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  1. lmjhitman

    Spoon - Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

    thanks for the heads up, impy. :up:
  2. lmjhitman

    Your 2007 concert calendar.

    i think you meant to post the dancing elephant, impy. i'll say hi to her for you. :sexywink:
  3. lmjhitman

    Your 2007 concert calendar.

    metric tomorrow feist on friday the-boy-who-might-be-trying-to-date-me's band on saturday :woo:
  4. lmjhitman

    depressing music?

    patty griffin [/thread]
  5. lmjhitman

    Austin City Limits Music Festival 2007

    goddammit, impy. i hate you. no, i really don't. but i kinda do. wow.
  6. lmjhitman

    Why don’t we go around and everybody say a race that you are attracted to sexually?

    don't knock the indians, puppyman. there are some hot ones around here. :flirt: i've always been partial to blue-eyed blonds or pasty-faced anglo saxons that said, i wouldn't turn down johnny depp if he came around. :sexywink:
  7. lmjhitman

    "radiohead's next album" countdown and anticipation thread - part ii

    calm down, everyone. no need to get your knives out.
  8. lmjhitman

    so, i think it's about time that i got into broken social scene

    i have taught you well, grasshopper. :sexywink: it's about time, puppyman. to get into bss, you must go in this order: 1) you forgot it in people 2) broken social scene 3) beehives 4) feel good lost heed my words, puppyman, this is the way it must be.
  9. lmjhitman

    Interpol's 3rd Album (for those out of the loop)

    did you see my journal jintheb? :happy: also, here's a radio rip of the new single: hxxp:// (get rid of the xx's and replace them with... you know)
  10. lmjhitman

    Happy Birthday Zonelistener

    happy birthday, zonemeister!! ~hit-chk!chk!chk! :sexywink:
  11. lmjhitman

    Interpol's 3rd Album (for those out of the loop)

    some shitass live video of some kickass new songs: the heinrich maneuver the taper stops taping midway through the song where there's a break. the song actually continues and gets even better. :drool: pioneer to the falls i felt you so much today... : swoon : mammoth i wouldn't even...
  12. lmjhitman

    Interpol's 3rd Album (for those out of the loop)

    the heinrich maneuver and pioneer to the falls are stellar tracks. to say that i can't wait for this to drop is like, the biggest understatement of the year. :heart: interpol :heart:
  13. lmjhitman

    Anyone else seeing Grindhouse friday???

    thing is, would they gain an audience by doing this? anyone that wants to see either of these movies, will be willing to sit three+ hours in a movie seat, and probably already has. i've seen most of the tarantino movies in the theatre and this is the first time that i haven't seen anyone walk...
  14. lmjhitman

    Fake Plastic Trees vs. Exit Music

    ah yes! but gravity always wins great line right there. thanks, i love it too! and thanks for giving me an excuse to post the whole picture---which i couldn't crop to a suitable avatar-size without it being microscopic. :angry: she is so. damn. cool. alright everyone, move along, there's...
  15. lmjhitman

    Deathbear Threads

    i thought it would be a lovely trip when bear proposed it. and then it all went horribly, horribly wrong. i think bear had a good time though. you should also beware if he asks you to meet him behind the dairy twist. it may sound like good clean fun with dessert and stuff, but... :(
  16. lmjhitman

    Interference's 250 Greatest Songs Evah!!!/You Must Own

    106. let down - radiohead 107. lover's spit - broken social scene 108. ageless beauty - stars 109. glósóli - sigur rós 110. no cars go (neon bible version) - arcade fire
  17. lmjhitman

    johnny boy

    that crazy kieran mckorkindale!! :happy: this is really fantastic. he needs to recommend more stuff to us. *edit: k, i'm listening to it again... kind of an amped up version of that camera obscura song that someone recommended to me so long ago. i'll definitely seek this one out.
  18. lmjhitman

    Fake Plastic Trees vs. Exit Music

    i love exit music, but fake plastic trees is more my style. and it wears me out, it wears me out... and if i could be who you wanted, if i could be who you wanted all the time... story of my life, right there.
  19. lmjhitman

    Anyone else seeing Grindhouse friday???

    i went in knowing how cool rose and her maching gun leg would be, and ended up leaving thinking that zoe bell is the shit. she (and kurt russell's performance) totally rocked 'death proof'. :up: 'i'm fine!'
  20. lmjhitman

    My early call for album of the year..

    SkeeK always knows best. i'm only 3 songs in and this is really, really lovely. good call. :up:
  21. lmjhitman

    Very Important Question

    lemonmacphisto is totally winning me over. smartassiness :drool:
  22. lmjhitman

    The Office Part 2: Ain't No Party Like a Scranton Party

    dwight's last line was classic: 'i'm no hero. you know who's a hero? hiro from 'heroes'. that's a hero. also bono.' nice.
  23. lmjhitman

    musicians of the opposite sex that you find attractive

    i know! i read that and had a good laugh. i still think he's a good looking man, i'm just not as, um, enthusiastic about him as i used to be. and i think i posted that before interpol had happened to me.
  24. lmjhitman

    musicians of the opposite sex that you find attractive

    josh homme julian casablancas and... paul banks paul banks paul fucking banks
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