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  1. B

    (RED) Vanity Fair!

    Just heard that the July issue of Vanity Fair will go (RED) with Bono as guest editor. Issue is on the newstands in June.
  2. B

    Oprah (Red) Repeat

    Just in case you missed it, on Monday, 12/18 Oprah will be repeating the Product (Red) episode with Bono!
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    Bono in Chicago Next Week!

    Just heard that Bono will be on the Oprah show next Friday the 13th (show tapes 10/12)!!!
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    Bono at Davos Summit?

    Anyone see or hear if Bono is at the Davos summit this year? I think it's going on now and I heard there is supposed to be a big announcement re a program he is working on with different companies. If it's announced there, I'm guessing he will be involved.
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    Bono at end of COBL

    During the SJ2 show, Bono was on his knees at the end of COBL repeating something over and over (imagine he's doing this at most shows). I couldn't quite make it out then but have since listened to an mp3 of it and it sounds like he's repeating 'protect me from what I want,' alternating with...
  6. B

    MERGED --> SAN JOSE 4/10 Pictures

    SAN JOSE 4/10 - Front row and center! Want to begin by saying that my expectations for a great spot at the Sunday show were not that high because I was on the front rail of the ellipse on Saturday night and had an amazing time. Getting in to the arena was a breeze and Bono even took my friend...
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    MERGED --> Oakland in November + Oakland.. NO TICKETMASTER + oakland general sale

    Oakland in November I was told by a work contact who is in media that U2 will play the Oakland Arena on Nov 8 & 9. I don't believe this to be a rumour cause this guy is pretty connected and he told me that he's already preordered tickets from Clear Channel for clients. Great news for those of...
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    Anyone heard anything about Seattle on sale date?

    Wondering if anyone has heard anything about on sale date for the Seattle show?
  9. B

    VH1's 'Big in 2004' Awards

    The band opened the 'VH1 Big in 2000' awards show with Beautiful Day just a few months after the debut of the single. Has anyone heard if they'll be playing at this year's show?
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