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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. P

    Any pics of holiday homes

    Bono said they go off to the South of France and live the life of riley after working hard in the studio and touring for months anyone got any pics of their French residence? (if allowed) :reject:
  2. P

    bono best dressed in?

    for me: red shirts :drool:
  3. P

    any pics of bono looking really mad!?

    grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr:mad: I wanna see him angry -real mad any pics of Bono loosing it? sorry, I'm half drunk on gin and orange:shh: :giggle:
  4. P


    I'd take him to the zoo then the pub then I'd pitch up a tent in my back garden and talk him into sleeping under the stars to all the moderators-(fully clothed !)
  5. P

    girls-do you shake real bad when bono hugs you?

    All the girls who met him-wonder how did you react thanks for answering my poll I'm not sure what I would do if I met him-I think I would shake but then stand away from him cause I was so embarrassed at my nervous system giving too much away-I'd have to have a few G and T's before meeting him...
  6. P


    INNER EXILE Inside myself I keep myself hidden I've been to that place where hurt steals your freedom, I'm in a place of desolation That keeps me from exposure to breaking point I'm lonely but I'm hiding From all you might find vunerable in me Up in exile,here I sit Trapped by my own fears...
  7. P

    poem: Love you anyway

    I see you walking further away Even though the sun rose on both of us today The wall is creeping higher and higher, I wonder where you're taking your desire Although the hurt moves over like a storm and the words between us are weary and worn, I keep looking at a brighter day And I'm going to...
  8. P

    Edge's Eyes

  9. P

    wonder if.........

    BONO has ever registered and had a sneek look @ what goes on here..... he's a busy man so doubt it but I wonder if at a time of extreme boredom he's actually chatted on here in disguise I live in hope:wink:
  10. P

    U2 UNCOVERED-amazing

    Did you see on the ITV1 UK tv U2 Uncovered-behind the scenes with cat deeley... Excellent!!!!!!!! great interview..+VERTIGO FOOTAGE... Bono said he often chooses the shy interesting girls to pull onto stage and sometimes a really boring over confident girl trys to climb over her as he pulls...
  11. P

    another DAFT poll but fun

    Your washing machine broke down...-You bump into Bono in Dublin. He sees you trapsing down the launderette but its full up.He feels sorry for you,and as you are wearing a U2 t-shirt he offers to go back to his mansion and personally do your washing for you....-'meet you back outside the...
  12. P

    When The Stars Go Blue

    When The Stars Go Blue VIDEO BONO AND THE CORRS SING ' WHEN THE STARS GO BLUE' CLICK ON OR PASTE INTO YOUR BROWSER if it doesn't take you straight to video type in YAHOO VIDEO search engine WHEN THE STARS GO BLUE,VIDEO WILL COME...
  13. P

    The nibbling,biting episode

    you know the clip of bono nibbling/biting fans hands in the crowd at a concert.......some of you have a clip of it on your threads.... I never remember him doing that,was it a one off,just at one concert or a phase he went through during a certain tour........when was it..... just...
  14. P

    planting marigolds like everyone else

    It was a beautiful day and I wouldn't let it get away,I was on the road.... off to the Plant nursery that is ! to buy my annuals to plant for the summer I pulled up next to a guy wearing these big black shades Good idea I said,its a hot day-I get headaches if i don't wear em... Do you wanna...
  15. P

    What Is It About Bono You Love The Most

    For me its HIS poetic gift of writing those amazing lyrics and reaching out to others,the guy musta saved lives when people felt they just couldn't go on... his charm those blue eyes... :angel:
  16. P

    What Gift Would You Buy Bono?

    HEARD HE'S GOT 2 GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS BUT...What Bono really would adore is a beautiful purring slinky cat that would lay and sprawl across his /neckjugular to feel the beat and purrrrrrrrrrr in tune-sending healing to that sore throat of his..... I'd probly get him a crazy spotted Bengal that...
  17. P

    Anyone Met Member Of U2 But Got Snubbed?

    Hear how each and everyone of these guys are really fab to their fans when meeting or having a stage encounter but wondering if any of yer caught em at a bad moment My friend lucy who may i add is very attractive (so he wasn't rejecting her on looks...) got right near the front of an elevation...
  18. P

    DOES YOUR LOVE FOR Bono affect your life too much

    thinking of re writing re writing....
  19. P

    the melpop video

    tried all the links and all expired-anyone still got this-can you reload it for a very curious passing cat!-thanks!!!!
  20. P

    nothin will beat this girls experience with bono!!

    i had to throw buckets of ice over myself after reading one girls experience on stage with Bono-she got to kiss his neck and play with his hair and feel the weight of him on top of her.....and she has the photos to prove it !! catch our naughty Bono out at PASTE IT IN...
  21. P

    kiss his neck and make him moan

    i had to throw buckets of ice over myself after reading one girls experience on stage with Bono-she got to kiss his neck and play with his hair and feel the weight of him on top of her.....and she has the photos to prove it !! catch our naughty Bono out at (paste into...
  22. P

    Meow Purrrrrrrrr

  23. P

    its official-people do lie about stars HEAVILY @ TIMES

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