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  1. maycocksean

    Ticket in one city, Me in another

    I have a most unusual situation. I am flying back from vacation in Florida to my home in Columbus. My first flight was cancelled and my second flight is delayed which may cause me to miss my connecting flight in New York. I have one GA ticket for the Tuesday night show at MSG, and I'm...
  2. maycocksean

    Online Blackout of your kids?

    Facebook privacy and kids: Don’t post photos of your kids online. - Slate Magazine I thought this article was interesting and was curious as to what you all might think. On the face of it, it seems like these parents are making serious but reasonable efforts to protect their child's privacy...
  3. maycocksean

    Voting Rights Act Dismantled?

    So what do you guys think? My big question is what is the substance of the case Shelby County vs Holden? That would help me a lot in deciding how I feel about a ruling that sounds technically reasonable, but the possible consequences of which seem suspiciously useful to the Republican party.
  4. maycocksean

    Survivor Philippines

    Anyone? Anyone?
  5. maycocksean

    Marriage: The Great Equalizer? Outstanding article. Long, but worth the read. Basically it sums up the stats that indicate that one of the things really negatively affecting the middle class and the poor economically is the...
  6. maycocksean

    Alcohol and Sex: How do you gauge the line of consent?

    I had an experience the other night at a concert that really bothered me. I realize this might better go in Zoo Confessional or some place like that, and if the mods feel the need to move it that’s fine with me. But this is the forum I spend the most time in and I feel like the regular posters...
  7. maycocksean

    The FYM 100

    I admit that I cheated a little. I went back and found Irvines original journal entry, copied and pasted it and used his 100 list as a jumping off point for mine. Often times I followed the same theme as his, and when I couldn't I just put in something completely different. It was an...
  8. maycocksean

    Who are we really?

    I realize that this might be better placed in Zoo Station, but I'm really interested in discussing the ideas behind the film rather than the movie itself, and I think FYM is a good fit. (Plus I can't be bothered to have it lost the "latest movie you've seen eleventy-one" thread). Hope the mods...
  9. maycocksean

    Oprah's Last Week

    Anybody else watching the end of an era? Today's episode was a horrifying spectacle that ran the gamut from mawkish sentimentality to creepy quasi-religiosity. The idea was to "surprise Oprah." But really how do you surprise someone who knows every one and has everything. "OMG! Madonna. ...
  10. maycocksean

    End Taxpayer Support of NPR?

    I love NPR. I'm a member. I listen every day, even during the membership drives. But while I don't DEMAND that federal government cut public broadcasting funding, I'm not convinced that ending that funding would be the worst thing in the world. Perhaps it would be good to have NPR etc be...
  11. maycocksean

    Is America More or Less Violent Today?

    I see a paradox in modern American society. As a predominant cultural value we seem less tolerant of violence of any sort than at any other time in our history. Our children are taught that violence is never an acceptable means of solving problems, we wring our hands over bullying, corporal...
  12. maycocksean

    Your Conservative Side (or vice versa)

    Most people on this forum probably type me as left-leaning, and that’s probably pretty accurate. However, some might be surprised to find that I hold a number of views that would probably considered quite conservative. For example: I’m actually what you might call a fundamentalist Christian...
  13. maycocksean

    Are babies racist?

    Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. | Newsweek Life | Fascinating and insightful article. It really emphasizes something I've longed believed. . .that the well-intentioned tendency among many whites to pretend that race doesn't exist and that racism isn't a problem...
  14. maycocksean

    Socialism = Fascism?

    Okay, INDY. . . Bring it.
  15. maycocksean

    IO: I'm running in the San Francisco Marathon this Sunday!

    Wish me luck everyone. I'm nervous but also excited. Any Bay Area Interferencers that want to come down to cheer me on can get more info about the marathon at The San Francisco Marathon: Race Week Info (Sorry in advance about the closed roads!)
  16. maycocksean

    FYM'ers Weigh In

    I'd like to humbly request the mods humor me on this thread which is quite off topic, and consider not moving it to EYKIW. The reason is simply this: I spend most of my time on Interference here in FYM...I don't usually have the time to go anywhere else. I feel like I "know" the FYM regulars...
  17. maycocksean

    Sabbath Dispatch #4

    I believe that people are basically good And. . . I believe that people are basically bad Thus, I believe there are no good people or evil people. I believe the saints and the sinners are one and the same. I believe in sin. I believe it is many things and that these things are actually the...
  18. maycocksean

    Converting AVI to MPEG

    I've noticed that my digital camera video files will no longer upload to Youtube. I don't know if they've changed their format requirements (they say they prefer MPEG files) or what. I'm thinking if I can convert my AVI files to MPEGs I'll be able to upload. Does anyone know how to do this...
  19. maycocksean

    Sabbath Dispatch #3

    I believe in good and evil. I believe good is fundamentally about love, and evil is fundamentally about selfishness. I believe they are in conflict, and that good will win in the end. I see both systems--for this is what I believe they are, two opposing systematic approaches to life--at work...
  20. maycocksean

    Sabbath Dispatch #2

    I have a brother, when I'm a brother in need I spend my whole time running He spends his running after me When I feel myself going down I just call and he comes around I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He is the infinite and unknowable God made understandable, because He is also one...
  21. maycocksean

    Sabbath Dispatch #1

    First a word of explanation: Iron Horse has the Sunday Dispatch, and VintagePunk has the Friday Night Dispatch, so I've decided to add the Sabbath Dispatch on Saturday (my time any way) so that the whole weekend is covered. I think IH and VP have the market pretty much cornered on pithy...
  22. maycocksean

    People must compete to survive

    My students have to debate this statement tomorrow. Curious to know what the folks on FYM think. Thoughts?
  23. maycocksean

    U2 IS a conseravative band!

    How can you not see it: Check out the Elevation show in Boston DVD--remember that great sequence during "Bullet the Blue Sky" where they have the video clips that show their unstinting support of the NRA and. . .oh wait. . .never mind. And then there was the whole series of videos for "One"...
  24. maycocksean

    What I admire in the oppositon

    What do you admire in the political ideology opposite your own? For example, as a liberal what apects of conservative thinking do you admire, and vice versa? I'll answer my own question later, but I have to go teach now.
  25. maycocksean

    What does it cost to live in America?

    I’ve always assumed that because we don’t pay for car or housing here in the CNMI that we’re actually doing better financially here than we would in the States, even with the pittance we make in our jobs as missionaries here. Well, with our son on the way, I’ve been feeling like I need to find...
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