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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. D

    U2 GA Ticket Policy`

    Here is the link:
  2. D

    Change of subject....

    We are bagged. So we cannot talk about his butt anymore...on to how he smells now girls. :shrug:
  3. D

    Picture of Bono's Butt

    There is a rumor that some tabloid called the Sun or the Phoenix in the UK put a picture of Bono's naked arse in their magazine. Is this true and if so, I want to see it..if someone has it, can they send it to me via email? thanks.
  4. D

    Anyone want to trade a GA 5/28 in Boston for GA 5/24 in Boston?

    If interested, please respond to this post. Thanks. :wink: :adam: :larry: :edge: :bono: :p
  5. D

    I have an Extra GA for Boston 5/24..

    Anyone interested in trading or purchasing it. I am looking for a GA for 5/28 to trade or you can buy the GA for 5/24 from me. Email me at if you are interested. Thanks.. U2 rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:love: :rockon: :dancing: :applaud:
  6. D

    How to meet the band....

    Here is a good tip to meet the band....act calm and cool. If you freak out, they won't stay with the fans or come out to greet you at all. They always come to greet their fans as long as everyone remains calm and does not scream, etc. I know it is hard girls not to scream, but believe me...
  7. D

    Met Bono last year in front of studio

    Hi, I met Bono twice in front of their studio in Dublin. I also met Adam and the Edge. Bono is very nice, he is funny, charming, very nice to fans. He takes pics, and talks to the fans. He is very gorgeous in person. I had him sign a picture I had..the one with him in the bathtub, smoking...
  8. D

    I met Bono, Adam, and Edge last year!

    My dreams came true last May when my friend and I went to Dublin and waited out in front of U2's studio and met the band. Adam was the first one out. He is so cool and down to earth. Then, the Edge came out. He is very nice as well, but much more reserved. I think he is shy. Adam came...
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