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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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  1. nurse chrissi

    The 'I didn't expect the album to be this great' thread

    because I didn't and I'm now really happy - the song seem to be getting better with repeated listening
  2. nurse chrissi

    U2 1/28/09
  3. nurse chrissi

    Edge's Birthday Party

  4. nurse chrissi

    Superdome Pregame Show pictures

  5. nurse chrissi

    MERGED ----> U2 to record with Green Day ? + are the hardcore green day fans...

    U2 to record with Green Day ? found this over on u2log U2 to record with Green Day ? fabienne // 06-09-06 // 07:19 PM // Comments (0) Well, that is what Bono told this afternoon over the phone to Michka Assayas -...
  6. nurse chrissi

    Edge likes play dates

    Found this random U2 news over at Showbiz Ireland website It's not everyday a star with the celebrity magnitude of Pamela Anderson lands on the doorstep of ShowBiz Ireland in Temple Bar so here's a big thanks to the U2 boys for putting her up at their plush Clarence Hotel! PAMELA ANDERSON WITH...
  7. nurse chrissi

    New slightly less vague news from

    19.06.2006 The weeks ahead Word is that it shouldn't be too long before we get more news on the postponed Vertigo Tour dates. Arthur Fogel from TNA, the international promoters of U2’s Vertigo Tour told this week, “We've been working hard to get news for ticket holders and we hope to...
  8. nurse chrissi

    MERGED-->Name that tune ( + Songs played before U2 take the stage!

    Name that tune ( just posted a list of songs that were played over the PA during the first leg of the tour - I think we figured out most of these last year but there are few that I hadn't seen before Name That Tune Some of you have been in touch to ask for details about tracks...
  9. nurse chrissi

    looking for an Edge picture

    I'm looking for this photograph - any help would be great :D
  10. nurse chrissi

    with or without beanie

    I know it's not Friday but I figured an extra Edge themed thread couldn't be a bad thing beside we've not had any new news in a couple of weeks and that has basically left me......edgy so post some unique Edge pictures (preferably beanie-less) my one request is this - the picture from the...
  11. nurse chrissi

    Willie Williams - latest journal entry 3.15.06

    on a whim I checked the tour sections and found a new journal entry - Once again I completely :heart: Willie 15.03.2006 Sydney I was planning on resurrecting the tour diary today, being the day we were scheduled to fly to Auckland for the load-in tomorrow. However, it’s now old news that the...
  12. nurse chrissi

    sugar popping dropping sprock and roll

    sprocks:drool: post em if you've got em
  13. nurse chrissi

    Bono's hair

    this thread is dedicated to Bono hair in all various shapes, colors, and products post away ladies :drool:
  14. nurse chrissi

    Leather Day - Bono and Friends

    the new pictures with the talented and lovely Salma Hayek acted as an inspiration for this week's leather day - Post pictures of Bono with other famous people (not a hard task at all :shifty: ) Play nice :D
  15. nurse chrissi

    rolling stone interview with Edge (grammy preview)

    old interview but I had not seen the last question about new album ideas :hmm: mods please merge if needed
  16. nurse chrissi

    Grammy pre-show pictures + Rehearsal Pictures

    Grammy pre-show pictures might as well get this thread started now I found these over at wireimage :lmao: this is the tagline - honestly U2's dressing room The 48th Annual GRAMMY Awards - Backstage - Day 1 - February 05, 2006 I'm sure this thread will eventually have actual...
  17. nurse chrissi

    Moobday - Larry Mullet Jr.

    Borrowing Edgette’s new phrase let’s post pictures of Larry sporting his new longer ‘do :D
  18. nurse chrissi

    The PLEBAn Guide-EVERYTHING you need to know about picture posting and beyond...

    Advice to new PLEBAns out there Advice to new PLEBAns out there It seems that we have a bunch of new ladies (and men too) posting in PLEBA lately. This is a very god thing since it means that either U2 is gaining new members or PLEBA’s reputation as a great place to find good pictures and in...
  19. nurse chrissi

    Edge at Sundance

    I know that a couple of these have been posted in other threads but I thought since there are so many pictures :hyper: it would be best to have a separate thread I have no problem with anyone saving the pictures but please don't hotlink :)
  20. nurse chrissi

    Yacht Rock

    Yacht Rock A friend of mine sent this to me last week and while it is ridiculously stupid it is also damn funny. Enjoy
  21. nurse chrissi

    A Christmas Story

    This Christmas I was prepared to throw myself a full on, no holds barred “I’m miserable and sad” pity party since I had to work Christmas Eve and Christmas Day night shift from 1900-0700. While my friends and family gathered around to celebrate and in general have good times and merriment I was...
  22. nurse chrissi

    Best part of the tour to see u2

    out of the current tour (legs 1-3) what do you think was the best time to see the band live? For the most part we know that seeing the band in a city with multiple shows *can* be the best way to see some setlist variety but when do you think the tour peaked this year? discuss:D
  23. nurse chrissi

    Edge in the new Rolling Stone

    Big pictures - sorry
  24. nurse chrissi

    Report from the Atlanta Soundcheck

    I got this article in the bunch of google news articles that I get sent to my email - this guy did the catering for the Vertigo Crew "As we began serving dinner to the crew, U2 took the stage for their sound check. This was...
  25. nurse chrissi

    an interesting new iPod accessory

    From Radar Magazine iPleasure The iPod nation silently stalks across the landscape. With white cords hanging from their ears and blank expressions hanging from their faces, the beat is their secret. Now, say goodbye to all...
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