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  1. rivergoat

    Did I miss the "I really hate this album" thread?

    I browsed back a few pages, didn't see one. I am wondering if I somehow got a joke copy of SOI, because I don't hear one original or even interesting tune on SOI. What gives? This will be the first U2 album I will not have in my collection in over 30 years of being a fan. No wonder they gave it...
  2. rivergoat

    Moved some pictures...

    ... that I had posted in some very old threads. I was searching my name to find a very old post when I realized all my old picture links were broken. So here's the links to the photobucket albums, if anyone is interested: U2 magazine pics mid-1980's (NOTE: I no longer have the originals) U2...
  3. rivergoat

    Beautiful Day in Wrigley Field commercial

    Has anyone seen this? Full song - nothing but a huge ad for Wrigley Field. Guess they gotta make money somehow these days. BTW, I saw it on youtube.
  4. rivergoat

    It's Offical: I MUST be a redneck!

    You know you're a redneck if your life sounds like a country song. Okay, here goes... (tl;dr - check the spoilers! The last one sums everything up!) One of my best friends has been married to a guy since last fall and has only spent 5 weeks with him, and only five of those days as a married...
  5. rivergoat

    Don't let the turtle distract you!

    Can anyone explain these pics? I took them off the side of a bridge that goes across a river about a half-mile from my house. This is a back-country city - way out in the sticks. I'm flummoxed. goat
  6. rivergoat

    Automatically going to another page

    The last couple of days, I have been having problems with the forum. I click to go to a page, and suddenly I get forwarded to another blank page that never seems to load. If I hit the back button, I go to the page I was originally trying to get to, but most of the time, it just sends me right...
  7. rivergoat

    Question about Edun merch

    Just curious, if anyone has a clue, how much Edun merch has been sold at U2 shows this tour?
  8. rivergoat


    (I recently found out that one of my friends used to cut themselves. I showed him this poem that I wrote a couple of years ago. At the time, I didn't know anyone who did it (I never have myself). Since then, I've shown this to quite a few people, and I have been amazed at the number of folks who...
  9. rivergoat

    Two Hearts - Have you seen this?????

    WARNING: Actual heart surgery shown!!!! YouTube - "Ross Me, Baby!" This is just too cool. goat
  10. rivergoat

    goat=ass (ATL 11/18-19)

    I know it was a couple of weeks ago, but not even my keyboard is working on my computer at home, so I was really stuck trying to get this whole adventure down. Anyhow, here's the story... Friday 4AM - I still have no running vehicle, so I get on my bicycle in 28-degree-F weather and ride down...
  11. rivergoat

    Need big pic please

    If anyone would be so kind as to post the largest (dimension, not file size) picture of the HTDAAB cover they've got, it would be greatly appreciated! goat (who is taking up the needle and thread again after a 12+ year hiatus)
  12. rivergoat

    Thought y'all might... (big graphics!)

    want a look at what I've been doing... I'm mailing my sister 5 CDs that I put together of U2 stuff (mostly music, some video and whatnot). I decided that I was going to make some covers for them as well, so naturally, I went overboard. After banging my head around for a while, I decided to just...
  13. rivergoat

    Big head request

    I'm looking for any and all pictures of the 'big heads' of the guys - especially a full-size version of this one: Anything you have would be much appreciated! The only decent-sized one I've been able to find is this one: Thanks in advance guys! goat
  14. rivergoat

    I swear I am not making this up...

    Dave Barry is retiring... sort of. Here's part his latest (last?) article: Dave Barry at The Miami Herald goat
  15. rivergoat

    Maybe a complete waste of time....

    ...but I love a challenge and fixing those pics of Bono and Bob reminded me of some pictures I had seen on here that were slathered in watermarks. I wondered if I could clean them up and make them look good... I searched for non-watermarked posts of them but did not find any. So I just did two...
  16. rivergoat

    Wake Up Dead Man!!!

    There's a HUGE amount of stuff 'buried' under the vocals and music on this track (the Pop album). Van Dieman's Land IS buried under it, in its entirety, and a whole bunch of other things which just HAD to be put in there as a joke! I just ran through it again today for the hell of it, and found...
  17. rivergoat Revamped and relaunched on Sept. 23 to coincide with the release of Vertigo! Go have a peek! (Is this is the right forum?) }:)~
  18. rivergoat

    Free market research

    You know that ANY bit of information about the new album is just going to be beaten to death on U2 fan forums - beaten, smacked, hugged, loved, twisted, turned, slobbered on and slavered over warm toast. I'm just wondering how much U2 and Principle are paying attention to places like this when...
  19. rivergoat

    Laugh of today

    Advertisement in today's newspaper: }:)~
  20. rivergoat

    Love Poem

    Note: I found this poem in the December 24, 1859 edition of Harper's Weekly. There was no author's credit listed. I just like the marvelous play on words... read it out loud! Love Poem He struggled to kiss her, she struggled the same To prevent him so bold and undaunted; But, as smitten by...
  21. rivergoat

    Questions from a complete idiot

    I have no clue whatsoever about burning audio to CD... alright, I know how to do it, but there a few simple(minded) questions I have, and I just don't know where to get straight answers. So I'll plague y'all with them. I will preface my questions by saying I'm not talking about mp3s here...
  22. rivergoat

    Grace/Time Passages

    Random thought... Whenever I hear the opening notes to "Grace" it always reminds me of Al Stewart's song "Time Passages" }:)~
  23. rivergoat

    The origin of the word POSH

    Apparently, it's an acronym which stands for: P - port O - outbound S - starboard H - homebound in reference to which side of the boat the sun shone on on cross-Atlantic voyages (Europe to America). Supposedly, the wealthy folks who cruised alot would forget whether they were coming or going...
  24. rivergoat

    Rolling Stone Mar09 1989 - Reader's choice awards

    This issue was for the Reader's and Critic's picks for the 'best of...' 1988. U2 was chosen Band of the Year (no surprise) and there was an article about them. Bono was on the cover (below). This article is not available on, nor is the cover, for some odd reason. The...
  25. rivergoat

    Quotes from old U2 articles

    Not sure where I should post this... I recently scanned and posted a bunch of old pics in PLEBA, from a small collection of pop-rag magazine articles I had torn out of the magazines back in 1984-85 (or thereabouts). I got to thinking that perhaps some of the quotes from these articles probably...
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