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  1. S

    New King Kong Movie (kk3???)

    Well rather humorously in the mid 90s Peter Jackson had approached Universal about remaking King Kong. He even went so far as to complete a script and had several sculptures done of what he wanted Kong and The Dinosaurs to look like. Producers turned him down, thinking he couldnt handle a big...
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    (12-10-2003) Bono to Appear on Pixies DVD -- *

    Real nice of Bono to even appear in the DVD. Especially after the crap Kim Deal pulled during ZooTV.
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    The Cure Live At Wembley Petition

    No the three Wembley Performances from the 1989 Prayer Tour were recorded for the 89 live LP Entreat. It only has 8 tracks, a far cry from the 35 songs played on the third night.
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    The Cure Live At Wembley Petition

    No problem:) The reason I started the petition is many individuals (myself included) enjoy live music more than studio music. This particular concert for example was fully recorded and only partially released. This has always been a popular concert among Cure fans, as well as Bob himself...
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    The Cure Live At Wembley Petition

    Then why comment on it? It is a trifle bit rude.
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    The Cure Live At Wembley Petition

    Your Point Being??
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    The Cure Live At Wembley Petition

    Hey Folks, I noticed there are alot of other Cure fans on this board. I started up a petition last week to help convince the band to officially release their complete 07/24/89 show at Wembley. Which is considered by many fans to be their greatest concert ever. I would love to get some more...
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    Guns N' Roses. Does anyone like them?

    I was a huge GnR fan back when they existed. That band posing as GnR IS NOT GnR. If Axl went to a vocal instructor, and they reunited the original lineup, then we would have something. --Eric
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    Looking for the Stockholm 1992 Soundboard

    I've heard from a few folks that recently a copy of the Stockholm 06/11/92 show has surfaced duped from the broadcast video that was shown to the MTV Contest Winner. I already have the audience version of this show (Dancing ZooTV) however I would love to get a soundboard copy. Does anyone have...
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    The Echo & The Bunnymen Remasters Rule!

    Alot of U2 fans have told me they have a hard time getting into The Bunnymen because of how nasty Ian McCulloch would be towards U2. However most of his comments are tongue in cheek, he slagged everyone back in the day. "U2 makes music for plumbers, and bricklayers." In recent interviews he has...
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    The Echo & The Bunnymen Remasters Rule!

    Ian McCulloch is truly a great singer. I almost like his voice better than Bono's, almost......
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    The Cure announce Rarities/B-sides Box Set

    Nice to see this longtime promised B-Sides collection finally surface. Between this and the bonus discs on the remasters, Cure fans will have almost 20 new discs of rare, and unheard material to collect in 2004.
  13. S

    Y'know, it pisses me off when extra tracks are added to cd releases of vinyl records

    You have a very good point. Thats why I like what Robert Smith is doing with The Cure remasters, expanding them to two discs each. The first disc being the album, the second disc being related bonus material. A. It doesnt screw up the flow of the album B. Allows more room for bonus material.
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    The Echo & The Bunnymen Remasters Rule!

    There is a good 1985 LP(and its easily found on CD) put out that collected some rare tracks and singles called "Songs To Learn & Sing". Notable tracks on that LP are "The Cutter", "Bring On The Dancing Horses", and "The Killing Moon". "The Killing Moon" is really the bands signature song. Kind...
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    The Echo & The Bunnymen Remasters Rule!

    Just got all five of the Echo & The Bunnymen remasters earlier this week. They are absolutely fantastic. I really recommend picking them up, lots of rare bonus tracks as well. Also U2 is reference a few times in the liner notes. Which brings me to wondering when U2 will remaster their older...
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    ZooTV Wembley Stadium Shows

    Hehehe Nothing stopping the band from leaking it and letting nature take its course:) BTW maybe someone could answer something for me. Why was Sydney chosen as the location for the ZooTV TV Broadcast? I like Sydney and all, but Wembley Stadium just kicks ass. Some of the all time best concert...
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    ZooTV Wembley Stadium Shows

    Slane would be nice. However in the future it would be nice to have a little more live releases from past tours.
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    ZooTV Wembley Stadium Shows

    Anyone kind of wish that U2 might release a live album of one of the shows at Wembley Stadium from 1993? Especially considering those were some of the best performances of the tour, not to mention rare performances of Babyface and Zooropa. Sure the audience bootlegs are nice, but an officially...
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    (08-27-2003) The Edge is #24 on Rolling Stone Guitar Great List - Rolling Stone *

    Precisely, its not that Oasis or Radiohead are bad bands (okay Oasis is:) I just don't particularly care for them. Obviously alot of other people do. Eric
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    (08-27-2003) The Edge is #24 on Rolling Stone Guitar Great List - Rolling Stone *

    I don't really care for Radiohead. IMO they are one of the most monotonous and overrated bands this side of Oasis.
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    (08-27-2003) The Edge is #24 on Rolling Stone Guitar Great List - Rolling Stone *

    What is frustrating is that The Edge is better than he lets on. Hopefully he tears into it on the new album and shuts up his critics that he is only good because of his delay pedal.
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    (08-27-2003) The Edge is #24 on Rolling Stone Guitar Great List - Rolling Stone *

    Once again I will reiterate "WHERE THE HELL IS SLASH?!?!?!" Slash is definitely one of the all time greats and he didnt even crack the top 100 according to Rolling Stone. Also The Edge is in a pretty good spot, maybe a little too high, many others have much better technical skill. However The...
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    (08-27-2003) The Edge is #24 on Rolling Stone Guitar Great List - Rolling Stone *

    Those are all mainstream bands. Besides AC/DC isnt British, they're Australian. I'm refering to real alternative bands like The Smiths, Echo & The Bunnymen, Joy Division, and The Cure. Those bands blow away The White Stripes any day.
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    (08-27-2003) The Edge is #24 on Rolling Stone Guitar Great List - Rolling Stone *

    I've got to bitch again. WHY THE HELL IS SLASH NOT ON THE LIST? I can understand why they left off Johnny Marr, Robert Smith, Bernard Sumner, and Porl Thompson, since Rolling Stone has never paid any attention to the guitar rock/alternative bands of Britain. However leaving Slash off is just a...
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    (08-27-2003) The Edge is #24 on Rolling Stone Guitar Great List - Rolling Stone *

    Umm.....where the hell is Slash! He should bloody well be in the top five. And why the hell are Kurt Cobain and Jack White even on the list, let alone in the top 50. Its an absurd travesty. If I hear one more thing about the White Stripes I swear I will drown myself in a toilet bowl. What a...
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