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  1. pax

    Happy Birthday Moonlit Angel!

    Have a great one! :)
  2. pax

    Ramadan and High Holy Days

    I think it's interesting that Ramadan and the High Holy Days (for persons of the Muslim and Jewish faiths respectively) fall around the same time this year. Anyway, wishing our Muslim and Jewish post-ers blessed and prayerful holy days. :up: Rosh Hashanah kicks off the High Holy Days today...
  3. pax

    Wake Up, Vatican...Gay Priests Are NOT the Problem! Eleven priests in one Archdiocese alone have been removed from pastoral duties due to more allegations of sexual abuse of children.
  4. pax

    The Official "Pick the Next SCOTUS Nominee" FYM Thread

    Please insert your educated guesses, wild speculations, and deepest, darkest fantasies about the next SCOTUS nominee here. Want someone who will suspend habeas corpus and personally erect a stone tablet with the 10 Commandments on it in your front yard? Or do you fancy someone who counts...
  5. pax

    It's Officially My New Flat

    I signed the lease and paid the deposit today. In Ewen's honour (!), I will henceforth refer to it as my new flat. :sexywink:
  6. pax

    Oh, How Do You Solve a Problem Like Katrina?

    (Please forgive the choir nerd pun in the subject line. Cujo would be proud.) So now that many of New Orleans' poor residents have fled to Houston and reconstruction plans (or at least speculations) have begun to surface, undoubtedly the pundits and "experts" will propose myriad solutions to...
  7. pax

    Travel Tips: Exchanging Multiple Currencies?

    Need some help from the Interland world travelers here... For my trip next month, I'll need to be carrying pounds, dollars, and Euros. I've heard that it's a bad idea to exchange currency at the airport (in my case JFK) because you won't get a good exchange rate. How have you dealt with this...
  8. pax

    Happy Birthday, Irvine511!

    A guy no one should mess with in FYM...hbd! :D
  9. pax

    Happy Birthday, LivLuvandBootlegMusic!

    Just saw your name on the list...hbd. :D
  10. pax

    California Legislature OKs Gay Marriage Bill Can't believe no one has posted this yet! :D Granted, Schwarzenegger is under a lot of pressure to veto, but in CA, a veto of such a bill might well be politically disastrous. Let's hope he does the right thing.
  11. pax

    Bush Nominates Roberts to Replace Rehnquist as Chief Justice

    So...what do y'all think? :scratch: I wasn't really anti-Roberts very much; I was of the belief that we could have done far worse in terms of ideology, and it's hard to argue with the man's qualifications. And Lord knows the prospect of Chief Justice Antonin Scalia scared the hell out of me...
  12. pax

    Counting Our Blessings

    I think one thing we can all agree on here in FYM is that it's been one hell of a week for news. --At least 1,000 dead from the stampede in Iraq. --No end in sight for coalition troops stationed in Iraq or currently being deployed. --Possibly thousands dead as a result of Hurricane Katrina...
  13. pax

    Bush Disapproval Rating Now Over 50%

    Oh sure, NOW you disapprove. When it's too frickin' late. :angry:
  14. pax

    Happy Birthday, MonaVox!

    I doubt she'll actually see this, but anyone who remembers Mona...say HBD!!!
  15. pax

    Some Good News: 25th Anniversary of Solidarity

    Lech Walesa (a man who should be known to all U2 fans!) and Polish people everywhere observe 25 years since the Solidarity strikes. :)
  16. pax

    A Harmony in Living

    Marriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred. It is an association that promotes a way of life, not causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths; a bilateral loyalty, not commercial or social projects. Yet it is an...
  17. pax

    Frames Fans in the Philly area: TLA 10/15

    Hello all! Got an e-mail yesterday saying that tickets go on sale at 12 noon tomorrow for the Frames' show at TLA in Philadelphia on Saturday, October 15. Some of you may remember that I was supposed to go in February and my friend got sick at the last minute...well, I'm not missing out this...
  18. pax

    IO: Liberated

    My boss has officially approved my vacation requests to go to Scotland. :D Would've sucked if he hadn't, huh? :kiss: to Ewen and an affectionate :up: to my nice boss
  19. pax

    Toothpaste for Dinner I haven't laughed-until-I-cried like this since...well, since Ewen told me this really long joke last week, but believe me, you may just wet yourself at this website.
  20. pax

    Fun with Santorum: My Weather Service Is Better than Yours HOW many days until the 2006 elections?? :banghead:
  21. pax

    I made an idiot out of myself!

    The department secretary came over and asked me the simplest question about some fixes to a text that I needed made, and I completely blanked thoughts are so scattered today. I spluttered and "um"d and "uh"d and she probably thinks I'm a complete ditz. I just could not articulate what...
  22. pax

    Oh's joyfulgirl's birthday!

    Happy birthday to a consistently outstanding Interlander. :yes: Have a great one, Martha! :)
  23. pax


    Years ago, you learned to build bridges. Math and ambition worked between stone and concrete to join what was separate, to cross and stay dry. I like to imagine you this way, when distance, in your mind, was simply a problem to be solved. You tell me: I can take you anywhere in my country and...
  24. pax

    For those of you who think AI is anti-American...

    ...take a look at this story. Just goes to show that Amnesty takes on human rights abusers everywhere and is truly apolitical. :up:
  25. pax

    I Officially Demand Answers

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