, probably in two bits, and promoted all of the Australia/New Zooland concerts. I'm not a...
  2. P

    Help with a Boss ME-50... how to get effects?

    Hey guys, I'm doing some U2 cover songs (I'm on bass), and the lead guitarist is playing an Ephiphone Les Paul Standard guitar with at Boss ME-50 guitar effects board thingys, and I was just wondering if you guys know what the proper setup with one of these things would be for it? The setlist...
  3. P

    Adelaide pics, right up front.... and in need of a favour!

    Hey guys, it's taken me a little while to get this done (exams and work), but here's my pics from the gig. I had alot of trouble taking pictures.... I think it could've been from the vibration of the speakers, I don't know. Ah well. View from the back (taken @ 7am)...
  4. P

    General Admission into Brisbane, how did it work??? Few Q's

    Worth asking.... what was the proceedure? Who waited before 9am, were there any security guards? What was the line-up like? What was the proceedure to get in??? Nervous about Adelaide. *shudders*
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