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  1. P

    Rolling Stone interview with U2

    Anyone already read the new U2 story in RollingStone? Was wondering if someone could place a link or smth to the full text version
  2. P

    Tour news/rumours

    do we have a thread about tour news and rumours? Today Bono announced on German radio, U2 will play (a) concert(s) in Germany in May 2015. Exciting news!
  3. P

    U2 stadium/festival Tour Europe in 2016?

    Maybe it has been posted somewhere else already? Couldn't find it. But Irish concert promotor talked about possibility of U2 playing Croke Park in 2016 (and explicitely said 2015 is no option). This fits with earlier comments of Dutch Pinkpop Festival director Jan Smeets, who stated that they...
  4. P

    Will U2 Tour in arenas in 2014?

    As it becomes more and more clear that U2 will bring out a new album in the fall of 2013, it makes sense that they will go on tour in 2014! How long on forehand do bands normally start planning a tour? I once heard that that is normally at least one year before. Does that mean contacts with...
  5. P

    police incident in Moscow

    Just saw this on atu2, what do we think about that!?!?!? I think it's a bloody shame. It's that it wouldn't be fair to all those fans, otherwise tehy should cancel the gig. At least Bono should make a very strong statement about that in the show! Or refuse to play until these volunteers are free...
  6. P

    Bono collaboration with Angelique Kidjo

    Did anyone already hear the collaboration of Bono with Angelique Kidjo? See: Ang?lique Kidjo Headlines | Ang?lique Kidjo And what are the opinions about it? I think it's great. I like the Mayfield cover. I have to admit that until recently I never heard about Kidjo, but also the rest of this...
  7. P

    Week 49 - 52 - a full year!

    Hey, here the Dutch update for week 49-52. NLOTH is exactly one year charting! Quite amazing, and I think the only country where it still is charting (correct me if I am wrong). However a long way to go to reach the 68 or 77weeks of HTDAAB and ATYCLB... weeks 49-52: 62-62-68-73
  8. P

    Week 48

    Netherlands, NLOTH: 65 (78) Highest position since week 33 in the Netherlands. There is a big jojo-effect. I think it says a lot about the weak album sales in the 2nd region of the top 100. Seems that hundred copies more or less make a big difference
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    Week 47

    NLOTH Netherlands: 78 (79)
  10. P

    Week 45 & 46

    Netherlands: NLOTH: week 45: #88 week 46: #79 Is it the only list where NLOTH still charts??
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    Week 44

    Netherlands: NLOTH 74 (73) still there!
  12. P

    Worst U2 song of the decade

    Based on the results of the topic 'worst 10 U2 songs of the decade' I want to find out what's the worst, or less favourite, U2 song of the decade by interferers... These are the rules: - you are only allowed to choose from the 20 songs out of this list. These are the most mentioned songs out of...
  13. P

    Week 43

    In the Netherlands: 1 (1) Susan Boyle - I dreamed a dream ( P A T H E T I C ) 73 (77) U2 - No Line On The Horizon For those with arguments about christmas shoppings: this list includes sales after christmas.
  14. P

    Top selling albums of the decade in Netherlands, UK and...

    Here the top selling albums of the decade in The Netherlands: Including 36 Dutch artists. U2 is at 16 (HTDAAB), 17 (ATYCLB) and 80 (NLOTH). Only counting international acts they would be at 11, 12 and 49. Not a bad decade. # Artist Title 1 Katie Melua - Piece By Piece 2 Norah Jones -...
  15. P

    Worst 10 U2 songs of the decade

    Thought this might be fun too... choose your 10 less favourite U2 songs from the decade. These are the ones that I skip on my iPod: Wild Honey New York When I Look At The world Elevation One step closer crumbs from your table a man and a woman vertigo miracle drug love and peace or else...
  16. P

    Week 42

    No Line On The Horizon Last week back in the top 100 on number 100. This week it increases 23 places in the Netherlands! 77 (100) The reason probably is that it ended very high on several year-lists from music critics in newspapers.
  17. P

    Best song of the decade

    Besides 'best album' we should also vote for best U2 song of the decade! Go ahead! ai I wanted to add a poll, but don't know how to do it... Or maybe I can't since I am not a paid member? oops...
  18. P

    Week 39

    NLOTH Netherlands: 92 (93)
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    Week 36

    Netherlands: 61 (20) 2 The Unforgettable Fire 71 (75) 36 No Line On The Horizon For every 100 'This Is It' albums (present number 1), 3 Unforgettable Fire and 2 No Line On the horizon copies were sold.
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    Week 35

    Netherlands: 20 (-) The Unforgettable Fire, 25th anniversary edition. 75 (73) No Line On The Horizon
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    week 34

    netherlands: 73 (63)
  22. P

    best/worst performance of a song of the tour

    i'm curious about your opinion. Worst performance of a song: for me, this has to be 'with or without you' Such a great and meaningful song, but I feel the performace was really uninspired. Bono playing with this hanging mic inspiration and on a routine basis. it has been way better...
  23. P

    Bono On Roger Moore and Jay-Z in Rolling Stone

    When I read this I was sure. bono is the best anecdote-teller I can imagine..
  24. P

    Performing full album sequences

    I know it will probably never ever happen, since for U2 changing the order of two songs is already concerned as 'mixing up the setlist', but wouldn't it be cool if U2 did something like this? Imagine Achtung Baby or The Joshua Tree performed from beginning till end~!
  25. P

    U2 and Pussycat dolls

    I'm not a fan of Pussycat dolls, but if they let U2 doing the music and do what they are good in you get this: YouTube - U2 Get on your boots(Sexy Pussycat dolls Show off mix)
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