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  1. JimmyO

    Last Song Before Taking the Stage?

    My deepest apologies if this has been covered already, but I haven't been able to find this information after a search... I just got back from the Buffalo show, and was wondering what the last song was on the house system before U2 took the stage. I know those songs are usually the same from...
  2. JimmyO

    Passengers Radio Documentary - 2CD

    Up for auction on eBay: Passengers: Original Soundchat 1, a UK promo-only 2CD radio documentary sent to radio stations in 1995 around the release of OST1. Over an hour of interviews with Bono, Edge, Adam & Larry, as well as Pavarotti, Howie B, Brian Eno & Holi. Island Records catalogue # OST2...
  3. JimmyO

    An idea, since there are already so many forums... (cross-posted to correct forum)

    ...and dissatisfation/satisfaction with setlists appears to be among the most divisive issues on these here boards, what's one more? I propose creating a forum for the sole purpose of complaining about setlist length/variety. And those that like to refute such arguments can post there, too...
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