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  1. CTU2fan

    What's the worst movie you've ever seen?

    This question occurred to me as I watched Creepshow 3...and yes, it's very possible that Creepshow 3 is the worst movie ever. So, what say you? And you have to have actually seen the no picking Gigli if you haven't sat through the whole thing :wink:
  2. CTU2fan

    Should I watch Lost?

    And no, I don't live under a rock, seriously ;) I remember seeing the previews for it way back when it first aired, and it looked great, but for some reason I didn't start watching it (I'm sure it involved it being up against something I already watched). But everybody seems to love it...
  3. CTU2fan

    Hooooouse M.D. Season Six!

    It's that time again :D Here's a buttload of trailers/promos, lots of these are pretty much the same of course... YouTube - House MD Season 6 Preview #01 [HQ] YouTube - House MD Season 6 Preview #02 [HQ] YouTube - House MD Season 6 Preview #03 [HQ] YouTube - House M.D. Season 6 Promo #04...
  4. CTU2fan

    Why don't you own/listen to bootlegs?

    I had always assumed that everyone did. Well, not everyone, but certainly everyone here, and in other communities where the existence of boots is common knowledge...but apparently not, since in our "live survivor" discussions it's become apparent that most folks generally only know the official...
  5. CTU2fan

    Thoughts on "Live Survivor"

    Just curious what you guys think should happen in a Live survivor. I know I've talked about it with Ax in the past re: choosing different live arrangements for each song and making downloadable song packages, but it seemed like a lot of work. The way I'm leaning with it is to just do the...
  6. CTU2fan

    Thrilledge! Help vote Lastings Milledge into the MLB All Star game

    The Official Site of Major League Baseball: Events: 2009 All-Star Game Sprint Online Ballot: Registration Join the wave, spread the word. Vote for Thrilledge.
  7. CTU2fan

    FOX - Racist bastards?

    So I'm watching TV last night, and the President is on, and as we all well know when he's on, he's ON. All 4 networks, no exceptions (trust me, Bush has pre-empted House and induced copious swearing around my house). But I flip past FOX, no Obama, they're showing one of their regular shows...
  8. CTU2fan

    Elevation vs. Vertigo vs. Sexy Boots

    Seems like U2 has felt like having one of these on each album lately. You know, somewhat forced up tempo rocker written expressly as a concert opener, generally piss-weak know what I'm talking about. So, which one do you like the most/dislike the least?
  9. CTU2fan

    NLOTH lossless has leaked

    In case anyone hasn't seen this, it's on demonoid now.
  10. CTU2fan

    Something different - Van Diemen's Land cover

    PS22 Chorus - Van Diemen's Land I thought this was pretty neat...
  11. CTU2fan

    Gatorade "Holy Grail" ad

    Has anyone seen this? Quest for the G
  12. CTU2fan

    Anyone download a fake leak?

    I did :( and it was Barney. Yes that Barney, big purple guy that kids like. Kind of funny actually.
  13. CTU2fan

    Bootleg recommendation/discussion thread (non-U2)

    Not sure if this is cool or not...guess I'll find out. But I know we had some bootleg discussions in the R.E.M. album thread so I thought this might be interesting. Simply post a bootleg/concert recording (hopefully something we can get hold of) and maybe a quick note why it's awesome (great...
  14. CTU2fan

    If U2 were the Village People...

    Who would they dress up as? Edge would clearly be the FIREMAN
  15. CTU2fan

    The Mist (Stephen King)

    Went to see this last night. I actually liked it, a lot. It stayed pretty true to the story which was nice, and I thought overally it was pretty well-done; the sound when they were out in the mist was all close and echo-less, like when you're in real fog. Nice touch. BUT...I hated the...
  16. CTU2fan

    Cop Watch LA Caught a bit about this on TV last night. Definite left slant here that might turn some people off, but the idea of a site dedicated to monitoring police activity seems like a good one. I also liked the bit covering what your rights are when stopped by an officer...
  17. CTU2fan

    Hooouse, MD Season 4

    September 25, or 4 weeks from tomorrow, counting down the days...saw the previews last night. Not sure how it'll be without Foreman, Cameron, and Chase...but really House, Cuddy, and Wilson make the show so it should be good.
  18. CTU2fan

    My audio list (again), up for trades?

    OK here we go...and instead of the long posts I'm linking to my list this time. Up for anything I don't have (new shows, new sources, upgrades). Please remember "no torrents" on my list means 1:1 trades ONLY (no hub, servers, torrents, ysi, mp3 etc). I'm not Premium so just email...
  19. CTU2fan

    What would/should U2's "festival setlist" be?

    So as I watched this & that band on Live Earth I got to thinking...if U2 had done LE, or if they ever play another "event-type" thing like Live8 or whatever, say they get a 5-song set, what should they play? Remember they'd be playing to a crowd of largely non-diehard U2 fans, so while some of...
  20. CTU2fan

    The legacy of President George W. Bush

    What will it be? How will history view the GWB Presidency in 10, 20, 50 years? He's still got a year & a half to go but right now what stands out to me is (of course) Iraq and his appointments to the SCOTUS. I think it's interesting to look at Bush because he's a pretty unpopular President...
  21. CTU2fan

    Why are you what you are, politically?

    I mean, not what is it about your political philosophy that appeals to you, rather what is it about you that draws you to a particular political view. I guess for me it comes down to, you know when you were a kid and somebody (Mom or Dad probably) told you "life isn't fair". That always...
  22. CTU2fan

    What's your favorite scary movie?

    Classic or new, as many as you want... Night of the Living Dead Texas Chainsaw Massacre Exorcist Halloween Nightmare on Elm Street Scream Saw Probably more...
  23. CTU2fan

    Another Time, Another Place appreciation thread

    Because I don't know if we've ever had one...ATAP just flat out rocks. Highly underrated U2 song, nice & raw.
  24. CTU2fan

    Bones: Season 2

    Anybody else watch Bones? I've been hooked since it started and I haven't seen a thread in here. I actually went out & read a bunch of Kathy Reichs' books, I just couldn't get enough of Tempe Brennan.
  25. CTU2fan

    All I Want Is You -> Bad, 1989-10-20 Sydney is...

    The. Best. Transition. Ever. No question about it, it flat out rocks. If you haven't heard this get it ASAP. The boot called "In the Name of Sydney" is probably the best recording available.
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